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  1. :emot-highfive: Thank You, Floatingaxe..

    For such a really refreshing post....One could practically see all the meadows. and gardens,

    with all the flowers growing in them.....

    And the streams of life giving waters, running over the small rocks and pebbles, making a gentle

    sound of water,as it ran downwards...

    And the swaying of all the different grasses, as the breeze passed them..everything swaying to the

    sound of the gentle, echo's of God, saying, 'The word of the Lord remain's forever'...

    Also in the foreground... The little beautiful lamb's, prancing all over the grass..as if in some greatly, much rehearsed,wonderfully joyful ballet,staged in a great theatrical performance, with the backdrop of God's beautiful nature of all kinds...


    May I just put the following here.. It's a verse that my Dearest Mum, learned at school, there were

    other verses, but Mum always just remembered this one..

    It got taught to me, and when out on picnics, the ladies in the group, Aunt's and cousins..used to gentle sing Mums following verse...

    It had a very gentle tune to it...and when ever I see Daisy, I find my self singing this aloud..

    A Little Daisy showed it's head,

    And what do you think that Daisy said..

    Why Spring is here, and don't you know,

    Now is the time for us to grow!...


    It is like a childs treasure..Ah! Mum and I often used to sing it together, softly, right

    until she had, Dementure...Praise God!

    Much Love,

    From message X+

  2. I remember that here in England we heard something on the news on the radio..

    So We put the T.V. on...

    There were going all over the story from the start, for the people that had just turned on....

    We just sat quietly..In shock I think..at first I though it was one of those of those films that had not been advertised for some reason....

    I just stared and stared at the T.V. in shock mostly.. it was so hard to take it all in...

    after a couple of hours of watching it..we slowly realised that this was indeed for real...For a while though I prayed for the world for peace and for these dreadful things to stop, too much had happened.........

    In fact we watched it all day..feeling so helpless, that you were all so very far away... ...But God wasn' t and I talked to him, than get lapsing back into shock again.......

    I do remember a lot of firemen arriving to hopefully help everyone,,,

    They took the film of them quite near, you could see their faces and emotions.....

    What a great shock not long after, when we heard that all those wonderful people.of the firemen had been caught by some more of the tower falling down.and were all gone now too...{Hope I have remembered that right..] That was another distressing nightmare to have seen, and very take too...I know I cried at times, but exactly when, I do not know , I think it took some days,to even get halfway back to acting with any normality at all...

    A few days after, I went to our local supermarket,,In Sainsburys.......and found that they had a really huge book, for people to put their messages in...To write to the people of the America to also to talk about how the ones on the other side of the pond.. I heard that a lot of these big books were being sent from all over England and other places.......I was relieved.. and by just writing a single mssage, to people that I had never met or saw, it helped me greatly..as they all were part of our very large family of the human race....

    And I just wanted them to know, that we were all shocked too..and were really thinking of them all, with the greatest Love and Understanding....And The Biggest Compassion and Sincere Empathy..

    And we were sharing in their sorrow, their Grief, and all their churned up emotions too....

    Well I think it went something like that anyway.........and tried to tell them that God was still there...and loved to hear their prayers.....and a few other things like that.. I had gone quite early in the morning....Others had written in the book, and I was the only one at that time writing in it..but as soon, as I had finished, one by one, others took each others places, to write their own personal messages too.......A wonderful idea...It somehow felt that through those message books..,

    there was a feeling of hearts meeting...and as I liked to think, of hearts and hands linking from England to the U.S. Books were being sent from all over I think.....I was sincere in the thought's that I did hope the poeple of america, would feel not too alone.... and hopefully knew that the messages came to them from friends, with wishes for a better future..

    I asked them to remember the ones that had laid down their lives.. they would have wanted to have the remaining people to begin again....life had to go on..it just had too ..


  3. :emot-hug:

    Thanks for the song Joe....

    It is nice to see you around..

    Unknown to you, you cheer me up many times..

    Thank you, Dear Brother-in-Christ....

    Love and Sincere, thoughts to you....

    From message X+

    God Bless U!!

  4. :rolleyes:

    Good question..

    I've been a Christian for quite a while now, As I told Honor, at welcome yesterday,

    I've been a Christian quite a while now..and through my great age now..

    of 180yrs old..ha! ha! and all that experiance..Ahem..I somehow have gotten to know, that usually the Lord say's something like,

    No!--Wait a while..or guess what is coming next week....I Jest a little bit..

    but it is something like that...

    Patience is a virtue possess it if you can...

    Anyway,that is usually how I think it out..

    message X+

  5. :emot-highfive:I wondered if the little boy, was all set to be Twins..

    They did say, "He was born from one embryo, but there

    was a developmental anomaly", perhaps that might be what it meant...

    Several years ago in England.. there was a documentry,

    on T.V. here.. it was shown a few times in the next few months,

    from the first screening...Wonder if the film came over to your T.V.?

    And on Gay burn's show.. which took place in Ireland..Most Evening's.....during one of his show, during the last part of it,

    at the end, after introducing them..the mum wheeled her two daughters on... I can only remember ones name...she was called

    Elisher ..cannot remember the other ones name..

    they were only babies, they were sitting up though..And until it was explained,a little later... At first...to see them, one thought that they had two heads on one body....But It was explained , that they were in fact twins..

    that they did have four arm's, but they were in such a way, that they had each others arms around the other sister, at the back...

    I think they had three legs.Meaning that the legs were where they should be..one of the sisters only had one leg though.. thay did share some internal organs though........Yes they were Siamese. twins..

    But they did look like this dear little boy....I really think that they are brothers, but whatever it was, that supposed to happen didn't, therefore, they did not want to make it even more sensational,

    as the crowds were already filled with gret curiosity, and did not want them to get even more worked up..

    I will not put any more about them, in case you have seen that documentary too

    I wonder did any of you see the documentary I spoke about..???

    It is good to see these sort of things...as One has experianced them, and, after a while, one understands a lot more about them.

    And have gotten used to them , then they do not seem any other that what they are.. two dear little sisters....Amen...

