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Electric Angel

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Everything posted by Electric Angel

  1. It probably refers to people who shift every conversation over to Jesus. Of course, it's essential to talk about Jesus and the saving work He accomplished on the cross. But getting too overly-pious in the public square isn't going to win many converts. It's obvious that if we are going to reach out to a hurting world, we need to care for people's temporal needs as well as their heavenly ones. (Case in point: When you go out for dinner, don't leave a tract instead of a tip. Yes, that waitress needs salvation more than she needs money, but she also needs money to help pay the rent. Don't be a cheapskate. Be the opposite.)
  2. My theology has changed a lot since my early boyhood and manhood. In fact, I'd say that everyone's theology changes as they obtain new experiences, fellowship with other Christians, and study the word. Example: If someone were to get saved at a Billy Graham crusade, it's highly likely that this person would not have a clue about the doctrine of the holy trinity, the diety of Christ, or other central doctrines of the Christian faith. Essentially, what they have done is embraced the most important doctrine - justification by faith - and understood that they have been adopted into God's kingdom and are no longer bound for hell. This, of course, is justifcation. Sanctification is the ongoing work in which God, through the Holy Spirit, molds us into the image of Christ. It's obvious to me that sanctification includes a fine-tuning of doctrine. So yes, I think that our personal theology does change. Just don't compromise the essentials.
  3. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 7
  4. I think their argument is that "everyday is straight pride day." Seriously, you can walk down the street and see heterosexual couples walking hand in hand and no one thinks anything of it. Still, I am loathe to celebrate homosexuality. I once wrote a very funny diatribe on this but it is not appropriate for this forum.
  5. While it's important to be civil to gay people, we must never lose sight of the fact that the homosexual lifestyle will land a person in hell. It is a grievous sin, one for which God annihilated two cities in the Old Testament. (He never annihilated a city for working on the sabbath.) There's a difference between being civil to someone and approving of the way they live their lives. Had the bishop simply been advocating a more civil attitude, I doubt he'd have been disciplined. But condoning a lifestyle that the Bible stamps as sinful is definitely worthy of anaethema.
  6. In Revelation, it says that all those whose names are not written in the book of life will be thrown into the Lake of Fire where the smoke of their torment will rise forever. This is a pretty strong indication that hell is eternal and unbearable. Get right with Christ.
  7. No church should allow a homosexual to be a member without them seizing the practice. Any bishop who says that such an obviously sinful lifestyle is not sinful should be cut off. Kudos to the church.
  8. Troy: You may want to listen to some of William Lane Craig's debates where he lays out the case for a theistic creator God in a very compelling manner. His central tenets are: 1. The evidence points to the universe have a beginning. 2. The evidence points to the universe being intelligently designed. 3. The evidence points to Jesus Christ rising from the dead. 4. The evidence points to God as the source of objective moral values. It's some good stuff.
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