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  1. In Mathew 25 there are three parables, the first being the 10 virgins (v.1-v.13) the second being the parable of the Talents (v.14-v.30) then the third which is the parable of the Sheep and Goats (v.31-v.46). Each of them pays particular attention to preparedness, works, rewards and condemnation. In each case the parables deal with the works of a Christian. Yes from the parable of the ten Virgins can one derive further evidence to support a Pre-Tribulation rapture because 5 are taken and 5 are left behind, but, the parable concentrates mainly on our works. The parable depicts 5 of the 10 virgins not being prepared for the return of the bride groom, although they did know He was coming. They leave to buy from those who sell, Christs blood was purchased by the Pharasees, they bought Him through the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, 30 pieces of silver, so the parable shows the 5 Virgins without good works (oil) heading out to purchase oil (do works for God) before the return of the the bride groom (Messiah) but it was too late. Not knowing when He would return, their works were fruitless and now are left out of the marriage, they did not have faith, believe, so therefore their works were accounted to them as unrighteousness. What is important in Prophecy is not knowing when these things will take place, but understanding that your faith must be so strong that each and every day you must be doing something for the Lord God. The message in the Parable of the 10 virgins is not to point out a Rapture, but to reinforce your faith. Only those who truly believe in Christ will have works deemed worthy by God. Believing in the Rapture will not get you "Raptured" only the truly faithful who do their works for God based on their faith will be Raptured. You can believe all you like in any type of Rapture, Pre, Mid, Post, you can come here to worthy and jump up and down all you like about it. The question is, are our belief's strong enough to get off our butts and do something for the Lord? which of the hungry did we feed today? to he or she that thirsted did we give drink? to those that needed clothing...who did we cover? to the homeless, who did we take in or give aid in finding refuge? of the sick whom did we comfort? (Mat. 25:34-46) The parable of the 10 virgins does carry weight for the Rapture but please read the last two parables, most importantly the parable of the sheep and goats. The teachings in these parables supercede the importance of the rapture and without fully understanding these teachings one cannot be Raptured. The first two parables teach us that Good Works come through faith. The 5 Virgins left behind can be equated to Mathew 7:21-23 Comparing this to the Parable of the 10 Virgins in Mat. 25:10-12 The importance of these parables is that we not just call upon the name of the Lord to be saved, but that we truly believe in Him and only the works of the truly faithful will be accounted for...anyone can call upon the name of the Lord but in order to be saved if you don't truly have faith you won't perform any works for God, for the true believers, your faith in Christ will lead you to good works regardless how difficult you may find it to do them, because you will be doing them for God and not for yourself. Doing the will of God. Revelation 7:9 does not say that the Tribulation Saints were Raptured. These are the Saints who achieved Salvation during the Tribulation via the Ministry of the 144,000. Keeping in mind that many will refuse the mark of the beast and be put to death for the testimony of Jesus. Once the Tribulation begins the Tribulation Saints will have to experience a physical death in order to be saved because they missed the Rapture...they will have only two choices, accept the mark of the beast or die. Those who refuse the mark will not deny Christ even if death is their only option demonstrating their full faith in Christ. Absent from the body, present with the Lord 2 Cor. 5:8 Luke 23:43 There is no second Rapture from what I can understand. Peace CJ HI 1st Rapture= Pre Tribulation 2nd Rapture (which ties in with Ressurection ) is what Paul speaks of in 1 Thess 4.16-17. If there is no 2nd Rapture, how does God deal with all the believers who are alive during the middle of the Tribulation? DOes He leave them on earth for His Wrath? I dont think so... Peace & God Bless Jai Patel