  6. An Encouraging True Life Story For All To Read...

    ************************** *************

    A thrilling story about one man who was able to take it and why:



    When the situation looks hopeless, keep hoping. When everything looks impossible, refuse toaccept defeat.

    I learned this lesson the night I outraced the tornado. I was back home in Iowa, only one week after my first year in college.

    Throughout the afternoon my Dad and I could hear an awesome roar that sounded high in the darkened western sky. It was an eerie sound

    -like many freight trains rumbling above the clouds.'Sounds like we're

    in for a hailstorm,' Dad predicted. He was worried about his prize roses. In a desperate attempt to protect them, we rounded up empty pails and wooden boxes to cover every treasured bush.

    It was six o'clock now.We had finished our evening meal in haste.

    From the vantage point of out front lawn, we could see more than a mile across the rolling farm land. The sun was lost nopw, seemingly swallowed by the black monstrous storm, that was prowling the western sky. Slowly,with an alarming stillness, like a creeping tiger

    crawling up on a sleeping prey, the storm crept closer. Gusts of hot wind blew dry dust on the country road. The old box elder began bending before the mounting winds. Out in the pasture, I could hear a cow bellow frantically, calling her little calf to come to her side for safety. I could see my riding horse, standing in the green pasture. He seemed to sense impending disaster. He cut a commanding picture, standing erect,with his head held high; his graceful neck arched; his tail, lifted slightly, blowing widly in the wind; his ears pricking the air for sounds of danger..

    Suddenly a black lump, about the size of the sun, bulged outof the black sky. In an instant,telescoped into a long grey funnel snaking

    it's way down to the ground. For a moment it hung suspended like a slithering serpent about to strike a death sting, on helpless victims

    below.. Dad called Mom: 'It's a tornado Jennie!'

    I asked excitedly, 'Are you sure it's a real tornado, Dad?' My first emotion was delightful excitement. This would be something to tell

    the fellows when I return to Hope College in the fall.The funnel seemed so small, I couldn't imagine the fury that could be unleashed

    from such a funny cloud.

    'Call Mother, son, and tell her to take whatever she can grab and come to the car. We've got to get out of here-right away!'

    A moment later we were driving crazily down the road. We lived on the est end of a dead-end road, and had to drive a mile west, directly into the path of the oncoming tornado, to reach a side road,

    that would head south and away from the path of the storm. We made it. Two miles south, we parked our car on the crest of the hill

    and watched the wicked twister spend it's killing power. As quickly

    and quietly as it had dropped, it lifted and disappeared. It was gone.

    The storm was gone. the air was deathly still, but the danger was past. Gentle raindrop's now began to fall. The tail end of the

    dark sky, dropped a soothing shower of cool rain, as if heaven was pouring a soothing balm on fresh wounds...

    We could go home now. (Oh, God, will we find our house?)

    We reached the crossroads, only to find a long line of cars. Curious sight-seers, sensing that something terrible had happened, already were gathering. They were looking at the complete destruction of a

    neighboring farm. Wondering if our house had been spared we drove down the lonely road that led to our secluded farm. Wires from broken telephone poles crisscrossed the road. We came to the base of the hill that hid the view of our house. We could always see tghe peak of the barn, rise above the hill.. But not now. We knew before we went overr the hill that our barn was gone..Now we were on top of the hill. We saw it. Everything was gone. where only half an hour before there were nine buildings, freeshly painted, now there were none. Where there was life, there was silence of death. It was all gone.It was all dead. We were dazed; our brains reeled.. Only white foundations remained, lying on a clean poatch of black ground.

    There was no debris.

    Everything had simply been sucked up and carried away. A dead pig

    was lying in the driveway. Three little pigs, still living, sucked the breasts of their dead mother. We could hear the sickening moan

    of dying cattle, the hiss of gas escaping from a portable tank of butane used to provide fuel for our stove. Then I saw my riding horse--lying dead with a fourteen-foot long two by four piercing his belly.Stunned, we sat in our car. My Father was past sixty and had worked hard for twenty-six years top try and win this farm. The mortgage was about due, This seemed to kill all chances of ever saving the place from the creditors.

    I looked at my Dad, sitting horror-eyed in the front seat-My Dad,

    white haired, underweight from overwork, hands blue, desperately

    gripping the steering wheel. Suddenly these calloused hands with bulging blood vessels, began hitting the steering wheel of the car, and Dad cried,'it's all gone Jennie! Jennie, it's all gone!

    Twenty-six years, Jennie, and it's all gone in ten minutes.'

    Dad got out of the car,ordering us to wait.. We could see him walking with his cane, around the around the clean-swept, tonado- vacuumed farmyard.

    We found out later our house had been dropped in one smashed piece, a half a mile out in the pasture. We had a little sign in the kitchen- one of these molded plaster motto's that you hang on the wall. It was a simple verse that said'Keep looking to Jesus'...My Dad

    found and carried to the car the top broken half that said simply'keep looking...'well this was God's message to Dad-

    keep looking! keep looking!

    Dont quit now. Don't sell out. Dig in and hold on. And he did!

    People thought that my dad was finished, but he was not.

    He was not finished because he would not give up.

    He had Faith with hanging-on power! There;s one ingrediant that mountain-moving. miracle generating faith, earth shaking faith

    must have, and that ingredient is HOLDING power.

    So Dad didn't quit..

    Two weeks later we found in a nearby town and old house,

    that was being torn down. A section of it was still left for sale, for

    fifty dollars.

    So we bought this remnant and took it apart, piece by piece,

    additional farm buildings were built. Nine farms were demolished in that tornado, but my Father was the only Farmer to rebuild a completly demolished farm..A few years later prices rose sharply. Farm product's prospered.

    Within five years, the mortgage was paid off..

    My Father died a successful man! 'No man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God'

    Somebody said:

    'Grest people are just ordinary people with an extraordinary amount of determination. 'most people who succeed in the face of seemingly impossible conditions, are people who simply don't know how to quit.

    When unexpected damage wreaks havoc with your dreams, then what? Never dwell on what you have lost. If you do, you willbe discouraged and defeated...

    Look not at what you have lost.. But at what you have left...

    By Robert H. SCHULLER..

    Pages 37-39..

