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Everything posted by CellShade

  1. Before I wasn't getting your point, now I am getting it perfectly and understanding your point .
  2. Ditto , remind everyone not to punish their children that they love so much just because he hitted someone on his class with a bat. Or pherphaps tell the police officer who's kid maybe a murderer not to take his son to jail . Also the key word you said is, His creation, His, not ours, He has the right to do anything because I believe He is a fair and honest God who will punish me if I do something wrong. Also note that God isn't the one causing the troubles of the world, that happens when the world is away from His creator. Example; a father cannot control his children if they ran away from him and they aren't close enought so that he can help them out. Simple. God Bless You All
  3. The Bible doesn't rely on circular reasoning (duh). However when you say "God exists because the Bible says so" and "the Bible is true because God wrote it" then you're using circular reasoning. What you need is somethign external to the Bible that confirm the parts of the Bible that have something to do with divine intervention. Since those parts are not supported by any kind of evidence the Bible can't be used as evidence for God's existence. Science relies on the scientific method as a tool to understand reality. The scientific method consists in gathering evidence and trying to figure out where that evidence points, so every theory we have is firmly sustained by solid ground. Exceptions exist in those fileds that are still wide open like abiogenesis and the beginning of the universe; in those fields we have several theories but too littel evidence to decide which is the best with any certainty. Anyway, I don't see how you can say science relies on circular reasoning; scientific theories rely on evidence. But if I said that we also know The Bible is true as we also can feel God, which would be by our let's call it, spiritual method, you would say that is circular reasoning because I can feel the spirit of God because of what I read in The Bible, while you don't admit Science has more circular reasoning, cause it relies on it's own method aka it's own thoughts of how things work, but no for you that isn't circular reasoning, that's ok if you don't want to acknowledge that it is circular reasoning, I'll just know that you do . History has documented many events as I have being saying all thread long, even to think that Jesus didn't exist maybe be unrealistic since history has documenjted it happened. One thing though, when you get married or if you are allready married remember to have 1,000 witnesses, apparently the more then 500 witnesses that witnessed Jesus rise from the death weren't enought for you, so I guess you could say a marriage with less then 500 witnesses ain't a real marriage since not many witnesses . Also this has being documented in history records, dig up, use the good old google, or go to the library, you will find lots of the vents registered . God Bless You All
  4. Does it even mean anything? I mean... what did you just say? You mean if instead of science and scientific method they were named pizza and the spaghetti method it would be different, right? Because then you have pizza relying on spaghetti. That's not circular reasoning, right? How did you get to pizza, I'll never know. What I mean why start saying the Bible relies on Circular Reasoning, since it does rely on thigns on itself, it mostly relies on God which is a outside source , and it also relies on History and even some Science! To me Science relies more in circular and close minded reasoning more then the Bible does in Circular Reasoning, just stating this, you started it, just the fact that you have admit science just relies on science while the Bible has relied and been prooved throughout history and science aswell to be true . Like it not . Don't point fingers at someone or something when you have to point at yourself first . ?_? A-THEISM means no theism, which means no faith in any divine entity. It doesn't mean "let's burn all Christians" so drop the "poor me" attitude already. You have nothing to fear from us, we're less than 5% of the world population. I know that isn't what atheism is, I know you won' try to burn me for being a christian ( thought maybe think of it ) . God Bless You All
  5. HAHA! Then I guess the following are not facts; Your ignorance of objective, observed science amuses me. Oh, and you can't use the Bible to prove the Bible. That is called Circular Reasoning. Check it up on Wikipedia sometime; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_reasoning No, I am not using The Bible to proof The Bible, I am using Historic events that have been registered, do internet searches and you will find a lot of the Bible events happening, and this told and acknowledged by non christians. Also your Circular Reasoning theory is incorrect, since that applies to science aswell doesn' it, after all, science looks for proof of it's theory in it's own science. Looks to me that it's circular reasoning depending to which source it is reasoning of; Example: The Bible, no circular reasoning, since many of it's proof are in historic registed events, and the earth itself is a proof of it's events. While science is Pure circular reasoning since it lies in scientific methods, which means it lies in it's own science. So basically your theory got messed up by your owns words and thinking. God Bless You All
  6. To add, many Boatship engineers and scientist, even non christian, have agree that the form and the size and everything of how the arc was created was in perfect size, that it was a perfect ship, that it had the perfect measures on it and the perfect materials along with measures.
