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Posts posted by thunderbyrd

  1. What you've described so far sounds like "Jesus only" Apostolic Pentecostal. I won't go so far as to call them a cult, but unless you know God put you in that church, i'd say leave them alone. Their whole approach to everything is a pretty miserable way to live, IMHO.

    Ask them if you should be baptised in Jesus name only, or in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. If they say "in Jesus name only", then they are Apostolic. I say leave 'em alone, unless you like extreme legalism. But it really boils down to you need to know what God wants for you.

  2. Daughter of the King: look, i'm not ridiculing you but i am giving you heart-felt advice in Christ's Love: from looking at all your post, it seems you may have had a somewhat sheltered life. i think you really do need to "get out on yr own", but IMHO NOWAY should you try New York City. NYC is not "Seinfeld", it's a harsh place. It has a glamorous image, but it's not a place for everybody. Plus, it's a very expensive place to live.

    No: you need to pray about it all, but in the meantime, it looks like you ought to move with your parents and then try to save up some money, get a car, then look at going out on your own.

    As for moving to a "mudane" city, all cities on this earth are mundane.

  3. if a psychic ever gave you truly accurate info, it was fed to them by a demon spirit. the Bible gives very stern warnings against having anything to do with psychics. don't throw anymore of your money away, not only are you wasting money, you are disobeying God's Word if you do.

    Daughter of the King, i ask you, in Christ's love, how much time do you spend reading the Bible?

  4. alright never mind fatal attraction, but then there are films like office space, funny comedies that seem innocent enough but that none the less suggest a lot of bad things. i mean, am i to refrain from these films and tv shows? Last night i was watching a show about a gay kid who returns home to help his newly divorced family and his crazy mom and his adulterer dad who is having a new baby with his mistress. I mean obviously there is a lot of sin there. But it is a comedy. And it is funny. so i mean, i dont think that I will go out and become gay or anything because of watchng this show. And I think the show makes it clear that this is a crazy family. Its not like the show is saying, this is normal! I dont know...

    If it's bothering your conscious, then leave it alone.

  5. aaron: i 2d everything Nebula said, and to it i add: can you find out if your parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents ever practised or even played with any occult stuff? were any of them in a false religion, J. Witnesses, Mormon, Freemasonry? Did any of your predessors have a reputation as a "phsychic" or "water witcher"? any type of false spirituality in their lives could have caused the problems you mentioned. Also, certain rock music can create problems, also having intimate relations with a person deep into the occult, even if it was long ago and long "forgotten".

    Aaron, i do apologize to you if i sound like some kind of expert - i am not. I did not sit out to study the 'new age movement' and the works of the devil. No i set out to study Jesus! and i am and i will study our Lord. But i know that there are certain things that God has set me to looking into. For instance, from the time i was 4 years old, I was aware of the historical period called the Holocaust. For what ever reason, God has used me to be aware of certain things going on at certain times. He has taught me alot, but not really to be a real Spirit Warrior. i will put you in touch with a man i know and would trust with my life who can probably really help you. The reason i know much of what i do is because of this man. i reccoment you write to him.

    And most of all, never despair because you ARE a member of the winning team! AMEN!

    It occurs to me that in making these posts, in order to try to express how dire this whole situation is and might become to us in time, i might have left someone with the wrong conclusion. Hey! Everybody! WE have the power! OUR GOD is the Mighty King, the all-powerful, the Alpha and Omega, read the end of the book, the good guys win!

    Can we totally defeat this? Well, i don't know, but i know without any doubt that MY God answers prayer, that He loves us, we are the apple of His eye, His beloved Children! WE have the ear of the Almighty God of all Creation, not the devil and his sad new age lackeys!

    Knowing this, we are not to despair or even back up an inch. I don't know wether Christians can pray this off the earth, but we can tie into it and back the devil out of a few people's lives. But if you take up this fight, expect to recieve a few blows...keep your armor buckled up tight!

  6. Well put, Nebula - and the whole purpose of this post was to warn about thievery on a massive scale.

    you mentioned in your earlier posts that you don't remember children behaving this way in the past, i'm 47 and i don't remember it either. It's quite shocking, don't you think? What i read, over and over, as i go around to various message boards and post this warning, is "these people just won't discipline their children." But you know that it's WAY beyond that, right? I have been alittle surprised at how hard it is to get people to take a good look at this, beyond the superficial.

    People, stay awake and pray, because the thief is coming to steal and cut your throats...