  2. There will be 2 Raptures. Jesus speaks of the first Rapture in Rev 3.10 and Luke 31.34-36, Matt 24.40-44, Matt 25 which is actually a parable showing the worthy Chrisitans are those that will be taken, and the unworthy foolish Chrisitans will be left-behind with the rest of the world during the Tribulation ( there are other verses which i can post later if you want?) Pauls Rapture in 1 Thess 4.16-17 is the 2nd Rapture, a Mid-Trib Rapture 1260 days into the 7 year great Tribulaiton (times to coincide with the breaking the of the peace treaty in Dan 9.27 and that breaking happens in the middle of the 1260 period, and the ressurection of the 2 Witnessesin Rev 11.11-12 also happens after their 1260 day ministry Rev 11.3) Pauls explains that the Harpazo he describes in 1 Thess 4.16-17 cannot and will not ahppen until the man of lawlessness -antichrist- has arrived on the scene in 2 Thess ch 2. studying 2 Thess it is clear that someone (intent on causing strife) wanted to cause panic into the Thessolonian church by reporting to them that the Harpazo had already happened. This is why Paul writes aanother letter to the church advising them not to be shaken or worried about this 'report' (2 Thess 2.-3) as this Rapture cannot happen until antichrist has arrived - 2 Thess 2.3-12 So the Rapture that Paul speaks of does not happen until the Great Tribulation starts... and it seems as though it will happen just before antichrist set himself up as god in the rebuilt Jewish Temple ( you can understand this by reading 2 Thess 2.3-12 with Dan 9.27) But what bout the Escape Jesus mention several times, including Rev 3.10 and Luke 21.34-36? Well simply this escape is for a limited amount of Christians who walk in Spirit, Love and Truth. The wise Chrisitans as described in Matt 25. Even in Revelations there are 2 instance of redeemd beleivers in front of God: Rev 5.11. There are the elders who numbers are in ten thousand times ten thousand. These are thoses redemmed in the 1st. Pre-Trib Rapture, as this event happens before the opening of the Seals in Rev 6 Yet in Rev 7.9 we read of a number of people os great that NO ON COULD NUMBER. And then in Rev 7.14 we read that these are the saints who made it out of the GREAT TRIBULATION. Its simple and clear; there are 2 Raptures. After the 2nd Rapture there are another 1260 days left, and in that time Antichrist will invade Israel and Jerusalem intent on breaking the Peace treaty and killing 2 thrids of the Jews. However 1 Third of the Jews will be bought to safety by Archangel Micheal for 1260 days (Daniel ch 12) until JEsus returns to destroy antichrist in the battle of armageddon and save the remnant of Jews (Rev 19, Zech 14) God Bless Jai
  3. I have. I wasn't talking about Jews who believe that now. I was talking about Abraham, David, Moses, Noah, people like that. None of them had ever heard of a devil or hell. k How do you know they hadnt?? How do I know? Well, because they hadn't, I guess. The ideas of a devil or hell crept in after the Babylonian captivity which took the intellectuals, which included the priesthood, to Babylon where such things were believed in. You think that they believed in such things? Maybe I should ask you, then, how do you know they had? k The Book of Job is one of the oldest books in the Bible. The first 2 chapters include conversations between God and satan. Satan means adversary (amongst other meanings). Whoever wrote Job was well aware of an adversary of God. The may not have 'classifeid' it as "the devil" but they were aware of a fallen angel who was opposed to God and mankind. David was aware of Sheol. The book of Jude in the NT records a consversation (well a dispute) between Archangel Micheal and Satan over the body of Moses. These passages in the book of Jude about this dispute are taken from The book of Enoch, which is not a canonical book of the Bible (though some scholars believe it should be) but has its roots and authorship deep into the early biblical times. Again, the Book of enoch records the adversary; the devil or satan. Although the beliefs of the devil/sheol are not to prevelant in most of the OT writings, they certainly knew about Sheol, and satan. And these writings ie the book of Job, Enoch and the Psalms of David which mention Sheol a couple times, were well before the Babylonian period Hope this helps Jai Patel The ancient Hebrews never believe what you're telling me. You don't get to change that just because you want to, you know. I have had many meaningful