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Posts posted by aaronjm

  1. If the United States ever went against Israel, what would Christians do?? I mean if the US joined with the muslims to "destroy israel" as Iran's Lunatic president put it, what would be our responsibilities?

  2. "satan convicting us" I agree with that statement, it's a turning point in a christians life, either you freak out when you see that verse, and seek help or you let it beat you up, and you walk away from God. I can still remember when I went through this, just remember, that only by the Spirit can you say that Jesus is Lord.


  3. what doubts do you have?? maybe we can help clarify some of those doubts. I think all christians go through phases of some doubt, whether it be does God care, is He there, why is this happening to me?? I would just recommend getting back in scripture, there isn't a human that has more knowledge than the Word of God. Take care

    A brother in Christ


  4. I am very interested in things like this. Mecca is a very interesting notion to go on. Do you see Israel as being conquered by Islam. What is the "Time of the Gentiles" and the abomination of desolation, have these things already occured?? I know many people have talked about this, but where does America fit in to revelation?? Does this war on terror have any biblical meanings, or is it just about oil?? My last question is, if America was to turn it's back on Israel, what would the role of Christians be?? Would we be called to help defend the holy land, or just wait... I know of a lot of that has to do with the rapture, but would we be held accountable if we just stayed out of this war completly???

  5. How did the Lord tell you?? Do you actually hear the voice of God?? I honestly dont know if I could handle something like that. I know how I get when I see someone famous, my heart races for days. If I was in the presence of God, forget about it, I would die. If you do hear him, what does he sound like?? I am not making fun of you, I know that God can talk to anyone, I am just curious as to what occurs. Do you go in to a trance? Is it in a dream?? The only way I hear from God is in His word. Out of his word, I have a tough time believing that it is God. How do yoou know that this is God, if it doesn't come true, will you question that voice next time it comes?? God is never wrong, and for this prophecy to be wrong you would have to question the source of your prophecy. Just curious, I know a few people in here claim to be prophets, I am just wondering what occurs. Shalom


  6. I deffinately suffer from this, a lot had to do with my childhood insecurities that turned in to adult insecurities. It comes down to getting those ugly thoughts out of your head, they are not from God, so just ignore them. The thing that helps me the most is knowing that something so huge, and powerful thinks so much of me, has numbered the hairs on my head. You should feel the same way, just remember that all that matters in this world is how you look to Him, everything else shouldn't matter. Walk with your head held high knowing that He loves you, He see's all the good in you..... I will be praying for you.

    A brother in Christ


  7. I think that it is an antichrist, but not The antichrist. Just on the basis of praying to the apostles, worshiping the pope..... my great grandma was STRICT catholic, and she was a fine example of a Christian. I just think they mislead people from true scripture.

  8. I want to acknowledge how Jesus saved me today, but also spread the word on a con artist. I have recently started looking for work, I had a few interviews, but one stands out in my mind. I went in to this interview shaking from head to toe, I thought I was just nervous, but I have never shook like this before. I also had such a bad feeling before during and after the interview. He called me back a few days later to do another interview, which is usually normal, things went better this time, I said I need to discuss this with my wife, and pray about it.... I always do research on companies that I am interested in working with, and I typed in their name, primerica. They have scammed millions of people, millions of dollars. I dont know how this is legal, because they are so deceitful and misleading......when our Glorious Lord returns we wont have to deal with monsters like this. Don't be fooled by these people, they are a part of citibank, which made me think they were legit, but they are not. They wanted to take me and my family for everything that we have. This JERK even spoke about religion with me, the Devil has many disguises. Just be on the lookout, especially if you are looking for work, like a lot of Americans are. Jesus saved me from this trap, Glorious is His Name, Shalom, and God bless.


  9. At times when I pray I feel like I am talking too much, the words Jesus spoke about prayer pop in my mind. When he says the Lords prayer, and then says not to ask for anything because the Father already knows what you need. Lately I have been living by, "thy Will be done" meaning I trust that what God has planned for my life will go according to His plan no matter what I pray about, He already knows..... I am just kind of wondering, if this is the case, do I need to pray for anything?? I will always give praise to Him, and Glorify Him, and be in absolute AWE of his being, but is it neccessary to pray for my mom to be safe, or for that job interview tommorow, or any other need, or should I just be comforted in kowing that He already knows what I need?? Thank you so much for any clarity.

    God Bless


  10. Man I can relate so much to this, my thoughts are VERY disturbing to me, I'm thinking, is this really me, or this Satan....... I have struggled with this for years now. It seriosly has me questioning my salvation at times, I know for a fact that I have accepted Jesus, and accepted meaning every fiber of my being, but when I have these terrible thoughts/visions pop in my head, I wonder if I'm being punished for something, or I've watched too many movies and television....I really dont know. My mother always told me garbage in, garbage out, and when I wasn't saved I watched a lot of violent movies, listened to the wrong music, just lived my life of Sin, I wonder if that is affecting me now.

  11. Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you" 1 John 2:22,26

    The antichrist spirit was already at work in the early Christian Church--deceiving people about the nature of Christ, denying that He came in the flesh:

    "...Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world" 1 John 4:3

    "For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist" 2 John 1"7

    These give me that impression. Read up on JW and mormons, and you will find exactly what John is talking about. I am not saying they are The antichrist, but they are a antichrist defined by their doctrine.

  12. I know very few people in the mormon church, but here are a few of there beliefs that many would find concerning.

    # God

    1. God used to be a man on another planet, Mormon Doctrine, p. 321. Joseph Smith, Times and Seasons, Vol 5, pp. 613-614; Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, Vol 2, p. 345, Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 333.)

    2. "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man

  13. so you are basically talking about mormons, and JW. They both believe in "Jesus" but they claim he was not the son of God. On the surface, these religions seem very christitan, but as you get in deeper you can see right through them, if you have the Spirit. I don't see these two groups as being "satanic" but there is something diffinately wrong in their beliefs.

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