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King James Bible Study

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  1. Thanks Clio, your reply brought a tear to my eye. I perceive of my relationship with Abba from human eyes. What I mean is, I've learned through human relationships that loyalty is the heart of trust, trust is the heart of relationship. Faithful is another word that applies. Those qualities are longsuffering, courageous, blind to ambition, and selfless, yet they uphold the one who embraces them. There are laws to the universe that are akin to gravity. Don't laugh. You can't touch them, smell them, taste, or whatever. One that I think about alot, is the law of honesty (which is akin to loyalty). You can't taste honesty, or smell it. You can't spot it in your telescope. But honesty is a force. I has power, assigned by God Almighty. Just as the "Word" is assigned by God, and holds power unseen. Tell the truth to a liar, and then watch the liar's eyes. There is recognition. A fear creeps into the liar's eyes. The eyes narrow. And the liar can't wait to get away. Tell the truth to a truthful person, and watch the righteous eyes open with delight. Both kinds of eyes are in every church, every family (probably). Be kind, thoughtful, and tennacious in your belief that God Almighty is greater than all things. KJBS
  2. The title for this topic, "Churches - which ones are going to hell", is not about buildings or structures, not even about organizations: churches don't go anywhere, people do. Churches, however, are a collective term for the people who embrace them. So the title is abstract. This discussion is not. It's about people. I have not been a Christian for a long period of time, but I've been alive for nearly fifty years. Like you, I've seen the bad stuff, from violence to the more subtle forms of death...such as lies and cheats, etc. I only mention the age-thing because I'm more qualified to give my own human insight into churches, than I am qualified as a Christian to speak on the subject. However, it was as a human that I was called to Almighty God. I did not become Christian, then human. And as this might seem a worthless point, I submit that it is the heart of every call to Christ...that we, seeing our own infirmities and those around us, have it already in our hearts to want what is better and more meaningful. The difference between those that answer the call, and those who do not, is not whether or not the desire is there...it's whether it is more meaningful than the other desires they harbor, also. You can, as a Christian, make the mistake of leaning toward desires that are false in their value, just as you can run toward the desires that lead to the treasures of God. That's why I chose the title. Churches have, in their collection of people, a wealth of desires of every shape and form. The people hold love, hate, fear, anger, empathy, and you name it. They've got it. Churches do not differ from one another in that way. And, as well, they all hold this: individuals who will lean toward false treasures, and individuals who will run toward God's treasures. To apply any label on a Church, is by assignment of that label, assignment to all it's people...and it is presumptuous as well. It presumes that God does not see the human heart or the Christian soul. In fact, to presume is an act of inserting our own eyes over the eyes of God. We say, in affect, that we know more that God Almighty, and in so doing, make fools out of ourselves. If churches were the center of the Christianity, Christ would not have come to shed his blood for individuals. He would have hung on the cross and said, "I shed my blood for the Baptist Church, the Catholic Church..." or whatever church of the day. But he didn't do that. The point of the crucifixion was toward humans, like the criminal on the cross beside Christ.
  3. Yes, I kind of got that impression, too, Leonard. And the next time I try to share something of interest, I'll be more careful about how I go about it. I actually copied some of the information from the product site when I originally posted. I should have mentioned this, or stated my non-association with sales or marketing, or any other monetary aspect. I merely helped the company develop some software, not the iBible. Since the original post, I did a Google search for Bible PDA's, and indeed, I found many references. I feel a little foolish for having written the original post before checking that way. But honestly, I saw many software add-ons, which require the user already owning a PDA. The iBible is a PDA with the software already installed. The cost would be much less, that way. I'm sure there are plenty of great products that promote the Word, and I'm thankful for that. If the iBible fits a niche that helps people, I'm all the more happy I shared here about it. Thanks for your comment, Leonard. If you or anyone want to see the iBible, the site address is http://www.rmh.ibibleusa.com
  4. Yeah, Johnny Cash was plugging the Franklin Electronic Bible a good 10 years ago, lol! Thanks for your reply, Ronald. I wasn't aware of any of these products, as I am a relatively new person with Christ. I would like to comment, with good intent, that I don't think laughing out loud is a nice comment (there are plenty of things to laugh out loud about at me, I just don't think my ignorance on this subject happens to be one of them). Anyway, I only wanted to share my new enthusiasm with other Christians. Not everybody has spent the last ten years in Christ. Mine happened to have been spent elsewhere. The true miracle in that scenario, and others like it, are way beyond laughter...more toward heartfelt, flowing tears. Have a positive day, brother.
  5. Thanks for your reply, Iryssa. I didn't know that there were PDA-type Bibles, until I saw the iBible. It's such a great study tool, I thought I would share the news. If there are other, similar portable models out there that you could mention, please do so. I truly believe that this kind of tool is important for Christians everywhere, and your mentioning others could lead to furthering knowledge of the Word for many people. Again, thanks for your reply.
  6. There is a new Bible available, called the iBible, a portable electronic King James Version (modern) with features such as bookmarks, instant word search, audible verse readings, and an instant Bible Dictionary. In other words, it's a handheld power-searcher through both Old and New Testaments. Now, I'm not throwing away my own paper Bible...the Word is a blessing, not a fad. But I think the iBible is more convenient, powerful, and best of all, more efficient. It's the best interactive format for studying, especially because it's small and portable and can be used anywhere. How did I find out about it. Well, I'm a software developer and did some work for the company that markets the iBible. They provided samples of all their products, and this one jumped right off the table at me. I took it home, used it , and quickly realized that this was an important addition in terms of how Christians make the most of their study-time, quicken their growth in understanding, find connections between Books and Verses, and so on. So now I'm kind of spreading the news. Here's a brief rundown of what I found so worthwhile: Built-in dictionary can be applied to words in any verse, providing real time understanding of God's Word. The dictionary is so useful, your knowledge will begin to grow the first time you use it. Instant Search allows users to double-click on a word and automatically find every instance of that word throughout the Bible. The continuity of God's design is easier to see in this way. Audible verses (yes, it can read aloud to you also) are wonderful readings of inspiration and wisdom that can be played quietly, or more loudly if wanted. Inexpensive, attractive, and no bigger than a small hand-held calculator. It is loaded with many more features. If you would like to see the iBible, you can visit http://www.rmh.ibibleusa.com Besides that (the iBible), I'd like to wish everyone a day filled with heartfelt warmth and consideration for those less fortunate. Also, consider this, we cannot go anywhere, do anything, or experience anything, outside the embrace of Our Father, The Almighty God. We never have, and never will. God Bless You All
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