    From the book.

    'Treasury Of COURAGE and Confidence,

    compiled by Norman Vincent Peale



  7. :emot-highfive:

    Hello LadyRaven,

    I don't think we have met before.....

    I have just been reading your post about silly warnings and Instructions....LOL!!

    I think you have an amazing sense of humour, and I always look out for your posts...

    Sorry! should have let you know sooner shouldn't I!!!

    As we all should have a large dose, of Encouragement, each day,

    I think..... :thumbsup:

    No matter what our lives are now, I mean if we are happy we should still get the dose of encouragement...

    We could always keep it in the fridge couldn't we..or come to think of it the freezer, ( for longer lasting!) As we do not know,

    'Just when', that little black cloud, will decide to come again, and perch on our shoulder, do we..Ha! ha!

    We could always do with a reserve, of good things, couldn't we..!

    Anyway.. thanks for giving my cheek muscle's, their daily exercise!!

    Thought I would put a few jokes from a book I have.. they are clean good ones.....

    Nice to meet you..

    Take great care .

    May the Lord,

    Spread His shining


    Over your narrow path..

    And Bless you daily..

    Love And Sincere Thought's,

    From message X+

    P.S. Below...


    A man goes into a cinema and buys a ticket for himself and

    his dog. The usher is amazed to see the dog laughing at the film.

    After the show she comments to the man as he leaves,

    'I was staggered to see your dog laughing at the film!'

    The man replies, 'So was I he hated the book!'....


    Three men were walking on a wall,

    Feeling, Faith and Fact.

    When Feeling got an awful fall,

    Then Faith was taken back.

    So close was Faith to Feeling,

    That he stumbled and fell too,

    But Fact remained and pulled Faith back,

    And Faith brought Feeling too...


    From the book 'FROGS 2'..

    By Stephen Gaukroger &

    Nick Mercer.

    Page 50.

    Published By

    Scripture Union. 1993,




    God has created me

    to do Him some definate service.

    He has committed some work to me which He has


    committed to another.

    I have my mission.

    I may never know it in this life,

    But I shall be told it in the next.

    I am a link in a chain,

    a bond of connection between persons.

    He has not created me for naught;

    I shall do good-I shall do His work;

    I Shall be an angel of peace,

    a preacher of truth in my own place

    while not intending it

    if I do but keep His commandments.

    Therefore I will trust Him.

    Whatever I am, I can never be thrown away.

    If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him;

    in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him.

    if I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve Him.

    He does nothing in vain.

    He knows what He is about.

    He may take away my friends,

    he may throw me among strangers,

    he may make me feel desolate,

    make my spirits sink,

    hide my future from me-still

    He knows what He is about.


    By Cardinal Newman.


    God Bless...

    From message X+

  8. :noidea: Hello, Sheryl&Jesus,

    Nice to meet you..

    I am very sorry, that you are feeling so very distraught..I have the dreaded depression too, its a hard lot to deal with at times , isn't it..

    And I do understand, all that you have said too, 'been there'..as they say...

    I think that feeling of rejection, is a really horrible one too,it can almost disintegrate

    ones feelings.. and can bring one to feeling oh! so low!!!

    Some years ago, I had a bad bout of this feeling of rejection..

    It is so painful isn't it..

    It sort of makes one feel, that ones whole world, is slowely coming to an end,

    and it also eats right away at all ones confidence, one may have at that time..

    Ho! Hum!! it eats and eats away.... and makes you feel so dreadful in the end..

    One just feels that things are 'never,' going to change, and one will be somehow, 'stuck', that way for ever more.. :wub:

    I don't know about you, but I had a bout of feeling, that everyone was getting at me.

    [i was in hospital at the time..]

    And it got so bad, that in the end, 'Anything',

    'Anyone', said to me.. felt like a rejection...just simple everyday talk.. in the end, I just didn't want to talk to anyone..I didn't want to hear anything, even though deep down, I must have known....that most of it was the illness, not them... :laugh:

    It does not help make for a happy-daytime living does it..

    But of course, in the end, like a lot of things, it did come to an end..Phew!

    You know, there is still a Stigma', about 'Mental Illness'.. People that have never suffered with it, of course still do not understand about it..

    What I think it may be, is sometimes the fault of the media..when they are looking for someone, who say has escaped from a hospital, and you hear on the new's,

    'they are known to be dangerous'....

    Somehow, everyone else, becomes sort of 'tarred with the same brush', and others think, one might also be like that..

    Even though, there are many other, sort of things, illness's, that people can suffer from, in a very mild way, right up the scale, to those warnings,

    'that they may be dangerous'...

    Although I must say, that the media here, especially T.V. show's a lot of documentarys, about all sort's of things, that others suffer from, some of them, one has not even heard of them, before, either....

    I do watch these at times, on T.V. as I think the more one knows about things, then if one saw someone, in a way that, one has seen on T.V. then, hopefully if you came across such a person.. hopefully, one has let all the shock out ,on the T.V. and hopefully, would not show such expressions, in life now...Hope it would help just a bit, anyway to lesson such feelings, on ones face..

    After all when all said and done, we are known as the 'Human Race', aren't we, and are related to everyone else, too...Aren't we..Well, it's worth a thought or two, isn't it.....

    As for crying, you saying that you cannot stop crying... Well! I always say,

    that if God had not wanted us to cry, then he wouldn't have given us tear duct's, would he!

    True!!Crying is very good for one.. it gives one a good more relaxed feeling, after one has had a good cry..Crying, releases not only tears, but a lot of stress, too..

    In fact, Crying is one of the best 'clear out', things ever...

    A brilliant idea, from the best Physician, Ever! Praise The Lord!!!..Amen..

    Well Sheryl, sorry that I may have rambled on a bit..

    My hope in sending you this post, is to let you know, that you are not the only one to have these odd feelings.. there are lots of us..Honest!!! Just walking about..Looking quite normal, from the outside anyway...

    I think that people, whom do not look , in any way impaired, from the

    outside, are usually known, as ,'The Walking Wounded'...

    Nice to speak to you Sister...

    I will put some hopefully Hopeful things below for you...

