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Swarna Jha

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About Swarna Jha

  • Birthday 08/24/1953

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  1. Vision: The Flying Ship 28th April 2007 A few days ago, as I prayed, I saw this vision. There was a famine of the Word in America. There was no choice food anywhere in America. People were consuming very poor quality food. They were eating food that looked like the half-chewed food thrown into dustbins. There was no nutritious food anywhere to be found. The food people ate barely helped them survive. It was a pitiable sight. Wherever I looked, within this vision, in America, all I saw was people eating very poor quality food. I despaired. Where is the food? I thought. If things continued this way, I saw that the people would die of mal-nourishment. It was truly a most pitiable sight. Next: I saw many ships from around the world, heading towards America with food. It seemed like they would take a while to reach the American shores. But then I saw a HUGE Ship, which emerged from the sky. It had overtaken all the ships in the sea. It was leaping over the American skies. Many looked up and saw it. They knew that the Ship carried fresh food supplies. The ENTIRE SHIP WAS FILLED WITH RICH FOOD. These in America, who looked up and saw the Ship, expected it to land in America. I too thought within the vision, that this Ship would land in America. I was sure that God had Seen the condition of the people, how they were eating left-overs from dustbins, and other value-less, unhealthy, lacking-in-nourishment-food. The Ship most definitely looked like it was heading America-ward.The people who were looking up, saw the Huge Ship whizz past, over them. They despaired that the Ship had not landed on American soil. The Ship had simply whizzed past, over them. Much to my amazement, I saw that the SHIP FLEW OVER ALL THE LAND OF AMERICA AND LANDED IN CANADA. The food was off-loaded here, and the rich, nourishing food would be sent to America, by God's Chosen, IN CANADA. Those commissioned by the Lord, already knew this and met the Ship, which landed not in the sea, but on land. Immediately those commissioned of the Lord were at the work of sorting out the food, to send on-ward to America. Within the vision, I saw these worked non-stop, speedily and diligently, and did not lose focus. The food on this Ship was solely for America, but it was those Chosen of God IN CANADA, who would send it forth to America. What I understood is that this refers to THE TRUE NOURISHING, RESUSCITATING FOOD that the Chosen of God would off load from the Ship and re-direct to different places in America. There is no doubt the false is in Canada, too. We need to continue to discern. This vision is not referring to that. It is only referring to the TRUE NOURISHING FOOD THAT THE CHOSEN OF THE LORD IN CANADA,COMMISSIONED TO DO THIS EXACT WORK, WILL BE USED TO SEND ON TO AMERICA. Ezekiel 17:24 (King James Version) 24And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it. Bombay-India Swarna Jha www.visionsoftheseer.blogspot.com After I saw the vision and stopped trying to figure out why the Ship landed in Canada, with food meant for America, I felt such a great and inexpressible joy in my spirit. I felt so re-assured. I wept again, but this time my tears were of joy and not sorrow or grief. I praise and magnify the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. What a Mighty God we serve.
  2. 20th April 2007 Late night. VISION: THE FLIGHT OF WISDOM I saw an arial view of America . A Brilliant Light was Hovering over the nation. A dense White Cloud surrounded this Light. All above America looked so BRIGHT. The White Cloud Formation was dense but the Bright Light was not blocked out by the Cloud. Within the vision, I was made to understand that this Bright Light was that of Wisdom. I saw this Light, Swoop down upon the land of America , and in the Arms of this Brilliant Light were many pillars. They had been uprooted from the land of America , and taken away. Next, after the pillars were removed, I saw gold cups and many gold vessels being removed and taken up, out of the land. Next, I saw choice food being removed, in the same way. Thereafter, I saw rich looking garments, also taken up, in the Arms of Wisdom, away from the land of America . Next I saw paper money bundled up in cloth, held together in a knot, and the bundle flew away. Within the vision, I had been placed at a certain height so I could see clearly what was happening. I was so upset seeing the pillars, the gold, the gold cups and gold vessels, the choice food, the rich garments, and then the capital take flight, I began to protest.