  7. Did you even read through the link I provided for the mass amount of evidence that a global flood did NOT occur? Or are you simply ignoring the evidence so you can continue believing your "infallible holy book"? Since you obviously passed over the link last time, I will post it again... http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-noahs-ark.html Edit: I think you would have to prove the existence of God before ANYONE can call him a liar. Besides, the scientific evidence against the occurence of a global flood stands in opposition to religious dogma. Read your link, have those read those things before, that's just assumptions atheist and scientist are making, no real facts, what I mean is the funny thing if you cared enought to look for the truth you would also find lots of pages which answer all those points in that page, also when refering to The Bible, refer to It with respect. I find the Idea of us decendin from some monkeys rather a joke , as so with the theory of a ''big bang'' . Fact, 66 chapters or so of The Bible, maybe = some 1,000 pages in certain Bibles, will explain everything perfectly better then, millions of scientist and atheist trying to find out the truth, writing some millions of pages filled with junk and wrongful documentation, thousands of hours spended to finally not being able to answer the question, of how the earth was created and how we the people were created, and the only thing they can try to do is disproof 66 chapters of truth which has being documented in history, if you would just do more search, and perphaps give God a chance, you would know He is there, waiting for you to give your life to Christ. History has documented most of The Bibles events and truth, the fact that you are still wondering wether Christ lived or not is just humanly impossible since the history, that you trust so much, documented the events when Christ rose again in the third day, like it or not, it happened , your choice if you want to accept it or not, God will always be waiting for you, but time is running out in this world, your choice. God Bless You All
  8. Too young an age, And as someone said, 15 years old 50 years ago, equal 21 years now in maturity level . People marrying this early may just want to get divorced at a younger age so they can remarry again
  9. He should be sended to mental facility, not for being an atheist , but for the fact of his inteligence is very questionable after what he was suing for.
  10. I would buy they will ask the same question over and over since they don't understand sin, so they don't know what consequences it brings.
  11. I believe you can remarry again, a verse relating to this somewhere in The Bible.
  12. Agree with Malaka(by the way nice to meet you ) when she asks if it's a relationship with God or a weekly obligation, answer sincerly, the way you spoke I felt it is the latter.