    I will be praying for you..I know just how you feel..

    Take Care Sis. won't you.. And anytime you feel like this, why not send me a P.M.

    I will answer you, and try to be a support for you, for as long as you want...

    Take Great Care..

    And may the Lord

    Shine His amazing Light,

    On to your narrow path,

    Each day.

    And show you the way,

    More easily.

    Love and Compassion,

    From message X+





    If radio's slim fingers

    can pluck a melody

    From the night and toss it over

    a continent or sea;

    If the petalled white notes

    of a violin

    are blown across a mountain

    or a city's din;

    If songs, like crimson roses

    are culled from the thin blue air;

    Why should mortals wonder

    that God hears and answers prayer?

    By Ethel Romig Fuller.

    page 193.

    From the book

    'Timeless Teasures'.

    Classic Quotations for

    Speaking, writing,

    and teaching..

    Published by




    Prayer doesn't get man's will done in heaven;

    it gets Gods will done on earth..

    By Ron Dunn.


    When nothing seems to help, I go and look

    at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock

    perhaps a hundred times without as much as

    a crack showing in it.

    Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split

    in two,

    and I know it was not the blow that did it--

    but all that had gone before.

    -Jacob Ris.


    However, if you suffer because you are a


    Don't be ashamed of it,

    But thank God that you bear Christs name.

    1 Peter 4: Verse: 16.

    Good News Bible.


    Be gentle with yourself, learn

    to love yourself,

    to forgive yourself,

    for only as we have the right

    attitude toward ourselves

    can we have the right

    attitude toward others..

    By Wilfred Peterson.


    Leave home in the sunshine:

    Dance through a meadow--

    Or sit by a stream

    and just be.

    The lilt of the water

    Will gather your worries

    And carry them down to the sea.

    By J. Donald Walters.


    Before me is a future all unknown,

    A path untrod;

    Beside me is a friend well loved and known,

    That friend is God.


    Before me lies a new and untried way.

    Midst shadows dim;

    Beside me is my Guide, and day by day,

    I walk with Him.

    By Ruth Thomas..


    "Thou hast enlarged me"--e'en when in distress!

    "Thou hast enlarged me"--made me more like Thee.

    Sorrows which came, and things of painfulness,

    Thou hast employed me--yea, but to develop me.


    "Thou hast enlarged me!--Thou dost most behold

    Need for enlargement , deep within the soul;

    And Thou doest use, not always things of Gold--

    Things ofttimes dark--when sorrows billows roll.


    "Thou hast enlarged me!"--using things of pain--

    Things I would fain have had Thee take away;

    Things which to me, betokened naught of gain--

    Thou hast used these , enlargement to convey.


    "Thou hast enlarged me!" Yea, 'tis all clear now!

    "Thou hast enlarged me!" e'en when sore distressed:

    "Thou hast enlarged!"I woshipfully bow,

    And gladly sing the discipline which blest".

    BY J. Danson Smith


  9. :th_praying: HI! nebula..

    Well, we do not have to crash down for long..we can have little crashes, can't we..I have had some long blank dark tunnel crashes....

    But, after trying to think what one I would send you...The Lord suggested one,

    to me.. And its this one..[Might help her smile, if nothing else.]

    Anyway, the Lord already knows what her reaction's will be..So here we go.. It happened several years ago,

    When I was looking after Mum, who had dementure...

    I have always been a placid (patient!) sort of person...........

    It happened, during one warm summers afternoon...I had been seeing to my Mum.. who I loved very much..We were fan clubs, of each other..really....

    Well Mum and Dad, had to wait 10 years before they had me....

    Anyway it all sort of whelled (h?) up inside me.. all those emotions of heartbreak, and that one never, ever thought, thought one would ever see, ones Mum, so Ill..most of the time so quiet too, not talking...Her little hands all screwed up almost in a ball,with arthritis, in fact she couldn't open and close her hands, they were just stuck like that however..She had a lot of arthritis all over her.. and in her knees too..I often used to rub cream in her legs to sooth the arthritis......

    She had always done whatever she could for us.. When knitting came into being.. she used to knit things for us. all....

    We were never a rich family.. but we had riches, far beyond the monetary means..

    Anyway.. I went into our garden.. and sat down on the garden seat..

    Yes! I felt all in.. and out of strength..

    During the morning, I had been out in the garden with my son..That boy knows a lot about most things..and he is so interesting too.. he must have been about 11-12 years then...I had really enjoyed our talk, we had gone all over our small garden, in fact I felt like, I knew the garden, a whole lot more, since listening to him..

    One of the things we had spoken about at length, was about ants, and he explained , a lot of their process of life..a lot of different things that they did for each other....Our English garden ants, are only tiny. All doing little jobs to help each other .. it had been such mind blowing stuff...to learn in such a way...

    So as I sat there that afternoon...resting, from my tiredness and worry about my loved one's..I found my self deep in thought about the Garden ants......

    As I sat there, I saw an ant, walking, it seemed to walk quiet quickly, but it must have really have been 'Many Ant Miles', really....

    As I watched it, I got so really engrossed, the world had seemingly 'gone away', and it was, 'Just The Ant And I', together......I just kept watching it, walking it had something on it's back too, which seemed so heavy and hard to manage..

    It was a leaf on its back with something else on the leaf..

    And then I remembered something that my son had told me in the morning, during his talk on the ants.....He said that Ants were very tidy things..some had different jobs to do.. some he said , had to help clear their home out..

    [forgotten what he called it! It is where they live..] And he said if any ant had died, they had to take that away from the home..

    Then I knew without a doubt, that the story about the ants, had all been in Gods plan.....

    I started watching it again.. It had gone about halfway, many times, or even less.. then just as he was getting there..a sudden breeze had come, where

    there had not been a trace, of any, before.....He had had to pick up his load and start all over again....

    I found I had become the ants cheer leader, and how I had become, to love and care for that little ant, and was praying for it for ages....

    I tell you it was really quiet an Experiance...

    The times that Ant, put his lot down, only to have another gust of wind, blow it back, almost to where the ant had first started from, in the first place....

    I was whispering to it.. go on, don't stop, how many times it takes..keep on, try, try, and try again.. you must take that dead ant, away from your home..