  7. Yes, enviroment has a huge part to play. The spiritual lives of the parents - and grandparents - have a huge part to play.

    i'm going to cut to the chase now, i''ll lay the cards out now because there's not alot more that i can do to get you to come to the correct conclusions on your own. After this post, some of you will think me either nuts or immature or both, but that's immaterial to me. I think i see that this post has helped 2 or 3 folks and that's good. Here is what's happening: The 1960's generation rejected God. Many of them, Protestant and Catholic both, grew up from childhood with at least some knowledge of the True God. But when that generation hit college age, there was a wholesale rejection of whatever vestige of faith they had. These people replaced Knowledge with every kind of foolishness: drugs, "free love", eastern false religion, worship of rock stars, EST, primal scream therapy, religous cults of every description. A massive rebellion against knowledge of the Living God. This group of people went on to have children and these children grew up in a void - NOTHING to believe in. Now these children of the void are having children. These, the grandchildren of the 60's generation, are being born with spirits that are wide open to satan in a way that is unique, probably in all history. And if it is not unique, it is surely on a scale not seen before. None of this is an accident.

    If you really get interested in this phenomenon, if you look around on the web enough you will encounter a young lady, 11 yrs old. i will not use her name. This young woman is a prodigy painter and poet, and will be publishing a book with her "message to mankind" sometime this year. if you find out this person, you might be amazed at her - at her Christlike bearing, her gentle nature. To which i say: BEWARE THE CHRISTLIKE WITHOUT CHRIST. REVELATION 13:11 HE HAD 2 HORNS LIKE A LAMB, BUT HE SPOKE LIKE A DRAGON. She will be teaching in churches eventually.

    To Felix: i think you are on the right road, my friend, continue on with the Lord and he will lead you into all Truth!

    God Bless you all.

  8. I completely agree that children should be disciplined, but this thing goes way, way beyond that. Has anybody looked at the "conduct disorder" website?

    if anybody does, you will find out about a generation of very young children that no amount of spanking and other forms of discipline have any effect on. What i'm trying to point out is a thouroughly demonic move against very young children that WILL have effects in the future - YOUR future. What effects? i do not know at this time. There is more to this phenomenon than i can say on a public forum, but there are some very, very evil spiritual aspects of this that WILL effect the Church in a few years. I'm sorry that that sounds so mysterious, but i have to be careful not to slander individuals.

    ONCE AGAIN: go to the conduct disorder website. pay attention to the 5-6 yr olds and under. use your discernment. read between the lines. Best, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you about this, if He wants you to be aware of it. there's alot more going on here than just children who need a spanking.

  9. this is a debate i refuse to enter into anymore. i believe in tongues, i pray in tongues, but i don't really promote it much anymore.

    i have observed the lives of those who both do and don't speak in tongues and i have come to the conclusion that Love is the most excellent way. I deeply desire to be in unity with all my brothers and sisters in Christ, because i know we need each other.

  10. Might sound paranoid and farfetched, but i have read all my life about a country, once considered about the most civilized place on earth, with the world's most advanced universities and vast contributions to culture, and this country descended in a few years into total, almost unbelievable barbarity. And they were lead into it by a quasi-religious, false spirituality. And also, they set up a government program to annhilate a group of people are closely assciated with our God.

  11. Based on some of the descriptions I've found for Indigo children, I honestly fit 95% of it. Many of these descriptions are similar to people with ADD. I would say that the description of Indigo children go much further in detail than ADD, namely the reason they're called Indigo is because of the hue of their AURA. The aura alone is cause for some to question why this may be New Age.

    They're saying that these children should not be given medication for ADD as it's just drugging up their children. They need to let their kids go free and "live" out their life.

    I find this all very surprising for many reasons:

    1) I have recently been wondering if seeing auras was good for me to practice

    2) I was recently diagnosed with ADD and am now on medication which I'm unsure about.

    3) The description of Indigo children is more accurate than the screenings I've done for ADD.

    To be honest, this info seems to be what I need for the moment.

    I dont know enough about this but based on what has been said here and on my own inner feeling, I think this may be leading these Indigo children away from Jesus. I think it is safe for me to say that I'm aware of these types of people. I have always known that these people could be strong servants in the Lord. However, I think that the agenda of the "Indigo Children" is not going in the direction of Jesus. What I see is that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. "Indigo Children" is a path that may seem right but in the end lead to death. Spiritual misdirection is what I see for now.

    Felix: i thank you for your post, you have great insight on this. Yes , spiritual misdirection is what this is all about and no, The "indigo children" phenomenon will NOT lead anyone to our Lord Jesus Christ. It will lead them straight into the embrace of the devil.

    Also, your thought that these people would make strong servents of the Lord: Yes, Felix, right again. If one of these folks can be made to see, know and accept/believe the Truth, they make VERY powerful warriors in the Spirit, just as they were "powerful". i can say this with conviction and authority because my best friend is just such a person. He was saved out of the darkness of witchcraft into God's Glorious Light - and i have never seen a Christian like him. He is the most dedicated, humble, discerning, kind and generous servant of God i know.

    As for seeing auras, Felix i find no command or teaching of this in the Bible, that makes me very leery of it. If you are saved and walking with the Lord, and are seeing auras around people, then i recommend you get with a couple of the most Spirit-filled and discerning Believers you can find and seek God about it. Bear in mind, i'm not telling you without a doubt that seeing auras is wrong - i don't know. ASK GOD.

