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Posts posted by jeffnevins

  1. 10 hours ago, Marathoner said:

    Don't worry about your eardrums, my friend. As Kwik has already said, withholding a sneeze won't inflict any real damage.

    As for sneezing, here's a trick you can use:

    Sneeze into the crook of your arm. We typically don't contact surfaces nor other people with that portion of our body. We aren't sneezing into our hands (bad idea) or into a tissue (risk of transfer to hands and fingers). It's a habit I picked up here at the homeless shelter where I work. Of course, things can get a bit interesting if you happen to be holding a cup of coffee in the hand of the arm you sneeze into...

    That's why I hold my cup of coffee in the hand of the opposite arm. I have a "designated" arm to sneeze into. :laugh:

    Praying for your swift recovery!

    Yeah, someone told me about the crook of the arm long ago, but my reflexes are bad. I should try & do that finally. Glad to hear on damage.

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  2. 12 hours ago, kwikphilly said:



    Oh that was the eardrum concern,the held in sneeze,!

    I see,even if your ear" popped" it should be fine Brother.   . over salivating is not uncommon and will pass

    Taking the wrong anti biotic would be the same as taking none.  Oral would require a penicillin class( eg: amoxicillin) but if you dont have a penicillin class,don't bother

    Grapefruit is very acidic and this will only add to over salivatung..... It might be what's triggered it the most

    I suspect you'll be just fine in ,10-14 day's

    In His love, Kwik

    Prayers for your speedy recovery

    Ok, thanks. The salivating finally ended last night & I got a full night's sleep. Good to know on 10-14.

    All this started on Mon. Oh, and glad to hear on the held sneeze. https://worthychristianforums-h45go6maxh5rpepgu.netdna-ssl.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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  3. 16 minutes ago, kwikphilly said:

    Jeff,have you been to a Dr,there are meds that can hrlp ease your symptoms a bit.... But yeah,might be 2 weeks of what your feeling but it will get better

    How is your breathing,that's the concern... It doesn't seem you have respiratory concerns so everything else is not critical... Just terribly annoying and frustrating I'm sure

    Sounds like oral infection which typically affects the cells in the mouth & salivary glands,anti biotic would be a good idea... Untreated could go on longer than necessary

    Why are you worried about your eardrums.- have you had issues with ENT in the past?

    I don't have a doctor or insurance, but the others at the live/work place are better now. They've been helping with things, including a medication. Hm, I wonder on an antibiotic. I got a medication or two long ago for something from a medical clinic, but it ended up leading to a decade of chronic pain.

    Seems to be no saliva issues the past hour or so. Maybe I'll lay off the grapefruit.

    Accidentally held in a sneeze. I read the force is immense, so it can be serious. Maybe it's fine, though. Some people in a Discord group said they're okay. Thanks.


  4. 7 hours ago, littlestarsmum said:

    I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through, friend. Be assured of my prayer for you. It is a great comfort to know that God cares more deeply than we can imagine and is faithful to respond according to His perfect will. May He touch you with His healing hand, strengthen you, and grant you a speedy recovery. Peace to you.


    Also, anyone ever accidentally hold in a sneeze? I almost always have a mouth full of saliva now, and forgot to let it out, despite that.

    Concerned about eardrums or other issues (I'm in my late 40s).

  5. 14 hours ago, George said:

    Shalom jeffnevins,

    Be sure to also post your prayer request with our Worthy Prayer Team.    Simply click on the Worthy Prayer Team link, and click login and submit your prayer request!  It's that simple!

    God bless,


    Couldn't get the link to work, but thanks. Finally back when I'm desperate. Appreciated on responses here.

    Anyone ever have endless saliva? Sleeping seems impossible. Can't be at the bathroom sink all day & night, so I've used the garbage can in my room a lot. And been praying. But response can be yes, no, or wait for it to end, I suppose. Seems like more than I can handle.


    Maybe no grapefruit today, or a certain medication. Might not even do meals. Close call between 3-4 AM. Hate talking about it. 

    • Praying! 1
  6. Haven't been on WB for ages. Guess we can post our experience here?

    Been a hermit & haven't gone anywhere in over two weeks or bothered w/news. 

    My brother works at a Wallgreens & deals w/all sorts of stuff.

    But I've worked from home for a decade. Public transit being down makes getting around not possible.

    Just trusting in God & communicating online. Getting lots of art done.


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  7. 2 hours ago, Neighbor said:

    Hi, Seems to be a California issue, other States have been Real ID compliant for up to ten years now. Florida does not issue anything but Real ID compliant cards or licenses. The federal ACT took effect in 2008 with a final compliance date of Oct 1 2020.

    California with it's political desire to be a sanctuary State for illegal  residents evidently still wants to still be able to issue noncompliant cards as well as compliant ones.  Took me about seven minutes to get my Real ID compliant Drivers License from one of the real States of the United States of America. 

    All one needs is any of the following in order to get a compliant card, even in California.

    Proof of Identity * Required

    To apply for a REAL ID card, you must present ONE identity document that includes your date of birth and your true full name (first, middle, and last). Which document below will you use as your proof of identity?