  13. It's irrelevant why the TV was on that channel, but you are telling people "Don't watch this it's evil." You haven't once described why it would give satan any kind of foothold in our lives. Also, didn't you ask me to find references in the scripture that said books like "Harry Potter" were ok? Ok so you're warning us not to watch these shows because they give satan a foothold in our lives. I disagree with you though, I don't believe it gives satan a foothold. I reject satan as much as I ever did and I watch Adult Swim, I read Lord of the Rings, I enjoy violent movies. I don't enjoy real violence, I don't swear (although I am not against other people swearing, I don't care if they do, I do not think any differently about that person, it's just words and only society makes them swear words, not god), I don't practice witchcraft, I don't do drugs, I don't fornicate. I don't understand how you can say that satan has a strong foothold in my life when he so obviously doesn't. I also care. I care when someone shuts out some of mankind's finest literature (Lord of the Rings is an amazing story, as well as Harry Potter) because they fear it may lead satan into their lives. As long as you are strong willed satan will not have influence on you. When someone warns me to stay away from Harry Potter, or that they themselves stay away I think to myself "That person's conviction's must be weak if they feel satan can influence them just by them reading a work of fiction." If your convictions are strong enough there is nothing satan can do that can convince you otherwise. Reading or watching "The DaVinci Code" won't plant seeds of doubt in your mind if you know in your heart that what the bible tells you is true. Everyone seems to be ignoring my main question - Yes, specially disney, A christmas carol might be the only one I would watch but rather prefer not to, but no way do I watch any disney movies, not even the one's with people just because I know a lot of stories about disney. Now refer to the below quote. Hmm well I can't ague with Disney being evil based on stuff they've done, but I would not base that on the content in their stories. Although Microsoft is just as evil (if not more) than Disney, yet I bet most people on this forum are using Microsoft Windows on their computers. Microsoft has actually had satanic references in some of their products. How many of those people using Microsoft products on this form will say that they are evil themselves? They in and of themselves are not evil, though they can be vehicles for such. What is a temptation for one person is not necessarily interesting to another, much less a temptation. People talk about gun violence but we have to remember that people shoot those guns. A gun in my home would not be a temptation to gang or regular gun violence, because I'm just not that kinda gal. Neither would a sword be or a knife. And I have used "Crystals" to make wind chimes. they are pretty and mean nothing to me. I'm not channeling anything or attempting to change anything with them, just making a decoration for the window. Paul talked about meat sacrificed to Idols. It was meat used to worship pagan gods, then distributed for whoever bought it to eat. Christians went to pagan homes for dinner and were wondering if they should eat it or not. Was it evil? Paul said to eat what was served and leave it at that. In another place he said to not eat meat if it would cause a brother to stumble. This teaches that the meat itself, even if it had an evil use originally, was just a peice of meat. It was the meaning given to it by the people using it that made it evil. Like the guns. There is no demon in a bottle of beer, but alot of people use it get drunk. Medicinal plants were put on earth for us to use for medicinal purposes and people use them instead to create an "unsober" mind or altered state of consciousness. The problem isn't the plants, the beer, the meat, it's the people USING it. I have a mind very much fascinated by the mystical. I don't believe it is wrong, per se, if used to ponder the mystery of the uncomprehensibility of God. But if not reigned in properly it becomes one and I was drawn into the occult when I was younger. Things which affected me in that way (like Isis cartoons) had no affect on my sister whatsoever. She thought the show was cheesy and didn't care about ancient egypt or their religion. For some reason I did. Had my parents been aware of what was going on, they might have forbid us to watch that stuff because it was a stumbling block to ME. If I'd been like my sister, they would have just left us alone. Isis cartoons were meat sacrificed to Idols. My older son was very much like me. I kept him sheltered from any references to the occult, outright or latent, until he was about 11 or 12. During that time I filled his head with alot of really solid theology and gradually over time I slowly started introducing things to him to see how he reacted. Like superheroes. I made sure that they were, in the beginning at least, not using eastern concepts (like chi) or getting their powers from other beings or forces...Thus XMen, batman and spiderman were all ok cause they were supposedly mutations and the power rangers were not (he was a boy so that was less of a problem anyway). When he was 12 the family we were visiting watched the Wizard of Oz. We get to the good witch. He says "there is no such thing as a good witch. They may be nice, but their magic comes from demons" I knew he understood the truth I'd been filling him with all those years. I've watched him, he's a very strong christian. He debunked the Davinci code to all his friends after we watched the whole history of the thing on tv (I never read the book so had no idea what the big deal was). I didn't have to tell him what was