  3. VISION: SEAL ZEAL: STEAL ZEAL Around 25th September 2006 I saw an oval, many leaf shabby looking table. It
  4. Hi Candi 770, Thanks. Yes there is persecution here in India, of christians, from what I see, read and hear. I am a lawyer in Bombay, and have had ocassion to hear some rather sad stories about some of what these persecuted are suffering. But the fire of God burns on. Do pray for those suffering persecution. Thanks Leonard and firehill. God bless you. Leonard I too felt the same in my spirit. let him who has ears, hear. Love and blessings in Christ Jesus your sister in Him swarna
  5. VISION: TWO WOMEN AND THE WALLET 28th September 2006 For some days now, this vision keeps repeating itself before my eyes, so I would like to share it. I saw two women, dressed similar, and even looked the same height and build, though I do not think, their dress or physique was exact same or identical. They just looked similar in appearance and dress. They were both walking down the street, on the pavement. They did not talk to each other. But from a distance, at a glance, it appeared as if they were walking together, and even knew each other. On closer inspection though, one could see that there was just a safe distance between them. One woman walked near the Curb
  6. VISION: SEEKING TO GRADUATE 23rd September 2006 A few days ago, I saw a vision flash. I saw many, male and female, of varied ages, pondering over and divinely learning and understanding this Scripture: Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Each word of this Scripture, for eg: SEEK, FIRST, KINGDOM, RIGHTEOUSNESS, ALL THESE THINGS, ADDED UNTO YOU, was being learnt in detail. Just learning each word, took a long time. I saw the word SEEK, taking the students a long time to learn. The students did not protest about the time it took. They were immersed in this revelatory learning. This full study and understanding of this Scripture was so expansive and detailed that just a few tuitions were not enough, finally, years on, these people were graduating in just this Scripture. This, it appeared was a Divine Foundation Course. Bombay-India Swarna Jha
  7. 14.September 2006 Vision: THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE INDEED I saw angels in robes, walking in a solemn procession, they were saying,
  8. VISION: THE PASSAGE OF MONEY 18TH SEPTEMBER 2006 I saw money that was passing through a pipeline, suddenly stop right there in it
  9. VISION: Just One Roar Of The Lion I saw this vision on the 22nd of August 2006 I saw a Lion. I walked with Him to a very high Rock. The Lion then Climbed the Rock, and Stood on the very top of this high Rock. I stood below, looking up at Him. He let out a LOUD ROAR. And EVERYTHING in the atmosphere / universe changed. In a flash I had a 360 degree vision, and what I am about to relate happened in a flash, but I spent the whole of the 22nd of August, just waiting on God, to see in
  10. Ronald, yes, I know what you mean. you're right about the attitude. Our God, when He warns us, Shows us the way out
  11. Yes Lori Johns, I think it's like a disease too. Grumbling can lead you to lose focus and become ungrateful to God, because all you're looking at, is, as in this vision, 'self', self-pity, self-justification etc. It decieves us into false thinking. Jesus Christ is the Lamb without spot and without blemish. He is BLAMELESS. blessings swarna
  12. Lori Johns, I agree, our focus HAS to be Jesus Christ. He understands our frailties. Ronald, Detrimental is the right word. You say 'learn not to gripe', actually it's easy to forget that we have to learn, to be trained by the Word of God not to gripe. I find that grumbling is also infectious, if you stay long enough in the company of 'hard core' grumblers. It is good to repent. We serve a Great and Mighty God full of Mercy, full of Grace. He basically told me that the quicker I learned not to gripe, the quicker He would bring me out of the situation! I believe we can all learn from this. love and blessings in Christ Jesus Swarna
  13. Hi Leonard, please could you share it here, if can recall it? Thanks. love and blessings in Christ Jesus Swarna
  14. Praise God. Ronald you're right about how guilty we ALL are about grumbling and murmuring. The frightening thing about grumbling and murmuring is that it just 'creeps in', mostly unnoticed, and spreads like a cancer within. Thanks for sharing Ronald. love and abundant blessings in Christ Jesus your sister in Christ Swarna
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