    It's part of your Job..................

    I watched the ant.. and after all that, no breeze came , and he put it down on the earth, which was opposite where it had come from....

    I whispered to my ant..and the Lord..Hallelujah!! thank you Lord, thank you.

    And I realised, that God might have put on this little show,for my sake ..

    I sat there, for a moment...Thinking about Mum, and how much I loved her, and how helpless she had become.. .. She and Dad, had never let me down, they had always been there for me.....

    I went back indoors.. feeling rested and also strengthened (?)

    By an Ant.. And I just could not forget those words..

    Try! Try! and Try again!!!

    I went into the room, where my Mum was sitting, just looking straight ahead..

    And gave her a kiss on the cheek, and a little hug..She didn't even turn around.. But I just whispered to her..I love you Mum.........Amen.....

  10. :24:


    Hello Kittyjo!

    I don't think we have met before...

    .Just wanted to say Hi! And tell you how Wonderful, I thought 'The Gift Of Snow Was'.

    Thank you so much for sharing all the rest of your testimony, with us too.....

    Thank you for your honesty, and sincerety too, such things are rather hard to write at times aren't they...

    The following text is really one of my favourites......

    That I would like to share it with you...even though it is probably very well known to you....Good to share, isn't it..as you know..

    I will give you the treasures of darkness,

    Riches stored in secret places,

    So that you may know that I amthe Lord,

    The God of Israel, who summons you by name...

    Isaiah 45:3.



    God laid upon my back a grievous load,

    A heavy cross to bear along the road.


    I staggered on, and lo! one weary day,

    An angry lion sprang across my way.


    I prayed to God, and swift at His command

    The cross became a weapon in my hand.


    It slew my raging enemy, and then

    Became a cross upon my back again.


    I reached a desert. O'er the burning track,

    I persevered, the cross upon my back.


    No shade was there, and in the cruel sun

    I sank at last, and thought my days were done.


    But lo! the Lord works many a blest-surprise--

    The cross became a tree before my eyes!


    I slept, I woke to feel the strength of ten.

    I found the cross upon my back again.


    And thus through all my days from then to this,

    The cross my burden, has become my bliss.


    Nor ever shall I lay the burden down,

    For God one day will make the cross a crown.

    Page 64-65. From the book.

    'Streams in the desert'

    compiled by

    Mrs. Charles Cowman.

    Volume 3.

    Formerly published as

    'Springs in the Valley.'

    Published by Lakeland.


    ******************************************** GOD AND HIS PROVIDENCE.

    ******** He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater.

    He sendeth more strength when the labours increase;

    To addeth affliction , He addeth His mercy,

    To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.


    When we have exhausted our store of endurance,

    When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,

    When we reach the end of our hoarded resources,

    Our Fathers full giving is only begun.


    His love has no limit, His grace has no measure,

    His power no boundary known unto men:

    For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,

    He giveth and giveth and giveth again..

    By Annie Johnson Flint.

    Page 41.

    From the book,

    Poems For Sunshine And Shadow'.

    Published by

    'Back To The Bible'.

    This Copyright. Reproduced

    By Permission

    Evangelical Publishers,

    Toronto, Canada,

    From 'Flints Best Loved Poems'.


    I Wish You Every Future Happiness,

    As You walk down life's track...

    May The Lord Always,

    Shine His Light

    Brightly Upon Your Path.

    With All My Sincere Wishes,

    Love From message X+

  11. :emot-heartbeat: Hello, Willow..

    Do you know I always read and reread my posts...lots of times, I have to..

    Anyway, I made a post to you last night,[English time.] I had reread it many time's,

    On the preview,and back to the one that I am writing on..

    Bit like a yo-yo, it goes..

    [Probably like we most do..I have to do it because of short memory and all the end bits from my breakdown.]

    Anyway..I thought it was O.K. But when I came to read it after I had posted it to you.

    Well please except my apology...Willow..[i was really horrified, when I read it..I just didn't mean it the way it had come out.. actually, I think I had got a bit lost, when I wrote that.. That paragraph, did not have a place in the post anyway.. :emot-heartbeat: ]

    It is when I am talking about, pointing at anyone..[Now why I should have put all that..I really do not know..Think there was a point when I started it, but when I got

    along, must have got a bit lost..But didn't discover it till it was posted..

    Its just the bit at the end of all that paragraph...Hence--'So do not do it'....

    Now silly as that may sound, after it was posted, last night, it has really worried me,

    ever since, and has come into my mind countless times..

    The Lord must have been speaking to me, that is what I think now, and so I have posted this, to try and make amends, Willow please forgive me..

    I do hope that I have not upset you too much with it...I just had to write and

    apologize, to you........Sorry, about that I really am, and you are so nice too..

    My aim to be at Worthy, is to help people , to help give ruffled feather's, some smooth, balming oil, to help unruffle them, at least to be a very small cog in the works, that work to unruffle things...

    One thing I 'never' want to do is, ruffle - already ruffled people..

    I think that there is much too much of that going on in the world already..

    We all should be 'Unruffled', people....Really..

    I only hope that this has worked towards the good, that this post was setting out to do...

    Have A Bright And Happy Future,

    All My Love and Sincere Wishes,

    From message X+

  12. :whistling: Hello Willow..

    I was so sorry to hear all, that you have gone through..

    Nobody! Whoever they are.......can tell whats around any corner....Waiting to pounce on one from another corner......

    We all make mistakes......Making mistakes is one way, that God teaches us life-lessons.

    The worst thing anyone can do, is not to learn from them....

    I once saw a preacher talking, and he said no-one should ever point a finger at another...Ever!!.

    And he asked us all to just point.. so we did..

    The preacher said, now I am going to to tell you something...

    That they say, if anyone points another finger at anyone...

    Then there will always be three fingers pointing to you....Try it..just point..

    Then look back, at your own hand.. and you will find that there are

    the three fingers pointing back at yourself..........True.....

    So never do it...

    It looks like you are sorting yourselfs out Willow..

    It takes longer for some, that others, to get settled down....

    Maybe round the next corner.... A new road, a new start..

