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Posts posted by thunderbyrd

  1. i see in looking over my posts from 2 yrs ago that my thinking has changed alittle. i originally bought into the "95%" hype some, i think. i no longer believe there will be millions and millions of these people in this world. they will probably number in the thousands though. and i know think that whatever they are going to do, it has gone "underground" and people like us won't know anything about what they are doing.

    But i don't doubt at all that they really exist.

  2. NOW HERE IS SOMETHING IMPORTANT: the "indigos" or whatever they are, will practise DECEPTION. this is what it's all about. so here now i give this little speech:

    bank officers learn to spot counterfeit money not by studying counterfeit money, but by studying REAL money. and i beleive the strongest defence against being decieved by counterfeits in these End Times is to be very very familiar with the Real Thing: we need to know the real Jesus, so that we will know a lie when it speaks.

  3. the whole idea really IS ridiculous, but by putting this into the hands of silly new age people, whom the world already looks at as kooks anyway, it makes the real phenomenon, however much of it there really is, invisable.

    the hypers of this thing want to make you think that millions and millions of these children are being born, but i don't beleive it at all. the truly "gifted" (or whatever you want to call it) probably won't number more than a few thousand. i can't see all that they will do in this world, but they will withstand the true Church. they will seek to and will decieve many people.

  4. what happened with the indigos is that the whole idea got hyped and over hyped, to the point of making the whole concept ridiculous. the promoters made statements like "Over 95% of children born today are indigo..." which is totally false. but this gave alot of silly, unknowing parents a different veiw of their children. these parents then told people, "yes, little Miranda is a star child, she is one of the new generation which are the next step in the evolution of our species." Well, if your neighbor told you this about one of her children, what would be your reaction? same as mine :emot-handshake: ,. i'm sure.

  5. Well, WOW.

    i hardly ever come to this message board, but i stopped by here earlier this morning to make a post warning about Oprah's new age deception. and when i came back to see if there were any replies, i find that this 2 yr old thread has resurected this very morning....

    OK, i can take hint!

    so 2 years on, let me tell anyone who is interested how the "indigo children" business is progressing.

    First of all, i need to state that i beleive ADD is a legitamate illness, tho i don't know much about it. i don't know and don't really think that all ADD children are demon possessed, tho i think it's very likely that they are demon OPPRESSED. so are alot of people. i also want to state that i don't think for a second that ADD children, or for that matter even "genuine" indigo children are beyond God's forgiveness. The Word of God is powerful and a parent who will make sure to take up that child with the Word will save that child, i beleive.

    i need to get offline a few minutes, so i'll break this up into several posts...

  6. This is something I have dealt with for a while now. Probably for over a year or two. (Keep in mind I'm 14.)

    Ever since about the 6th grade, I have had a hard time thinking of girls respectfully and would look at dirty magazines, etc. It's been a struggle for a while but it's something I have really improved on as my journey with Christ continues. But I still have a problem with it. It's not porn..never really was. More just the little sports illustrated stuff. I've looked at porn once or twice though. But it's more of a thing like, I'll see a girl at the mall it's really hard not to think of her in a bad way or be like, woah, SHES HOT! I always have to look away or get my mind on something different. It's something that still bugs me today and I'm tired of it affecting my life. I would like to be able to see a somewhat attractive girl at the mall and not think a thing of her but that's still hard for me.

    Do you guys have any ideas or ways I can fix this problem..I pray about it a lot but I want ideas on something I can do.

    Thank you and God Bless,


    Kris, I am almost 45 and have only recently been able to deal with this problem. I would suggest to you that you MAKE time to spend alone with God everyday. Everything and everyone else gets the back seat. I now know that my lust problem wasn't merely sexual, it was spiritual. Like many other addictions, lust can become a way of trying to fill your soul. Its actually an evidence that you need and intimate relationship with God. God created you with this need with the hope that you would seek him. Tell him everything when you are alone with him. Let him know all of your secrets. Don't hide because he knows it all anyway. Habitual sin will cause you to hide from him and rob you of the joy of your salvation. Don't self condemn. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to condemn yourself or put toxic guilt on yourself. The Holy Spirit will convict you but not condemn you. This is where I got it wrong for all of these years. I thought I had to somehow overcome this problem on my own before I could have a relationship with God. WRONG! Repent means to turn from sin TO God. Not just turn from sin. If you have accepted Christ, you are now spotless as if you have never sinned. Satan will do his level best to con you into thinking otherwise. All he can do is lie to you and tell you that you are not clean enough to have an intimate relationship with God. WRONG? Start today. Quit condemning yourself and don't listen to the lying punk Satan anymore. I didn't overcome my lust problem by being strong enough. I overcame it by finally realizing that I could drink from God's well everyday. He fills my thirsty soul so I have no need to try to feed it with lust.. This is the only way to overcome this. You can't do it alone. God put these desires in you and he intends to satrisfy these desires his way. Give him your sexuality and trust him with it. He will bring someone into your life that he knows will not be a heartbreaker for you and you will have a beautiful intimate sexlife with your WIFE and it will honor and bring you closer to God. TRUST ME!!!! TRUST HIM and you will get the grand prize. Love without shame. Get in touch with how much God loves you and let him fill you up everyday with his love. You will find it much easier to overcome this common problem that guys especially your age struggle with. Don't be decieved by the punk Satan. He actually wants to ruin your sex life by cheapening it into a mere carnal act designed just to feed your flesh.

