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Everything posted by mysteriousangel915

  1. Hi Adam Its been a while since i've been here.. so i'm sorry for the late reply.. I meant with "woman" the first female made by god... she was made bij god after he made adam. And this was at the beginning of the earth.... They were the first humans. Anyway i'm katolic so maybe the story about the creation of humans is a little bit different from the story of the christians
  2. Hi Joanna, I got curious when i read the beginning of your story...I'd like to hear it sometime if you still want to tell me.. I wanted to send you a private message but i could't are you new here? Because you have to have posted 10 posts before you can send or receive a private message... Hope to hear from you soon again... God bless, and have a good day!
  3. Hi, I have add my email at my profile.. my email is babygirll915@hotmail.com... I was thinking the same thing maybe someone doesn't want us to talk lol I'm in a chat room right know.. maybe you could come their for a bit.. So we could talk. You just have to go to live chat and i"m in the upperroom right know..
  4. Hi, I have add my email at my profile.. my email is babygirll915@hotmail.com... I was thinking the same thing maybe someone doesn't want us to talk lol
  5. In the bible, it sais for example... and Abraham died and went to be with his ancestors. But if the women died it doesn't say she went to be with her ancestors....Why is that?
  6. Hi again, Ik know now why i can't send a private message.. Its because you first have to make 10 posts...
  7. Dear Jacqueline, I haven't received a pm message from you.. I can't send you one either... If i try it says there's an error..:S
  8. I know! that part is killing me too if we wont be together in heaven.. but i don't know. I was thinking about, maybe muslums believe in the same god as we, only they believe in a different way.. Because i see a lot of resemblens in our religions... It can make sense or don't you think so? For example.. we all are human beings but there's a lot of cultures we just do things differently.. are you getting my point? Its just a taught.
  9. Hi Santification, Thank you for your advice! Our love IS still standing after a lot of storms. I'm not saying i will marrie him anytime soon. We both think were still too young for mariage.. We are in no hurry, but i like to think forward like, is it possible that we can stay together and one day get maried.You know what i mean? I really hope that jesus will guide me true this. I also pray a lot for god to give me a sign about if its good or wrong what i'm doing.And what i have to do with my situation.. I do believe he brought us together on the other hand. But that again is a different story... What i don't understand is why is it bad for us to love each other?.. only because we have different religiouns..doesn't mean we can't love each other. God wants us too accept every human being or isn't he? I don't understand a lot of things anymore... Life is very difficult!
  10. Hi Jacqueline, It did help... thank you for your advice and your own story... Could i send you a private message or don't you have anything like that on this site.. i'm new here so i don't know how everyting works... Thank you already!
  11. At first i wanne say: thank you for all of your advice... Don't get me wrong, all of you do have good points.. But first ... Leonard i'm from the netherlands, he does too.. He comes originally from Irak.. he came to the Netherlands when he was just a little boy. He never ever wants to go back to Irak. He hates it there.. of course he still has got some family there but he doesn't know them that much. He has some family living in holland and the dont want to go back either. There glad there in holland. The ran away from the war. They know that they have a much better futher here in holland. I know about the movies and all the tings about muslims and the way women dont have any rights and stuff. You probalbly think i'm just blinded by love for him. But that's not true. Believe me I know what could happen. I've even seen it before more than once. But this boy is REALLY REALLY REALLY different i'm not just saying that cause i love him. If you would know him you would think also differently of him i think. He never tells me what to do and he isn't very traditional. I know so many guys from holland who are christians how are much worse than he is. They dont trust there girlfriends. They dont like it if they go out alone or someting like that. But my boyfriend is not at all like that. I can do whatever i want to do. Much more than other girlfriends i know. Theire boyfriends tell them what to do but not my boyfriend does that. So i really can't imagine he will take me away or make me wanne do stuff i dont want to do. And i know THIS WILL BE SHOCKING.... but i'm his first girlfriend ever... so he really isn't a player or anything. He just has a very low self of steem bout him self. He has respect for girls and of course for me. We have been best friends a few years before we got together.. So i know him inside and out. He was so shy and tought i couldn't be interesting in him at first. But I was the one who told him my feelings about him. YES I.... I'm still amazed by that too... Anyway.. all the woman in his family dont ware a burka or ANYTHING like that. They are just modern dressed. Especialley his sister... she's like any other girl. So why would i ever have to ware one? . And we've talked bout the futher. I dont need to do anything for him. I told him i'm never ever going to change my religion. And maybe you misunderstand cause i meant he is NOT stricked in his beliefs... . He even said he would like to spend christimas with me and stuff like that. He really does respect that. But i do worrie bout having kids with him if we would end up getting married one day. Whe said we just let them take there own choices about religion. We tell them both sides and than we'll see what they choose to be later on. I know thats going to be really really hard and all but i really want to make it work with him..
  12. I'm 19 years old and i'm a katholic. My faith in god is VERY important to me. I'm really trying my best not to be a sinner. I always did the right thing... everything i did was for others, like my family. I was always the""good" litlle girl. But now i grew up and i fell in love. He's my first and only great love. I never knew such a great guy exsistet. He's everything i dreamed of. He's truly one of a kind. And he conquered my heart. He trully does love me too. Were together for almost 2 years know. No you probably think what's the problem ha? But unfortunately, my parents will never ever except him because he is a muslim. They think it will never ever work between us. But thats not true, he isn't that much of a regilious person. He isn't very stricked in his belief. I even know more about his faith than he does. Anyway i love him so much and we've already agreed that we will adjust to one another. My parents don't know were together, i just know that if the know they will break us up. But I don't want to lie anymore about were i am when i'm with him. It kills me to lie over and over. It makes me feel so bad inside. But i don't know anymore WHAT to do! I love him soooooooooooooooooooo much. Its not just a crush or something i just know he is the one for me! Like he is made for me. But sometimes i wonder.. am i doing the right thing? I can't go on like this forever.. but i really can't tell my parents. When i think about a futher with him and of all the problems we will have, cause we have different religions and the fact that my parents will never accept him i'll end up crying myself to sleep. I just feel like i'm on a bridge and there's fire everywere and my parents are standing at the end of the bridge and my boyfriend at the other end, i have to go to one end but wich way do i go? And i MUST cross over or i'll just burn... Do you know what to do? God bless everyone!
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