    Moving on, lessons greatly learnt.....into a new area of life...

    Maybe some of the dreams you used to have,

    Will now begin to

    Bear fruit...Much better times ahead for all of you...

    My prayers are with you Willow.....

    May Your Future ,Day by Day..

    Slowely, Start To Shine and Shine

    May The Lord, Shower You With Blessings,

    May Jesus show you how far,

    It is that you both have walked..

    Much further, than you thought..

    Seems you maybe halfway,

    to the top, of that Green Hill,

    That Holds your Dreams safe for you...

    Just A little walk longer..only a while...now..

    May God Bless You, With Assurance,

    Understanding And Strength,

    For They Come From Those Lessons

    That You

    Have Both Been Learning.....

    Not much further now....Willow!! ;)

    With Love and God Bless,

    From message X+

  13. :24::24::24:

    :blink::wub::blink: Hi! Joe..

    Thank's for all your Post's and messages..

    One thing that I love to do, when out walking with our dog...

    [ Jenny, a black,Toy poodle..Who is a Sweetie!! Ah! she's got a big Golden heart, Bless her...]

    Is pass on smiles to everyone...

    By your last post to me..Seems I unknowingly, sent you a whole bunch of smiles..

    I love those little men, who get the giggles, and roll about..

    Actually, 'they', are your ones, on here, from your post..!!!

    Well! I just couldn't bring myself to.. [teardrop] to actually..gulp! gulp!

    Can't say the word!! Whew! here goes..[eyes shut!] 'delete them'.. so I have rescued, them for you..Then perhaps, if they don't mind , being posted backwards and forwards to everyone, we will never have to..[teardrop!] that word ever again.. that would be good wouldn't it..............WHEW!

    All that explaining you went to, Ah!!! Shuck's Joe! you are a good mate! :)

    [And I'm from England..! passable wasn't it!?...Really must try and Practise it a bit more..[Hoping, that you Do come from that part of the world anyway !!?]

    I have to thank you for mentioning this.. :24: and......................

    the wranglers and the ranglers

    and :cool: Wranglettes???

    [i think my mind is going again?! :blink::duh: !?]

    [is there a Doctor in the house? :laugh: ]

    Perhaps if I have a little sleep..a few zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz s !!

    I might feel bit 'Clearer!' I'm sure I'll be alright !

    Funny these last few posts,I don't know what it is about them...it seems like they must have some spray on them..

    As after I have read them, they tend to make me feel a bit Dizzy<<<<<<<<<<<

    Is it Me? Or maybe it's you , I don't know!!

    [Nothing personal! Honest!] Perhaps I'm going down with the Heebie Jeebies! again?

    Funnny!! I didn't know they were round this way again...

    That Doctor is taking his time isn't he???!

    I will just get in touch of a good friend of mine,

    I am sure he will be able to sort it all out for me! :rolleyes::thumbsup:

    Thanks for the :):) 's


    With Much Love,

    From message X+

  14. :thumbsup: Hello! celebratejesus...

    I was really awe struck, when reading your post, about tree's, and the pinecone which

    has a seed inside.. which will only give up its treasure.. when it come upon heat..

    then it will leave it to the ground..later it will grow..

    Thank you so much for telling us all about it...Trees are so wondrous...

    In a field near where I live, there are many tree's, all year they give much pleasure.

    I love seeing them in all of natures garb, that she makes for them...

    Its wonderful..

    From the Autumn where many colours can be seen...Autumnal colours.. all the shades

    of the Rustic many shades does it have...

    I thought you might enjoy these sayings, that I have about trees.....


    God is the experiance of looking at a tree, and saying, Ah!

    --Joseph Campbell..


    Though a tree grows so high,The falling leaves, returns to its roots...

    Malay Proverb..


    Keep a green tree in your heart, and perhaps a singing bird will come...

    Chinese Proverb.


    I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live,

    than other thing's do.

    Willa Cather 1873-1947.


    The creation of a Thousand Forest's, is in one acorn...

    Ralph Waldo Emerson.


    I hope that you will find those sayings of enjoyment...

    Thanks once again, for your truly delightful Post.....

    May The Lord Bless you.

    Every Day, May The Lords Brightness,

    Shine Across Your Path..

    Love From message X+

  15. :laugh:

    Hello there, Knight of light..

    Well thats a bit of a tough one you have there...

    Your idea seems quite good..but once one goes into such a thing, it usually turns out that it has many more sides to it than one first thought, that is quite a deep well, that you have uncovered there, it really is...

    The trouble with most things is....there are people whom have clever

    people of law, who could probably get them much less than 5 years if they wanted to pay the fee's and so on....If they wanted to get out of the marriage...

    Taking a look at the other side, of the coin as they say..

    Engagements, are not a thing one hears much about these days...

    It needs someone, very enterprising, to introduce,all the good things about getting engaged.. having a long engagement..was always seen as, a getting to know you thing...

    Many years ago, with intimate relations..kept after the wedding vows had been taken.

    It needs someone to somehow reintroduce..some things of past times..

    Wonder if one could try to bring back some of the beliefs, they had many years ago..

    And work out 'why'? they worked at the time...

    Then to try and make people, aware of them, and try to make them stand up and work for today, as well in yesteryear......

    Would that really work I wonder..?! Would people want to turn the clock back...?! Wouldn't it really be too hard to do so..I wonder...

    A lot of the kids..are just plain 'Bored'..parent's,, seemingly let them get on with things from such a young age now....With hardly any family intake....

    What would have to be done is a mixture of the years, a chunk out of that era.. and a bit out of another............Do you think it would work?.....

    I really think the family unit, should somehow be introduced again...

    But though all these years.. generation to generation.. they each have their own ideas..

    And for most generation's...Things just sort of happen, don't they..

    If you wanted to do as you mentioned....

    I think it might be too difficult..I would really love to think , that at some stage

    the close family unit, would actually reappear, but the Public, would almost have to start living in an entirely new way..[or should it be..old way?????]

    Sorry I am all out of ideas now...

    Is it possible to somehow put the clock back and copy another era's way of living..?

    Wouldn't it all seem, too 'Manipulated', somehow!?