conversations with Christians who are well educated in history that assure me that God didn't reveal the nature of Satan to the Hebrews of the time. If you are a historian of any sort, you need to publish a paper, because you would be accepted as a trailblazer among them. Did you miss my post about these things? Satan in Job was an emissary of the God of Abraham who brought both good and evil. Nothing happened to a man except by the will of God. This Satan was a member of God's court and was loyal to God. David held that census because of Satan in one version in the Bible, and because of God Himself in an earlier version. Those ancient Hebrews believed that no supernatural entity was capable of disobeying God. God is all powerful according to them. You need to read more. k Hello K Thank you for your reply As far as i read in the Bible, particularly the book of Job, there was a specific day when the sons of God (meaning the fallen angels) had to present themselves infornt of the LORD, and even God asked Satan "where have you come form?" (Job 1.6-7). I dont see anywhere that this indicates satan was a member of Gods court. In fact he was summoned to Gods court and told to give a report about his activites. Nowhere is satan a loyal member of GodsCourt/Heaven since Genesis 3.14 when the serpent {satan} is cursed by God to crawl on its belly feeding off the dust of the earth (a reference to create disharmony between God and man). So our sources from the Bible clearly show satan is not an active member of Gods Court. As i read thourgh the Bible, although the direct nature of satan isnt revealed completely until Jesus arrives, you can clearly see satans 'handiwork' lurking in the background: E.g tempting Adam & Eve to sin, God brings the promise of the Messiah (Gen 3.15). satan doesnt know the Messiah will be from a Jewish background, only that He will be born form mankind, so satan proceeds to contaminate the human-race with the 'sons-of-God' or Nephilim {race of unknown origin) during Gen 6. GOd destroys all the human race, save Noah and family, for its violence and contamination (of the human race and genepool) because of inter-breeding with this Nephilim race.... LATER: Next God reveals the Messianic line through Abraham, so satan creates disharmony with the birth of Ishmael. Yet God allows the birth of Isaac to carry on the Messianic line. Then we can go through the birth of Moses: satan through Egypt's Pharoah gives orders for all male Israelites babies to be killed, yet Moses is saved as a baby. Moses gives the Law which is eventually to be fullfilled perfectly through the Messiah, and Moses predicts the coming of Jesus (Duet 18.15-18) This is the first idea to the Hebrews that God will give them someone better than Moses, a 'super' Prophet in the later times. Thus after the Judges and the battles and satans attempts to 'disqualify' the Messianic line through the Israelites behaviour (chasing after idols and pagan religions that involved human sacrifice, sexual rituals, etc) God allows Kings to Rule over Israel, and Judah. If you read through Chronicles and Kings, Apart from King David- who was still carrying the Messianic Line- and a few others, many kings went against Gods Will. THis is also satan working behind the scenes to stop the Messiah being born? Certain kings were killed and even cursed that were involved in the Messianic line and this does all boil down to satan working behind the scenes to stop the Messiah from being born... yet God always provided an 'escape' from a certain king or person from the Messianic Line.... Can you see the pattern devoping? God states the Messiah will be born from Mankind, then from Abrahams descent, then from a specific tribe (Judah) then from a specific line of Kings (King David, etc.. Each time God reveals more specifics about where the Messiah will come from, satan narrows down his attacks onto those specifics... yet God is always infront and there is alwasy someone from the Messianic Line who 'got away' in order that this line will be protected. And indeed it was all the way to Mary and Joseph. So as you can see, although satans nature wasnt revealed more throroughly until the N.T, his plans and his evil intents to go against Gods will have always been the same from the beginning. (So how is satan being loyal to God in light of this?) Im sure you have had many meaningful and intellectual conversations with Christians. Yet i do not know they background of these Christians. Atheists are more likely to speak to liberal Christians as they are more inclined to agree with Atheists on issues such as scholarship, denial of authorship of certain books, etc. So if you could be so kind to point out sources i will take up your offer " to read more" God Bless Jai
