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    Gods' Earth
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    The Bible and the Lord, my family, history, politics, current events, & news.

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  1. Here is another web site all parents should look at. It's very scarey wht is happening to our kids in some of these public schools. Here is the site, www.Ritalindeath.com
  2. :thumb: Could there finally be help for public school kids? Here is the story, http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/qtr1_2003/0211-132.html
  3. I use 3 Bible translations, The King James, The Living Bible-paraphrased by Tyndale, and The Amplified Bible. I do need to get a Bible dictionary and a Bible concordance for study help. Some verses in the King James use early english words from the year 1611. So if I don't understand a verse I'll go to The Living Bible, or the Amplified Bible for better understanding of that particular verse.
  4. I don't know if anyone has ever hear of this ministry before, but it's a good place about the end times and prophecy, www.endtime.com
  5. Is Christ being totally removed from Christmas? Read this page below and please let me know your thoughts, http://www.donina.org/light.index.html
  6. That's a beautiful promise, thanks for that verse Angels. :thumb: May the Lord God bless you, and keep you in His steadfast Love.
  7. Here is another verse related to this topic, it is; Luke 12:33-34
  8. "Do for others what you want them to do for you." Matthew 7:12. "But I say: Love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!" Matthew 5:44. Just thought I put up these Bible verses to encourage everyone.
  9. Has anyone read the Bible verses I posted at the beginning of this thread? If you read them carefully, you will see the path to your own blessings. Try to read them with an open heart, remember that we are to be 'doers of the Word, not hearers only', as it says in the book of James. And I do agree, however, that we can only do the best we can.
  10. John 14:15-16 says, "If you love me, obey me: and I will ask the Father and He will give you another Comforter, and he will never leave you." Does everyone Love Jesus enough to obey Him?
  11. Look at these verses in your Bible; Isaiah 58:6-12, Galatians 2:10, Proverbs 19:17, Matthew 25:31-46. There are some others, but these are the ones that I remember. Anyone else know other Bible verses about feeding and helping the poor? Here is more, Psalms 41:1-3. :thumb:
  12. :???: Doesn't this sound like these scientists are playing God? It does to me. Next thing you know we will have new species of animals, insects, and probably people.
  13. In the book of Acts, I don't recall this "once saved always saved" quote. None of the believers in the early church seemed to say anything about this. I remember people who became 'believers' after hearing the message that either Paul or Peter, gave to the crowd. So I guess that means 'once a believer, always a believer.' Also, I can't remember reading the phrase, "once saved, always saved," anywhere in the New Testament, so it must be a man-made phrase, to get people to argue about the scriptures, which we should not be doing, according to the Bible.
  14. Hopefully, at that time, I will be ready to stand before the Lord. But since he knows my heart, I only hope to be counted worthy to stand before Him. I know that Jesus said, "with God, all things are possible." Only God knows who will be there that day, and who will be counted worthy, but I pray that my name is written in the Lambs Book of Life.
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