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Everything posted by JustinM

  1. He could also be a secular humanist. They actually believe humans will become gods one day. If someone is so arrogant that they believe they are a god, and history is full of people like that, wouldn't this person acknowledge that he is the Jewish messiah if it that is what the world wants to recognize him as? It would make no difference to him what god he is recognized as, so long as the world sees him as a god.
  2. Yes, http://raptureready.com has been around for a very long time and is one of my favorite sites, this one too. . . If you haven't visited it, I recommend it, their nearing midnight weekly columns are great and so is Israel Watch.
  3. I don't think the same argument from Roe V. Wade can be made now. Another step in the right direction of ending abortions. Now children in that state will be protected after 6 months gestation, if their cruel mothers let them live that long.
  4. Yes, another backhand to the face of Christians. I suppose someone here will say it, so I might as well say it first. Guess we are just supposed to turn the other cheek. Meanwhile he keeps provoking us to anger. Would he turn the other cheek if he were so insulted? I haven't seen him do that yet.
  5. Dan 11:37 could also be describing his real personality. Anyone can pretend to be anyone, and still be the complete opposite inside. The Beast may not regard the God of his fathers, women, etc., because he may believe himself to be a god and above all that. But, it doesn't mean that he won't be perceived as the Jewish Messiah, by the Jews, such as the Sanhedrin. You know, the ones that didn't recognize their Savior when He was standing in front of them. Next time the Sanhedrin will still get it wrong and say their long awaited Messiah has arrived. The false prophet could even be the Chief Priest of the Sanhedrin, that declares the beast the Messiah, knowing it isn't true. . .right?
  6. This is so tragic. The murderers released the muslim students and targeted and executed the nonmuslims, specifically Christians.
  7. This is another example of the progressives trying to disguise their anti-Christian bigotry as a civil rights issue. Which is patently absurd, because in order for them to have their way, the civil rights of Christians must be restricted to the point where Christianity is no longer protected by the 1st, 4th and 5th Amendments. Run for life is even advocating blackmailing these businesses with a commercial boycott of them and their sponsors, restricting their use of "public" property/services such as water, gas, electricity, telephone, internet, sidewalks, streets, streetlamps, police services, fire services, postal services, airwaves, etc. What next, "carbon emissions"? By saying that public utilities and amenities should be restricted to only people that fall in line with PC, you are in fact espousing cultural Marxism. Deny it all you want, we all get it. The President and Hillary Clinton are saying the same thing, and it is being taught in colleges throughout the US. They all believe that "you didn't build that business on your own, you needed public services, and utilities to do it." Let me guess, since the FDA ensures the safety of our food, then it should restrict what businesses can buy FDA inspected food products based on how tolerant they are of gays?
  8. You are wrong about that run for life, that is fascism, plain and simple. I will refute your other points: "There is nothing about being a Christian that would stop a person from making a cake or pizza." If a pro-choice person came into a bakery/pizzeria and asked it to bake a cake/pizza to celebrate an abortion they just had, the business owner would be well within their rights to turn away that customer. Now, if said customer goes to the baker and says they would like a personalized cake that just said "Congratulations so-and-so" and the customer didn't go into the details of the celebration, the baker would have no problem baking that cake/pizza for them. It is irrelevant to the business transaction for the participants to know what the service is going towards. But, these people aren't interested in a routine business transaction. They are deliberately antagonizing the Christians and challenging their beliefs and morals, then suing them when they refuse to provide a service to something that contradicts their values. Any other day, the same customers, the homosexuals, the pro-choicers, whomever, can go to the same bakery/pizzeria and order whatever they want without being denied service. So, this isn't a case of discrimination against homosexuals/abortionists at all. "Not doing so is based off personal feelings, nothing else." Of which you are being completely insensitive and intolerant of. You can't expect people to be very tolerant of you and your personal feeling when you are telling them that your feelings are more valid than theirs. "As I said, people hide behind the bible to excuse all sorts of poor behavior." Once again, more insensitivity on your part of other people's beliefs, convictions. To most Christians, the Bible is more than just a shield used to excuse their behavior. It is an instruction book on how they should live their lives. The truth isn't pretty sometimes and many people choose to hide from it, or live in denial of it instead of facing the harsh reality of it. "...just understand that doing so while using publicly funded streets, sidewalks, utilities and more will bring restrictions with them." Oh really? It's come to that, has it? Fascism? So, if I have a sidewalk running across my front yard, and I use water, gas and electricity and roads to move around freely, I no longer have a right to express any personal feelings or religious beliefs? You do realize that utilities, sidewalks, roads are paid for by ALL taxpayers, right? That means the business owner also paid for the unrestricted use of those same things. Public property doesn't mean that it belongs to anyone and that access to it and use of it can be controlled and monitored by the authorities. It is public property, not government property. No one can claim rights, restrictions or ownership of it, because everyone owns it! Everyone is a stakeholder in it, one homosexual doesn't get more shares of the property than a Christian, they have equal ownership, access, and use of it. It is neutral ground, which means everyone has unconditional use of it. Public, means public! Use it, don't abuse it, clean up after yourself when you are finished with it, don't do anything illegal with it.
  9. Thanks, Enoch, for refuting such an incredulous statement from Bonky. We definitely do not need evolutionists dragging up old debunked theories and mucking up the conversation with nonsense. Seekers out there that could have been wrongly swayed by Bonky's statement.