    Valid, unexpired U.S. passport or passport card

    Original or Certified copy of U.S birth certificate (issued by a city, county, or state vital statistics office). “Abbreviated” or “Abstract” certificates are NOT accepted

    U.S. Certificate of Birth Abroad or Consular Report of Birth Abroad of U.S. Citizen

    Unexpired foreign passport with valid U.S. Visa and approved I-94 form

    Certified copy of birth certificate from a U.S. Territory

    Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of U.S. Citizenship

    Valid, unexpired Permanent Resident Card

    Valid, unexpired Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Card (I-766) or valid/expired EAD Card with Notice of Action (I-797 C)

    Valid/expired Permanent Resident Card with Notice of Action (I-797 C) or Approval Notice (I-797)

    Unexpired foreign passport stamped “Processed for I-551”

    Documents reflecting TPS benefit eligibility

    Wow, great info. Yes, funny how states vary. I've got my expired card & expired passport, ha. Time to renew that ID.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. Just read up on it since my CA ID card expired on my birthday yesterday.

    In a year you can't go in federal buildings of take certain flights w/o it.

    Guess it's a hassle to go for a regular ID, then go back to the DMV if the need arises.

    Been ages since visiting & posting. Good to be back. Apologies if the topic's around already.

  9. 4 hours ago, Rebecca Pickles said:

    I can relate to your problem of physically feeling burnt out at 45. I'm 44 and I feel like I'm in my eighties, not my forties! So, if I am going to be on Earth for another four decades, it'll be interesting to see how my body will still be functioning. lol.

    I pray that your pain eases off and also that you can find out what is causing your pain problems.

    Thanks. Sorry to hear that.

    I think nerve damage in the roof of my mouth from a concussion, then hitting a front tooth has been the 6 1/2 pain (former head pain).

    But no one in the dental or medical industry seems to have a solution from years of searching so far.

    I'll pray for you too.

  10. Good topic.

    My mind and heart are encouraged by God's Word and Love. And promise of life with Him.

    I'm so burned out by the physical problems in this body at 45; maybe 30-40 years too soon.

    But I try not to let the physical affect the mind and spirit.

    Tricky. I guess I need to just try to keep ignoring pain since I can't find any info in the medical world.

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Praying! 2
  11. Still hope to get the book. Maybe it helps with chronic nerve pain in the palate? Nothing in the world seems to-

    Back's doing better. Thanks everyone.

    Might as well post the other problem in the same topic-

    Anyone ever have a lower eyelid twitch (strongly) for 3-4 weeks?
    Been trying to get enough sleep (not always successful), water, magnesium (supplement), and potassium. Stress isn't higher than usual.
    Maybe it just goes away on its own somehow.



  12. 22 minutes ago, GandalfTheWise said:

    Not quite like that.  When I was 18 or 19 I threw out my lower back helping some friends move heavy furniture.  I had a few weeks of severe discomfort to the point I couldn't get comfortable in any position and had trouble sleeping.  It slowly got better over time but it was very easy to re-aggravate it and be back where I started.  For the first year or so, I'd guess I'd be redoing it a few times per month and it'd take a few days to get back to normal. Heating pads, ice packs, etc. never really seemed to do much so I just gave up on things like that.  I never tried a chiropractor but in hindsight maybe I should have.   Either I became much more cautious or it slowly healed over about 10 to 15 years because I rarely had issues with it after that.  It's now been about 35 years or more since I originally did my back in.  It still gets a bit sore at times if I'm working and leaning at an awkward angle for a length of time.  But overall, it's now much better than the first few years after it happened.

    My sense is that my back issues were relatively minor compared to what some people experience.  In the grand scheme of my life, it was mostly an annoyance.

    Whoa, sorry to hear that. Thanks for the insight.

    Trying not to do heavy lifting, though I do laundry, wear a backpack Fri & Sun, and carry a grocery bag once a week from the store to my house.

    I'm 45, but feeling more like 75 these past few weeks. But others have it worse, so I'll hang in there.


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  13. 6 hours ago, Neighbor said:

    Try 53 years.

    Ha, one learns to laugh at the pain. But it does warrant examination. 

    Welcome to the world of primary care physician mumble jumble, sports doctor's, spine shoulder and knee specialists, and  radiologist's MRI's, and  Steroid shots down the spine ( Now there is a thrill), plus  of course the chiropractors with all sorts of adjustment techniques and contraptions, and don't forget the physical therapists, and the Chinese massagers, and the acupunturist, the reiki  therapist, and the kineseologist, plus body grease, and this diet and that one, and this supplement  and another, one of  the best of which it seems is straight MSM as made for horses, and the pills they say are such a problem that lead to heroin addiction for so many the opioids that do not stop the pain, but instead  just allow one to not much give a  damn about them anymore. 

    My own fine primary care physician who I respect and appreciate had the best of answers for me when I developed yet another related body pain,  he said try this for six months. I asked why, what happens in six months with this? He said you get used to the pain and it just doesn't  bother you as much anymore.

    He is right too.

     I have a more recent new one  myself, can't hardly wait for the six months of it to go by. :blink: :mellow: :) :D

    Wow, sorry to hear about 53 years of that.

    I've only had almost 9 years of palate nerve pain, but's felt like a lifetime. I think pain on top of chronic pain is throwing me off.

    Thanks for the insights.

    Tough to make my own diagnosis, yet who knows what random doctors trying to earn their pay will say.

    I don't have health insurance, but will hope for the best.

  14. 4 hours ago, Debp said:

    Do you have any dental medical school (at a university) near you?   I've heard they take patients at a reduced cost.   The dental doctor students do the work but under supervision of a professor (dentist).  I heard my dental office referring someone to a university dental school since they couldn't pay regular prices.

    No, but that was handy back in '96-'02 when I did, thanks. Maybe God will allow an income change (still working) sometime.

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