    Yesteryear, had so much more going for it...So much more respect, for people,

    and manners too were just like a second skin.. Things like standing up for needy people to sit down on a bus..thats a very lightweight thing I know..

    but things like that...

    I think parents used to accept that it was their child.. therefore they would do all they could to teach it about life, and the ways of living..

    Good manner's.. and how to treat people... that has seemed to slipped away, I know the era's come and era's go..but while one is living through an era...One always thinks.. that life will always be that way...

    When I was a child, there was definitely, very close family units, with relatives living short distances from each other... In the years I am talking about..part of travel that was popular then.. was the moterbike and sidecar....My mum and dad, had one, so did a few uncle's and aunts..It made a good form of travel.

    Most kids loved sitting in the sidecar, one could either sit upright..[depending on the size of the child...... or it was quite long, and we usually had a couple of rugs and a pillow.that was a wonderful ride.. and sent most to sleep in no time at all...It had a movement which was sort of rocking.. which did sort of lull one to sleep very well...Most familys if they had one,,the dog would also travel in the side car, as it loved making itself comfortable.. in the long side car..

    We only lived about half an hour or so from each other for many years.... Thats the way there was so many close knit families, around when I was small.. because it was the beginning of a new life.. world war 2 had finished then.. I was only a baby then but when I grew up mum used to tell us family stories all about the war and such.. I really think it was a good time to be born.. I wouldn't have missed being in a close knit family for anything...

    It makes me feel so sad..now when I look at kids....There just doesn't seem the respect that there was when I was young...

    But as I said..Mums and dads, took a real interest at everything their child was doing and used to encourage them all they could....

    I worry about the children of 'now' at times..Where are the children..heading to or going to..?

    With families all split up,and spread across the world at times...

    How are the kids of today going to manage...

    We used to go to one relatives one sunday,and have high tea with them.. another Sunday some other family would cometo us and so on...

    We used to have a wonderful time.....It did help that mostly all of our natures were a lot the same.. and we used to go and have games of cricket..and ball...and picnics galore..

    Can you try and turn the clock back..???!!??? I am not really sure!

  16. :24::blink::24::24::rofl::th_wave::emot-handshake::101::101::101::sneaking:

    Hello 'Fresnojoe'...

    You are a very kind person, Thanks very much, for all the things, that you told me about..

    The only thing I could not work out was..

    The Following.....


    'You will need to make a different 'Pass' for each change you want to make the script!

    :noidea: I am sorry but I didn't quite understand that bit..

    Could you please explain it for me?.. I am not very computerminded, with these sorta thing's......

    Thanks for your kindness Joe..Many times!!!....

    Then I will go and have a practise as you said....

    If you don't see me for some time.... you will come and rescue me won't you!!

    Many thanks again.. Love message X+


    I'm off to give a very, very, famous, ceiling,

    another coat of paint...Me think's!!!! Ha" Ha! :P

  17. :24::b::b:


    Hello To Everyone..

    Just wondered if anyone could tell me how one writes in the big letters.. that you all seem to use.....You know the coloured ones...

    And some of you have small printed word's, near the end of your page..

    I have tried all the things I can think of..and still nothing..

    I really would like to know all the mysteries about these things...

    PLease!!!! I would be thankful..

    If someone could give me some serious and easy rules..

    On the, How To Do!!!

    Thanks to you all!!

    Love You All !!!

    From message X+

  18. :whistling: Hello Willow..

    :24: I don't get a ringing in the ears, but every so many months...

    I get a ticking.. 'Tick! tick! Tick!' Honest its just like someone is holding their watch up to my ear...Goes quite fast too..

    Be interesting to find out what other people hear in their ears..

    Of course there is that illness , where some people get all kinds of sound in either one ear or both..have just looked in the Dictionary..and can't find it at all...Some people have it for years..

    can't spell it..think itbegins with tin...? but as I cannot find it in the dictionary..knowing me..could star with a z or something..

    I read about a young man in his twenties..he had been to music school, and studied the

    Classical guitar.. He had passed lots of tests..and was good enough to give concerts around his home town...He was so pleased all was going very well...But it seemed all of a sudden the noises in his ears grew louder.. so much so he couldn't tune his guitar..

    So with great sorrow he had to give it up...

    That was quite a few years ago now, he would be considered quite young even now..

    So Peraps Medical knowledge might grow even more, and they might find some sort of cure for


    It was said that during the day , it sometimes really used to make him feel down....

    it just couldn't stop the noise it never stopped.. the only thing it did stop, was the start, of what might have been a very good job, in the classical music business....

    Poor Lad lets hope that he may have found something to help his ears.....now..

    interesting subject..

    Thanks Willow....

    From message X+

  19. :24::thumbsup:





    Dear Sister..

    How we thank the Lord for His great Overwhelming Love and understanding of us His Children..

    when we pray to Him, out of utter desperation for a loved one who is undergoing medical tests..

    When through the night of the darkness of the soul....we think that daylight will never come, as it is so dark within ourselves, and cold..like the are having a sorta strange winter, within our humanity..Feeling so cold within.. we can feel co cold because we are so upset and worried, that right then we can almost feel nothing will ever be the same again...

    As we continue praying for our loved one....We feel so full of despair.....But then at some time after that, it seems like the whole system, of our personal world,

    has changed for the better..How can that be we ask ourselves.. But suddenly, in the darkness and the silence of the night.....

    God speaks to our heart..And His voice and what He has to say to us..

    Banishes all the gloom and the pain of our heart and mind...

    Is somehow totally banished completly from us..

    And once more we feel that we are a part of life and of living once more..

    The sheer numbness has gone from us..And slowely once more..we feel warmth and expectation within, once more.....

    Inwardly we know somehow that good is appearing again..

    We start praising the Lord..and we feel so very good, and our human selves rush along, to where our loved one is..

    And there we find even more great and vast assurance, that the prayers that have been said for our loved oneat that time of asking have been answered..and turned into one complete whole of Holy positive-ness..That has once more, grown up inside ourselves..