  4. I have. I wasn't talking about Jews who believe that now. I was talking about Abraham, David, Moses, Noah, people like that. None of them had ever heard of a devil or hell. k How do you know they hadnt?? How do I know? Well, because they hadn't, I guess. The ideas of a devil or hell crept in after the Babylonian captivity which took the intellectuals, which included the priesthood, to Babylon where such things were believed in. You think that they believed in such things? Maybe I should ask you, then, how do you know they had? k The Book of Job is one of the oldest books in the Bible. The first 2 chapters include consversations between God and satan. Satan means adversary (amongst other meanings). Whoever wrote Job was well aware of an adversary of God. The may not have 'classifeid' it as "the devil" but they were aware of a fallen angel who was opposed to God and mankind. David was aware of Sheol. The book of Jude in the NT records a consversation (well a dispute) between Archangel Micheal and Satan over the body of Moses. These passages in the book of Jude about this dispute are taken from The book of Enoch, which is not a canonical book of the Bible (though some scholars believe it should be) but has its roots and authorship deep into the early biblical times. Again, the Book of enoch records the adversary; the devil or satan. Although the beliefs of the devil/sheol are not to prevelant in most of the OT writings, they certainly knew about Sheol, and satan. And these writings ie the book of Job, Enoch and the Psalms of David which mention Sheol a couple times, were well before the Babylonian period Hope this helps Jai Patel
  5. That's a different take. I hadn't thought of the "follow him" part as a condition for salvation. Rather, I thought it was just a statement of fact. Jesus' sheep follow him. Nonsheep do not follow him. So, it doesn't make sense to think of a saved person not following Jesus, because following Jesus is what saved people do. Matthew 7:21
  6. i know ive posted this before, but it is the Truth of the Gospel and of the Rapture(s), so here goes again Peace Jai WELCOME TO THE TRUTH OF BIBLE PROPHECY- THERE ARE 2 RAPTURES "Thou Daniel; shut up this book And seal the words of this Prophecy Until the time of the end; When knowledge and travel have greatly increased." {Dan:12:4}. Two Raptures is The Hidden Prophecy in The Book of Daniel To Be Revealed in The Last Days. Two Raptures Breaks This Ancient Seal And Completes This Prophetic Puzzle! TWO RAPTURES: SYNOPSIS (1986) The First Rapture Happens BEFORE The Great Tribulation Starts. (Matt:24:40/ Rev:3:10/ Rev:4:4/ Rev:5:9) This is The True Escape that JESUS promised to all who are "accounted worthy" (Lu:21:36), who "Watch and Are Ready" (Matt:24:44), Who "Bear Fruit To Completion" (Lu:8:15),who "Abide In His Love" (Jn:15),Who Follow Him in "Spirit and Truth" (Jn:10:27),who "Love One Another" (Jn:13:34). To those who "Keep His Word With Perseverence" (Rev:3:10) The Second Rapture is The Resurrection and Happens DURING The Tribulation. This Is The Last Chance For All Who Were Left Behind, "Lukewarm Christians and Everyone Else, To Repent and Make Heaven As A Tribulation Saint and Beheaded Martyr. (1 Thes:4:16, 1 Cor:15:52, Rev:14:14). * TWO RAPTURES * IS THE KEY TO UNDERSTANDING REVELATION AND ITS PROPHETIC CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS:....* FIRST RAPTURE * (FOR THE WORTHY BELIEVERS) REV:4 & 5.....ANTICHRIST REVEALED (REV:6:2).....ANTICHRIST CONVERTS THE VATICAN & ALL PROTESTANT CHURCHES, MORMONS TO THE CHURCH OF SATAN- MYSTERY BABYLON- SEX CHURCH (REV:17)....144,000 PROPHETS (REV:7) .....COMET-- ASTEROID IMPACT - WORMWOOD (REV:8).....WORLD WAR III (REV:9)....TWO PROPHETS/ WITNESSES (REV:11).... ANTICHRIST LEADS GLOBAL HOLOCAUST- 666....(REV:13)..... SLAUGHTER OF CHRISTIANS LASTS 1260 DAYS....40 & 2 MONTHS... 1260 DAYS..... TRUMPET SOUNDS... * SECOND RAPTURE * HAPPENS... "THE RESURRECTION".... (REV:14:14) (1 THES:4:16) (1 COR:15:52).......WRATH OF GOD UPON THE WORLD (REV:16)....SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST.... BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON...(REV 19).... MILLENNIAL REIGN...