    Tell God everything.

    Spend time with the Bible.

    Spend time with him.

    Let him love you and love him back.

    You will overcome this by staying under his wings.

    God Bless


    Kris: this post i've quoted has very excellent advice. i want to add that i just recently read and then re-read a book titled "AT THE ALTER OF SEXUAL IDOLATRY" by Steve Gallagher. it deals with exactly the problems you've named. this book really helped me to find how to get victory over this sort of problem. and i commend you, Brother Kris, for going to battle against this problem and seeking victory at your age! i know a whole lot of Christain men who have a problem with covetous lust, but won't acknowledge how much of a problem it actually is and won't even fight against it.

  7. I don't beleive it is our place to judge, but to pray.

    Kitty, i agree with you, i don't like to judge. but this is a matter of public deception. When i think about young people and young Christians who don't know any better, i will speak out.

  8. Oprah Winfrey is hosting a year-long study in the book "A Course in Miracles" on her radio show. This book is a grimoire of new-age witchcraft that denies the divinity of Jesus and teaches an un-Biblical spirituality. In the past, I had been willing to give Oprah the benefit of the doubt concerning her faith, but by this action, she has shown me, and anyone who knows the Lord, that she is no follower of Jesus Christ at all.

  9. there is a spirit of anti-christ, and the world is full of it. but there will be one man who will be THE anti-christ. and most of humanity will follow after him because he seems to bring everything they've ever wanted. And they'll also follow him because the INDIGO CHILDREN will tell them it's the right thing to do.

  10. also, i wish to add to my above post: i do believe in the rapture, but i believe it is very possible that Christ's people will butt heads in some way with the devil's people before we get out of here.

  11. it is my strong belief that the anti-christ "faith" will be a synergistic religion, combining many false beliefs. it will (actually, already does) honor any belief as long as it is not faith in the True Living God.

    the anti-christ's faith will not be islam,(IMHO) but it will be the religion that can make peace with the muslims. When the time comes that the anti-christ forces need muscle to do their dirty work (bloody work), it makes sense that they could use their friends the muslims.

    but the anti-christ spirit religion is already here and hard at work and is accomplishing amazing things, you would be quite surprised at what they've already pulled off, i know i was when i found out.

  12. it is ironic to me that dqolvac began this thread speaking about john and yoko, because i am of the opinion that if you want to understand the anti-christ spirit and rise of the devil's "messiah", the beatles are a good source to study. think of the effects the four lovable mop-tops had on the 60's generation: gender issues, lsd, and the introduction of millions of american youth to the maharishi. and hey, don't get me wrong, i think their music was/is great as far as pop music can actually be "great", i listen to their music still from time to time, but as a follower of Christ, i stand back and take a look at them...and it's very instructional.

    but ernie dad is right about the anti-christ as a spirit, and that spirit is here, it's fighting us on every front! Evolution? Why do you think the secular powers-that-be fight so hard to keep intelligent design out of schools? intelligent design doesn't nessacarily honor the God of the Bible over any other God, and if anybody would cool down long enough to realize, intelligent design is not even illogical, even by their "rationalistic" criteria. ID is no more unlikely than the idea that all matter in our huge universe came from a ball the size of a grapefruit that one day for no reason exploded...

    No: see that the secular powers serve a master they aren't even aware of: evolution MUST be pounded into the head of every person as a "PROVEN FACT" - which it is not and never will be. This is nessacary because evolution is the absolute cornerstone of the new age false religion that is permeating every corner of your culture. Read the writings of the theosophists from 50, 70, 100 years ago (theosophy being the original version of the new age movement, starting in 1875 in NY) and you will be amazed at how much of their agenda has been fulfilled, and how much it is exactly what our cultural wars today are about.

  13. But i must say one more thing, though, Brother Joe, before i am banned from this board: You didn't really address my 1st post, my friend! if youse guys belief is true, and getting baptised "in Jesus name only" is the only acceptable form of baptism, how long will it take for Rev. 7:9 to come true? And the FACT that your denomination has only existed since 1913 (or is it 1933?) means it will have to be way, way, way in the future because darn few can measure up to your standards.

    You asked what is my experince with this doctrine? I saw a young woman, single mother, get saved, then was told by her Apostolic psycho brethern she would have to leave a well-paid job she landed because she was required to wear trousers. I saw one of your pastor's tell families in his church that if a family wanted to take a vacation they would have to clear it with him. i saw this same bunch of idiots shun a woman and refuse to visit her or help her when she was dying with cancer because this woman didn't wear a wig when they came to visit. I saw an older man who one would think would know better DESTROY a younger Christian because the young man couldn't uphold the legalistic lies the older believer's church demanded.

    in truth, the main fruit i have seen from these churches is massive denial and fakery, because so few can really "measure up."