    Leaving us with that wonderful, almost Unbelievable closeness,as the Lord's presence, grows around us..and we can but weep at His feet..crying and thank Him for all His help..In our mind we might even hear the words, my servant rise and weep no more..go and see your loved one..

    All that matters is that moment..as we walk quickly once more to find her..

    as we do...we then see her face all alight..she turns and says God Is good, isn't He..

    we just nod and say Amen...

    We have, walked over the first bridge together, and then we realise, that nowhere,at any time, ..will we ever have to walk along Alone again..As the Lord will always be with us..





    " The road is too rough," I said.

    "Dear Lord.there are stones that hurt me so."

    And He said,"Dear child,I understand,

    I walked it long ago".


    "But there's a cool, green path," I said.

    "Let me walk there for a time."

    " No , child," He gently answered me.

    he green path does not climb."


    "My burden," I said," is far too great.

    How can I bear it so?"

    "My child," He said," I remember the weight.

    I carried my cross you know."


    But I said,"I wish there were friends with me

    Who would make my way their own."

    " Oh,yes ," He said, "Gethsemane,

    Was hard to bear alone."


    And so I climb the stoney path,

    Content at last to know,

    That where my Master had not gone,

    I would not need to go.


    And strangely then I found new friends;

    The burden grew less sore.

    And I remember--long ago,

    He went that way before....

    By Olga J. Weiss..........

    Take care....

    May His light ,

    always shine brightly

    across your lifes path...


    Love messge X+ :emot-hug:

  20. :24: I loved reading through all your answers, they are great fun..

    I would have said [Like a saying my mum was always say..about things..]

    That my mind was----- wait for it----...


    :24: well it sounded good!!...

    Well here I am all ready [as I did the test!] to join the Purple lot..

    sounds as if we have great mind's though..or is that just wishful thinking?!..LOL!

    Who knows!!! :24:

    Loved the test though!! Well done.. :P

  21. :emot-highfive:



    :taped: Hello Turtletwo..

    I don't think we have met before..Nice to meet you ....

    I am so pleased about your wonderful news, yes our God is truly Wonderful......I Truly love this saying...:

    I have a great need for my God---And a great God for my need....


    When my Mum, was in full dementure, and, it happened, that she also had just two more month's in this

    world, which as you will see, fits in with the story you are about to read.........

    A friend came to see us.. We both agreed with each other, that we really felt very strongly, that we wanted to pray for Mum, and that it would it would be alright to do so..

    So we explained, to Mum, that we would like to pray for her, and asked her if it would be alright, to do so.....Mum, who had been sitting in her chair all day, staring into space, like she usually did....seemingly understood us..[God's in Charge!] and said , Yes Please!

    So we carefully said the 'Sinner's Prayer' for her,and she slowely repeated, all that we said to her.. and we all said, 'Amen' together.......

    And...When we next looked at her..I saw the face of Mum, as I had never seen it before...

    Her face was shining, with Such Strong,'Radiance', We could not help but just stand, and tried to take it in..

    But it was also what she said too...

    She said..'That's Good, Now I Can Go Home'....

    To see such a Miracle is just completly Awe-Inspiring..It really was......So really Awe-Inspiring..

    A Miracle doesn't come in all different sizes, it just comes in the one size....Amen..

    Faith finds her path through

    Many a starless night;

    And without wonder, meets

    the coming dawn--

    With confidence she journeys

    Toward the light,

    And as she goes, the darkness

    Is withdrawn...


    So I can be filled with the Great Wonderment.... That you too, feel now..

    When the Lord has drawn Himself nearer to us.. In answer to a heart felt desire, that we have..

    Thank you so much for sharing that with us Turtletwo.. It is a Great Testimony..

    It is so Important,to share what the Lord has done, or doing in our lives..

    In that way we can help to build each others Spirit up..

    It Encourages us to tread further down that narrow path that lies before us..Amen...

    Please feel free to email me any time..And I will always answer you..

    I just Love reading your posts..

    You are a lovely Godly Lady....

    And are always such an encouragement to us all..

    Much Love and Sincere Wishes,

    May God's light always shine

    Brightly upon your path..

    Love message X+ :rolleyes:

  22. :) I am the bread of life.

    he who comes to Me,

    Will never go hungry,

    and he

    who believes in me

    will never be thirsty.

    Amen. John. 6:35

    :thumbsup: Welcome simile..

    Pleased to meet you..

    So sorry, that your life has turned all upside down, and inside out..

    The Greatest Person, I know, who can turn you rightside in again..and around the right way..is Jesus..Amen..

    I like others have been through many dark tunnels...and have learnt..

    That Every tunnel.. not only has an Entrance..it also somewhere along the line..does have an Exit too..Honest!! It's true.. HALLELUJAH!!

    Nice to meet you brother..

    Please feel free, to email me via Worthy, at any time..and I will do my very best, to send you some comfort..

    Just think if you get in touch with all that has offered their help..

    You should feel a lot better, that when you started your post to us..anyway..

    Take much care..

    You will be in all our thoughts and prayers...

    You have a lot of new friends now too..

    As each of us suddenly finds..

    When we first post.. Amen to that...

    May You Find The True Light,

    Forever On Your Pathway..

    Much Love To Your Family..

    From messageX+


    I will leave some Positive things

    from the Good Book..

    for you

    below this..

    from messageX+

    God Bless You!


    Cast all your anxiety

    on him

    because He cares for you.

    1 Peter 5:7


    The Lord watches over you-

    the Lord is your shade

    at your right hand.

    The Lord will

    keep you from all harm-

    He will watch over

    your coming and going,

    both now forever more.

    Psalm 121:5. 7-8


    I am the Lord, your God,

    who takes hold of

    your right hand

    and says to you,

    Do not fear;

    I will help you.

    Isaiah 51: 12, 15.


    You have been a refuge

    for the poor,

    a refuge for the needy

    in his distress,

    a shelter from the storm,

    and a shade from the heat.

    Isaiah : 25:4


    The Lord is a refuge

    for the oppressed,

    a stronghold in times

    of trouble.

    Psalm 9: 9.


    May the light of Jesus,

    Shine brightly on your path..


    Love From messageX+


    The Lord is My Shepherd..

    Psalm 23...


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