(REV:19 & 20)..... WARNINGS TO US ALL... REV:21:8...REV:22:14-18..... SATAN DEFEATED.....GOD WINS.....AMEN!!!... Many Churches including Baptist, Assemblies of God, Calvalry Temple and Pentecostal teach us that we are "accounted worthy" of Heaven and a Rapture (escape) By The "Blood of Christ" and by His Blood alone. Yet in The Gospels, JESUS tells us that our being "accounted worthy" to Escape The Tribulation depends upon our actions, by what we do and nothing at all to do with His Blood. THE FOLLOWING IS WHO WILL BE RAPTURED AND WHO WILL BE LEFT BEHIND IN JESUS OWN WORDS, NOT IN THE RANTINGS AND DOGMA OF MEN. [1] COSMIC ESCAPE " But as the Days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be: For as in the Days before the Flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the DAY that Noah entered-into the Ark; "and they did know until the Flood came and took them all away: so also will the coming of the Son of man be: "Then, two men shall be in the field: the one Taken and the other left" Two women will be grinding at the mill: the one Taken and the other left." "Watch therefore for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming." MATT:24:37-42 [2] THE WARNING "Take heed to yourselves that your hearts not be weighed- down with carousing, drunkenness and the cares of this life that the DAY will come upon you unawares." For as a snare, it shall come upon all those who dwell upon the face of the whole earth." "Therefore watch and pray always, that you are "Accounted Worthy" to Escape all of these things which shall come to pass, and stand before the Son of Man." LUKE:21:34-36 [3] WORTHYNESS " He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. "And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. "And he who does not deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me is not Worthy of Me." MATT:10:37-38 [4] BOOK OF REVELATION "Because you have kept My Word to Persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world; to test those who dwell upon the Earth." (Rev:3:10) THIS IS THE FIRST RAPTURE THE RAPTURE OF THE WORTHY JESUS TAUGHT THIS EVENT (ABOVE) WILL HAPPEN BEFORE THE GREAT TRIBULATION BEGINS (Matt:24:40 = Rev:4:4). This First Rapture is for The Christians Who Are "Accounted Worthy" To ESCAPE 666, The Judgment of The Great tribulation to come.(Lu:21:36). Only these Christians will be taken To Heaven's Safety. All other Believers who follow The Dogmas of Men will be Left Behind. These worthy believers are the "Five Wise Virgins who kept oil in their lamps" and the "good and faithful servants" in The End Times Parables in The Gospel. (Matt:25). The Worthy Christians are called The Church of Philadelphia in The Book of Revelation. (Rev:3:10) God's Faithful Remnant. LETTER PROPHECY The First Rapture Event Will Be Called The Great Disappearance By The World Media. THE SECOND RAPTURE MID - TRIBULATION This is The Rapture- Event that Paul wrote of In His Letters Found In The New Testament This Is Really The Resurrection As Found In 1 THES:4:16-17, 1 COR:15:52 and REV:14:14-16. The Resurrection Happens During The Tribulation And Actually Ends A 1260 Day Slaughter Directed at Christians. For All Believers Alive and Dead Will Be Taken From The Face Of Planet Earth! "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven, with the Voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God; And the dead in Christ shall rise first." "And those who are alive and remain {survive} will be caught-away together With them to meet the Lord in the air, And so they shall always Be with The Lord." 1 Thes:4:16-17 The Resurrection (Second Rapture) Is The Last Chance For All To Repent To Overcome Satan and their fears And Earn Their Crown Of Life." REV:2:10 or REV:3:10
  7. WELCOME TO THE TRUTH OF BIBLE PROPHECY- THERE ARE 2 RAPTURES "Thou Daniel; shut up this book And seal the words of this Prophecy Until the time of the end; When knowledge and travel have greatly increased." {Dan:12:4}. Two Raptures is The Hidden Prophecy in The Book of Daniel To Be Revealed in The Last Days. Two Raptures Breaks This Ancient Seal And Completes This Prophetic Puzzle! TWO RAPTURES: SYNOPSIS (1986) The First Rapture Happens BEFORE The Great Tribulation Starts. (Matt:24:40/ Rev:3:10/ Rev:4:4/ Rev:5:9) This is The True Escape that JESUS promised to all who are "accounted worthy" (Lu:21:36), who "Watch and Are Ready" (Matt:24:44), Who "Bear Fruit To Completion" (Lu:8:15),who "Abide In His Love" (Jn:15),Who Follow Him in "Spirit and Truth" (Jn:10:27),who "Love One Another" (Jn:13:34). To those who "Keep His Word With Perseverence" (Rev:3:10) The Second Rapture is The Resurrection and Happens DURING The Tribulation. This Is The Last Chance For All Who Were Left Behind, "Lukewarm Christians and Everyone Else, To Repent and Make Heaven As A Tribulation Saint and Beheaded Martyr. (1 Thes:4:16, 1 Cor:15:52, Rev:14:14). * TWO RAPTURES * IS THE KEY TO UNDERSTANDING REVELATION AND ITS PROPHETIC CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS:....