wrong with it, he knew right off... My younger son got exposed to some things in a christian run daycare that I had not introduced his brother to at that age. I was no longer a stay at home mom due to a divorce and had to place him somewhere, that was the best option I had. I sat down to talk to him about it, he looked at me really funny and said "MOM, thats just a dopey story." he isn't even INTERESTED in magical thinking. He could care less. His sins run along the line of sloth and having a temper. I have trouble getting him to think about the more mystical elements of scripture. He's really concrete "do this, don't do that" and I fear he will become either a legalist or a pragmatist (he's now 12, the older boy is 16). Now I would not cause one child to stumble to give the other freedom, but at the same time, I think we need to remember that one person's temptation is anothers ... nothing. The whole concept behind the game YuGiOh is foreign to Christianity because it is eastern. Because of the obviously eastern/oriental themes, it may be a problem for some kids whose minds run along that line who like to find mystical meanings and what not. It might not be a problem for others. To me, its the same thing as meat sacrificed to idols. It might have come from the world, but it has no power in and of itself. If it causes sin, magical thinking or an overreaching imagination, yank the stuff. If not, worry about the post modern world view in schools, that's even more of a threat because they will GET those concepts while any religious references in Yugi will fly over the heads of most people. I agree with you about the cartoonsand alcohol and all rather being used as a vehicle for evil. Here's a story about something that happened 5 days or so ago. A 10 year old kid beated he's 7 or so months old brother to death. The kid was as cold as a cold blooded killer when they were interviewing him, they asked him,'' do you feel sorry?''he answered "no" Then they asked him " what were you watching before you killed him'' he answered" Jackie Chan Adventures((the animated cartoons) . He then said that he felt like the devil got in him or something. So are you trying to say that the cartoon let satan into this child and that's why he beat his brother to death? I can't seem to find anything on google relating to this story either (I believe that it's possible it could of happened but I'd like to read the full story as it was reported.) I believe it's more coincidance than anything especially when you consider the amount of children that watch "Jackie Chan Adventures" and the amount of children that beat their little brother's to death right after watching "Jackie Chan Adventures." What if a drunk driver killed someone and I asked him "What was the last show you watched on TV?" and he said "The world cup was on TV in the bar", should I then conclude that the world cup causes drunk driving? And are you trying to blame the violence in the show, or the magic and sorcery? To first comment, I have windows and Linux if it makes you feel better... I am trying to blame the magic and sorcery and the constant dragon figures used in the show. I would like to point out I don't want to argue with you anymore, you are too close minded, and rather dunno how exactly you stand with God, I know you are christian, but I do not know how serius you take it the way you speak in many messeges. Blessings, Cell.
  14. If U.S doesn't do anything about this and Iran doesn't comply, you bet that Israel won't hesitate to attack Iran. After all, Israel has the world's finest militaary technology and weaponry.
  15. Yep Marriage is a Holy rule that God created and it's to Male and Female and God, not as in Men and Men or Female and Female. But I also don't agree with Gay rights as I partially though you agreed in your post, I dont agree with gay rightss aside from many things it would give them the right to adopt children and I don't think children would like being adopted by Gay parents.
  16. You welcome, sorry if some of my comments sounded harsh but rather I said it from the heart for the best interest of Misterius Angel., I could be wrong in somethings, but mostly that was my point of view, no disrespect ment to anybody
  17. First of I never said I don't love catholics or non believers, for arguments sake, my best friend is catholic. And I stand firm on my position that Catholics can't be considerated christians, same way as I don't cosider Jehova Witnesses christians, or same way I don't consider mormons christians and so. On the qu'ran thing I don't see your point, and basically the way you put it Christians and Islam is the same religion with a little modified. The fact that you said alah is just the word for god in english is incorrect, a little history reminder if you know these. alah was a person that wanted to be a disciple but God Jesus Christ didn't accept him as a disciple,, and the rests ends up in alah creating his own religion and the rest you can guess, I don't post this story since we are not on the board that this is to be posted aswell this is out of topic. See ya later and hope you study a bit more on the alah thing, remember you are getting alahs story from your husbands side or point of view, and theirs more to it. I won't post on this topic anymore since I believe I posted my point of view, sorry if I gave any wrong impressions to anyone. Overall a few tips. 1. Try going to a christian church , there too much about secrets of the catholic church and I believe you should give Jesus a chance in your hand by going to a christian church : Evangelist Church:) 2. Do not know this guy, but I think marrying him may be a bad choice, even being catholic with muslim is too much contrary religions. 3. Pray to God Jesus Christ for guidance. Blessings, Cell.