  10. This is what fascism is: From Jade's post: "Meanwhile he says the threats have been serious enough that he's closed his pizza joint. . . at least until the dust settles." The business owner is so fearful from protecting his 1st amendment rights, that he has to close his business until the fascists find another person/business to terrorize.
  11. No doubt France has nothing to worry about. The US President is desperately trying to leave behind a successful legacy and this may be the low hanging fruit he reaches out for.
  12. I agree, when property owners were the only ones allowed to vote, they voted more responsibly, because they knew what was at stake. Nowadays too many people that vote have nothing to lose, nothing at stake, and will vote for whoever will promise to give them a portion of the treasury.
  13. I didn't even know there were Mexican rebels, what are they rebelling against? I the problems in Mexico were from the drug cartels.
  14. Strange. Why would Mexican rebels attack the US, when they've got their own problems with the Mexican government? I thought a rebellion was against one's own authority not some other country's. Wouldn't Mexican rebels be more interested in attacking Mexico, than invading a foreign country?
  15. Treaties must be ratified by Congress, are they on board with this? Or is this something the President is trying to do on his own?
  16. I've been working to spread the word that the beast of Revelation will not be Islamic. Ever since the book the "Islamic antichrist" came out this theory has circulated. But, the author gives too much credibility to the predictions in the kuran/hadiths. Since those "prophecies" were manmade and not inspired by the one and only Holy Spirit, they are nothing more than lies. Most likely muhamed tried to convince the Jews and Christians that he was a prophet of their god and may have quoted/paraphrased parts of the bible (written or verbal, who knows), to convince them he was a prophet. They didn't buy it, for obvious reasons to them, and he went on a rampage to force them to believe in him, and began supplanting the bible with his own teachings, such as that Abraham was going to sacrifice his son Esau instead of Isaac in Medina, instead of Jerusalem, to allah, and other parts of the bible. This beast will be as a lamb and will convince the world He is the long awaited Jewish Messiah. In order for this to work, he will have to say that Christ wasn't the Messiah but only a prophet, just like his disciples. John 5: 43, says, and I paraphrase" and if another should come in his own name, him you will receive." So, we know the Jews will accept this person as their messiah, until he defiles the Holy Temple by claiming to be their god. The Jews will not accept a muslim as a prophet, messiah or god and that is why I believe that the antichrist (beast) will not be Islamic. I think the islamists play a major role in setting up the end times, but their chaos and belligerence against the world will make them unwelcome guests here. They are outnumbered 3-1 in the world right now and it will not tolerate their atrocities against us much longer. Until we learn to set our own interests aside and unite against them, then we will have to suffer the indignity of living in constant fear of them.
  17. Who knew that Palestine is something PBHO and Putin would reconcile with each other on? What does this mean? Israel has put its faith and trust in a secular human authority (UN) ever since it's first day as a nation in modern times. Every day since then, this human authority never hesitated to show Israel how foolish they are to trust it. Now they have fewer people to rely on, soon there will be none but God, and He is there waiting with open arms. I truly believe the US is the last nation to support Israel's territorial integrity. But, that is fleeting and quickly. Could the 7 year treaty happen in the next 2 years, maybe, we will have to see how the conflicts with Russia and Iran play out.
  18. If the West continues to do nothing, eventually there will be no one left to kill there. The islamists will then turn against each other, because rampant chaos and destruction, married to religious fanaticism is a drug. It fulfills their most primal indulgences without having to face any carnal or eternal consequences for their actions. This is what evil is: Chaos without reason. Chaos without reason is what life is like without God. He is the Order and the Reason for all things. Yes, the islamists believe in a god, but it isn't real. Their faith has become a psychosis in that they've managed to convince themselves that nothing they do is wrong so long as they say their actions are the name of their god and what's worse, their god says that's ok with him, it's written in their book. What if every Christian decided that enough is enough, and that we all received a revelation from our God, Who says it's ok for us to attack, rape, rob, pillage, torture, enslave, and kill anyone that can't recite the 10 Commandments? That would be quite a crisis of faith for Christians, right? Islam as a religion might be facing a crisis of faith at this point. The fanatics will run out of people to kill and reasons to do it. Right now, they are completely and utterly enslaved to the flesh, and have created so much chaos in the world that it cannot be contained much longer. A backlash against these terrorists is coming, I just hope it starts within islam before the remaining 6 billion people decide that it's time to rid the world of all of them.
  19. I am sure the US doesn't want Iran to have nuclear weapons, and maybe Congress will be able to stop the treaty from passing and that will prove my point. But, as long as Obama is our President, his foreign policy is US foreign policy. So far, he's shown that there are no limits to what he will do or try to do if he wants to do it. So, a really bad treaty may be proposed, but it will be up to our Congress to decide whether to ratify it or not.
  20. My dad spent 2 years in that country, it was one of the worst places he has ever been. He was supervising the construction of a Chevron refinery there.
  21. If the US is willing to surrender the bomb to Iran, I just don't see it supporting an attack on it either. The next US President will be unable to do anything retaliatory against Iran, unless it attacks Israel first, since the US agreed to let Iran develop nuclear weapons. The current President has hogtied who knows how many succeeding administrations with his foreign policy decisions. It will be years before we fully understand the extent of the damage done to the US under the Obama administration.
  22. After writing my last statement I think I know what Israel will be able to do. If they can neutralize Iran with a nuclear first strike, it may get them the time they need to get their special forces into Iran and take over their nuclear weapons development sites. We know they have insiders working in the facilities now, so they may be able to send tactical teams to the nuclear sites and will be let in through the back door by their insiders.
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