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    ART- specifically acrilic and water color, love abstract stuff.
  1. What is that P word and what does it mean?
  2. right after I accepted Christ I found myself wondering why I did that cus I started to doubt that He was real because I didn't see Him or his miricles. So, I went to my pastor and told him that I was feeling this way, not so sure. He told me, that doubting is just an opportunity to search out the truth about God, and prove his existence. He said that as long as you dont just sit there and say ok my doubt must me true, and instead, search out to see if it is true, you are ok. Cus God is the same today as he was then and he will not change, so if you look for Him you will find Him and you will see the truth if you look for it. And for me he was right.
  3. My question to u is- what kind of proof are you looking for? I mean, there are no pictures, no birth certificate, no papers that HE himself wrote by HIS own hand. The only thing that there is, is this world, you and me and all the animals, and the fact that EVERY tribe, every human, every person, seeks to answer the questions u just asked! There Is however, eye witness testimony! It's called the Bible. There are guys in there that SWORE by their very lives that Jesus was the son of God. Guys that all wrote the same account of what they saw, at differet times, to different people, and it all matches up. After meeting this man (JESUS ) they changed their lives so much that the only thing that can explain it is they were convinced without a doubt that God was real. That he came, did miricles, said there was a God, taught about this GOD that created us, and died so that we could go and be with Him again. Jesus is proof that there is a God. Then, there is the fact that u can't explain the world any other way! It's like trying to explain the egg without talking about the chicken. And by the way, eggs wont hatch without a chicken to sit on them and keep them warm. So the chicken had to come first- Hmm.. Who created the chicken- God. I think of it this way. Fish, they live their lives right there under the water and they have NO CLUE that we are up here running the world. WE are changing the water they live in, we are changing the environment, the air, even the food that they eat. but we are. And just because they never see us, doesn't make us less here. And occassionally we yank one of those fish out of the water, look at him, talk to him, say we are not ready for him, he is too small, and we throw him back. I imagine that if that fish could talk he would tell everyone- hey there is something else up there, and all the other fish would say. Man he must be crazy. lol. All I can say is, once i stopped fighting trying to find God - I found him. and i have this "peace" that all those crazy chrisitans talk about. Good luck in u r search! Hope this helps! CoachPurse
  4. CoachPurse


    If a person commits suicide- do they go to hell, even if they believe in God and have accepted Jesus? What does the bible say?
  5. Why do you capitalize words and your name but not Gods name? Didn't know-that's why-sorry.
  6. Is it true that how other people judge you is how God will judge them? Like if they judge you by how you look, God will judge them by how they look? Or if they judge you by how smart ( or not smart ) you are, God will judge them by how much they know? Just wondering? CoachPurse
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