  18. Followed by: You're going to be laughed at. Anyway sorry for writing off those wonderful, perfectly sound arguments like the Flood. Hmm do not know how your mind works, but as far as I understand, I usually don't bother aguirng with atheists, is not being close minded, I understood it in the way he ment it, if you can't understand what he ment, I'll just won't waste my time explaining it to you until you come here and have a open mind. So whenever you feel like having a good debate, I am ready, meanwhile as you are close minded right now, I won't bother. If Mods mind to Lock topic as topic is now off topic.
  19. Yeah last day I slit a child's throat and waited for the police. When they came they asked me: "Are you a theist or an atheist?" Once thay learned I'm an atheist they let me go. Oh give me a break, you know exactly what I ment ,but in case you are still too close minded, as I believe and know you are smarter then this I'll just say it again. Humans do or try to do good things avoiding the consequences it brings, example: A person would break the speed limit in a high way, but because there is a chance that you get a ticket for speeding, most people won't do it, being and atheist or christian. Also I never said atheist were monsters, I was just stating human nature, and why we need laws.
  20. This is not how you win someone over regardless of how you or anyone else feels. This is the kind of thing that will push people farther away, and I will explain why one phrase ata atime. "Like it or not" This tells the reader that his opinions are worthless. This is also a symptom of superior self-image. "one day you will bow down and confess Jesus is God" You cannot tell the future, and you have no idea what he will or will not do in any given point in time. As you know God will "punish" the ones who refuse to bow to his name. This means that secondave still has a choice. Even if your word is true people that don't worship God or acknowledge him in any way will take offense to this because they don't feel they should have to bow down to ANYONE. "so you better do it now so you don't have to do it when it will be no good to you." Since when is "bowing down to God" or accepting Jesus's love into your heart "no good" for anyone? The sentance you wrote here is another symptom of a superior self-image. "He has patience but you have to act quick,you never know when it's gonna be too late" This is a contradictory statement. Your saying God has infinite patience, which he does, but than saying we have to act quick implying that God doesn't have patience. Keep in mind that the bible has been telling us to "act quickly" since it was written. Furthermore we have a good idea when the end will come as there are hundreds of predictions including but not limited to 1. Wars and rumors of wars 2. THE anti-christ 3. four guys on horses will be running around all crazy-like lol. My point is, you have a choice, you can comfess God as your savior right now, or you don't know if God could come this very night, if you don't comfess God as your savior things will just go ugly for you in judgement day. Don't go all psychologist on me, this is not what I ment, rather is a fair warning I feel like giving people, after all I want them to come to Christ so they can be saved, but what I said is rather a reminder.
  21. Great post AK . Lepaca Kliffoth ,I believe it's the opposite, since that's what happens to atheism, besides the lack of respect in your post justs proofs my post that lots of atheist are close minded and I can say you obviusly have trouble debating in a good healthy way, so next post, be more respectfull if you want people to respect you. I again repeat I am ok with debating with atheist as long as conversation doesn't go to insults or disrespecting. You are correct!, because it's human nature to be bad persons. Also then you are a very bad person, since I know if there wasn't a threat of a ticket for speeding or for not stopping at the stop sign you would not respect the traffic signs,aswell this applies to other things; killing, stealing, and so on.
  22. Agree, right on the nail. Amen, you even made me cry to remember something very important, no matter if atheist don't love God, or even if we didn't God will always still be God yesterday, today and tomorrow forever for eternity
  23. That's the one I read in spanish, but still has differences compared to KJV, while I don't read The Bible much ( I should though) I like reading KJV rather then in spanish, but thanks a lot for info
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