    Yes, Brother Joe, it is entirely possible that your pastor and your church are smarter than this bunch. i honestly hope so. This next might be mistaken for an insult, i honestly don't mean it that way, but it is the truth i have observed: the apostolic pentacostal churches i have seen are always the church where the poorest, most beat-down, uneducated and unintelligent people in that given community are. This would be a positive thing if those churches then took those people and lifted then up and really helped them, but they don't. They enslave them and reinforce their poverty.

    Yes, folks, it is totally true: i am absolutely prejudiced against the teachings and overall culture of this denomination. I don't hate the people in it, like our good brother Joe, it's just that all i've ever seen of it is misery.

  14. Hey, joe, if you want to straighten me out further, you will have to email me! Worthye board won't let me accept anymore PM"s. So if you want to carry on this religious argument email me at markfrnk1@fewpb.net.

  15. James: 1st thing, you probably better aviod horror films in the future. i watched the movie, the only thing "scary" about it to me was how little it actually showed of any real spiritual warfare and how misleading it was.

    james, i really doubt that the actual case this was based on bore much resemblance to what's in the movie. Hollywood has to juice things up to make it more exciting, to sell tickets.

    If you are saved and born of the Spirit, then you have power over all the forces of the enemy and don't need to live in fear at all.

  16. Joe: you seem to be a very Christlike person. i don't believe that people in "oneness" are not saved - but here's a question for you, Brother Joe: i was not baptised in Jesus name only - am i saved, Joe? I smoke cigarettes, tried to quit many times, hope to completely kick the habit someday, but in the meantime, am i saved, Joe? Also, on Friday nights, when there is nothing important going on, i drink 3 bottles of beer - not every Friday, mind you, and i never go beyond 3 beers. Am i saved, Joe? Furthermore, my wife has short hair, wears make-up and wears pants. Is she saved, Joe? it's alright, you can say "no" and i won't be insulted, because i know that your apostolic doctrines on all these topics is pure control-freak legalism and nothing more.

    And, Joe, don't answer, "well, no one can say..." because that is NOT the way it is preached at your church. Your pastor lays down the law to you guys and you guys obey, and your pastor would have no trouble at all sending me and most of the human race to hell because we are not up to HIS insane "holiness" standard (which standard will change as the years go by, according to his own thoughts, watch and see).

    As i said, i think you really are a nice guy - normally i'm a pretty nice guy. But i'm just not an advocate of spiritual slavery, and that is exactly how i perceive the Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal denomination.

  17. Well, this is a different perspective, it seems that there is active racism going on. it is very likely that this man doesn't understand fully how unacceptable this has become today. Yes, this somewhat more serious than what you had described before - but i still council extreme caution in confronting an older brother. Try to deal with it anymously 1st. Write him a letter. 1st assuring him that you love him in the Lord, that you beleive/fear that he has racist veiws, explain how you think it's wrong and also how unacceptable racism has become in society as a whole. And tell him that you are concerned that his attitude might contaminate children in the congregation. then quote to him what Jesus said about "woe" to the person who offends a child.

    once again: confronting an older brother is not to be taken lightly, i recomend trying to avoid it altogether.

  18. here is a problem for Apostolic Pentecostals: if all that you believe is true, from the teaching of "oneness" to the profound legalism you bind believers with, how can the following Scripture be true:

    Revelation 7:9 ...a great multidude, which no man could number...stood before the throne..."

    If the "oneness" Pentecostals are correct, it will be thousands of years before Christ can return, before the afore-mentioned crowd can ever accumulate in Heaven. Why? because, for one thing, this oddball belief has only existed as a denomination since 1913. And it's always been a small group, so since 1913, only maybe a couple of 100,000 could have died "in the faith." For another, they have no problem teaching you that nobody but themselves will "make it", not only must you believe the "oneness" doctrine, but also you must keep perfectly every law that can be found in the New Testatment, and also whatever bylaws their pastor comes up with. disobedience is total damnation, you servant of satan, you! So of the few that died "in the faith", probably alot of them weren't quite perfect and were sent straight to hell. So cut the above number in half.

    Sorry, but i really hate this false teaching. I don't hate the poor souls who are enslaved in it - and i don't believe they are lost, but i hope one day THE LORD SETS THEM FREE AND THIS DENOMINATION DISAPPEARS OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH. I've seen some of the fruits of this denomination and alot of it was not good at all.

  19. Even tho the poll seems to favor confrontation, i strongly advise you to not do it. Myself and a brother and sister confronted a man a few years ago - over something a little worse than a questionable word - and that man has never forgiven us, i don't think. I basically left my church over it, tho the Lord has put me into another.

    What i suggest is to find an anymous way to tell him, like a suggestion box or anymous letter. It's very likely that the man doesn't even know he has used a racist word.

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