    But yes, Felix, i think you might be the whole purpose of this post.

  12. It is completely and totaly "new age". I know alot of us Christians read books about the "new age movement" 15 yrs ago or so, and then we lost interest, studying Jesus is our rightful business, not observing the doings of the deluded. I haven't paid any attention to the "new age" thing in years.

    What did get my attention was when i started seeing these "indigo children" on the TV morning news shows this past fall. They've also been on Oprah and 20/20. It seemed to me that the news shows were being very respectful of the whole thing. And the fact that they were promoting this really grabbed me - and i realized this is a whole new push, that this isn't Shirley MacClaine making a fool out of herself, this is a real "spiritual" move.

    At Thanksgiving, i broke my foot, so i got loads of free time off work, so i have been going to as many Christian message boards as i can, simply sounding an alarm. I see on Christian boards beleivers arguing about everything imaginable about the End Times, every possible meaning and interpretation of various scriptures, and i am pointing right at the devil's work of the day, and they do not or will not see it.

    Please go check out the "conduct disorder" sites. Pay particular attention to reports concerning 5 or 6 yrs old and younger. Please tell us what you see.

    thanks and God Bless.

  13. Hello friends: For those among us who are "watchers in the night" and who keep watch on the workings of the enemy of our souls here in these days, i wish to call your attention to the "New Age" phenomenon called "Indigo Children". Instead of me trying to explain at length, exactly what this is, simply put "indigo children" into any search engine and read. In 5 minutes or so, you'll see pretty much what it is all about.

    To sum up a bit of what is wrong with this: if you look into this closely, they are taking ADD children and exceptional children and telling them: "You don't like standing in line? It makes you impatient? Why, that's because you are exceptional! You are too advanced to stand in line. As a matter of fact, you are the next step in human evolution. You say you feel like royalty? it's because you ARE royalty, as a matter of fact, you are practically a god compared to us plain old humans!" Does that sound really kooky? Yes, me too. But this is exactly what is going on here. And remember:whatever you make a child believe about her/himself is going to be very powerful in that child's life. Even if it's as insane as "You are a god."

    Do a little research at the CONDUCT DISORDER websites and read for yourself what kind of behavior these children are presenting. Pay attention particularly to children around 5 or younger. You read and check into this yourself, i will not try to illustrate because i would loose credibility if i did so.

    Many people to whom i have pointed all this out write back and tell me that this is nothing, simply parents who don't know how to discipline their children. But more thoughtful folks understand why it's so disturbing and why i'm going to the trouble to point it out. Friends, this is very bad stuff.

    Be aware and pray against it.

    any comments?

  14. Hello friends: For those among us who are "watchers in the night" and who keep watch on the workings of the enemy of our souls here in these days, i wish to call your attention to the "New Age" phenomenon called "Indigo Children". Instead of me trying to explain at length, exactly what this is, simply put "indigo children" into any search engine and read. In 5 minutes or so, you'll see pretty much what it is all about.

    To sum up a bit of what is wrong with this: if you look into this closely, they are taking ADD children and exceptional children and telling them: "You don't like standing in line? It makes you impatient? Why, that's because you are exceptional! You are too advanced to stand in line. As a matter of fact, you are the next step in human evolution. You say you feel like royalty? it's because you ARE royalty, as a matter of fact, you are practically a god compared to us plain old humans!" Does that sound really kooky? Yes, me too. But this is exactly what is going on here. And remember:whatever you make a child believe about her/himself is going to be very powerful in that child's life. Even if it's as insane as "You are a god."

    Do a little research at the CONDUCT DISORDER websites and read for yourself what kind of behavior these children are presenting. Pay attention particularly to children around 5 or younger. You read and check into this yourself, i will not try to illustrate because i would loose credibility if i did so.

    Many people to whom i have pointed all this out write back and tell me that this is nothing, simply parents who don't know how to discipline their children. But more thoughtful folks understand why it's so disturbing and why i'm going to the trouble to point it out. Friends, this is very bad stuff.

    Be aware and pray against it.

  15. I have to many!!!

    Some are:

    ebay, closer to Him ministries, odot roadcams, hebrew for believers, Alberto & Kimberly Rivera, Jewish-American History, Hebcal Jewish Calender, worthyboards of course, lots of Judaica store sites, blue letter bible, Christmas crafts projects (guess I can delete that one.) And on, and on, and on. :)

    Guess I really do need to delete some of those. :)

    I broke my foot a few weeks ago, so i have been going to every Christian message board i can get into and trying to post warnings about the "Indigo Children" deception the "new age movement" is promoting, so i now have a bunch of message boards in my favorites. other than those, i have a bunch of "how to the play the guitar" sites bookmarked.

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