* FIRST RAPTURE * (FOR THE WORTHY BELIEVERS) REV:4 & 5.....ANTICHRIST REVEALED (REV:6:2).....ANTICHRIST CONVERTS THE VATICAN & ALL PROTESTANT CHURCHES, MORMONS TO THE CHURCH OF SATAN- MYSTERY BABYLON- SEX CHURCH (REV:17)....144,000 PROPHETS (REV:7) .....COMET-- ASTEROID IMPACT - WORMWOOD (REV:8).....WORLD WAR III (REV:9)....TWO PROPHETS/ WITNESSES (REV:11).... ANTICHRIST LEADS GLOBAL HOLOCAUST- 666....(REV:13)..... SLAUGHTER OF CHRISTIANS LASTS 1260 DAYS....40 & 2 MONTHS... 1260 DAYS..... TRUMPET SOUNDS... * SECOND RAPTURE * HAPPENS... "THE RESURRECTION".... (REV:14:14) (1 THES:4:16) (1 COR:15:52).......WRATH OF GOD UPON THE WORLD (REV:16)....SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST.... BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON...(REV 19).... MILLENNIAL REIGN...(REV:19 & 20)..... WARNINGS TO US ALL... REV:21:8...REV:22:14-18..... SATAN DEFEATED.....GOD WINS.....AMEN!!!... Many Churches including Baptist, Assemblies of God, Calvalry Temple and Pentecostal teach us that we are "accounted worthy" of Heaven and a Rapture (escape) By The "Blood of Christ" and by His Blood alone. Yet in The Gospels, JESUS tells us that our being "accounted worthy" to Escape The Tribulation depends upon our actions, by what we do and nothing at all to do with His Blood. THE FOLLOWING IS WHO WILL BE RAPTURED AND WHO WILL BE LEFT BEHIND IN JESUS OWN WORDS, NOT IN THE RANTINGS AND DOGMA OF MEN. [1] COSMIC ESCAPE " But as the Days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be: For as in the Days before the Flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the DAY that Noah entered-into the Ark; "and they did know until the Flood came and took them all away: so also will the coming of the Son of man be: "Then, two men shall be in the field: the one Taken and the other left" Two women will be grinding at the mill: the one Taken and the other left." "Watch therefore for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming." MATT:24:37-42 [2] THE WARNING "Take heed to yourselves that your hearts not be weighed- down with carousing, drunkenness and the cares of this life that the DAY will come upon you unawares." For as a snare, it shall come upon all those who dwell upon the face of the whole earth." "Therefore watch and pray always, that you are "Accounted Worthy" to Escape all of these things which shall come to pass, and stand before the Son of Man." LUKE:21:34-36 [3] WORTHYNESS " He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. "And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. "And he who does not deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me is not Worthy of Me." MATT:10:37-38 [4] BOOK OF REVELATION "Because you have kept My Word to Persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world; to test those who dwell upon the Earth." (Rev:3:10) THIS IS THE FIRST RAPTURE THE RAPTURE OF THE WORTHY JESUS TAUGHT THIS EVENT (ABOVE) WILL HAPPEN BEFORE THE GREAT TRIBULATION BEGINS (Matt:24:40 = Rev:4:4). This First Rapture is for The Christians Who Are "Accounted Worthy" To ESCAPE 666, The Judgment of The Great tribulation to come.(Lu:21:36). Only these Christians will be taken To Heaven's Safety. All other Believers who follow The Dogmas of Men will be Left Behind. These worthy believers are the "Five Wise Virgins who kept oil in their lamps" and the "good and faithful servants" in The End Times Parables in The Gospel. (Matt:25). The Worthy Christians are called The Church of Philadelphia in The Book of Revelation. (Rev:3:10) God's Faithful Remnant. LETTER PROPHECY The First Rapture Event Will Be Called The Great Disappearance By The World Media. THE SECOND RAPTURE MID - TRIBULATION This is The Rapture- Event that Paul wrote of In His Letters Found In The New Testament This Is Really The Resurrection As Found In 1 THES:4:16-17, 1 COR:15:52 and REV:14:14-16. The Resurrection Happens During The Tribulation And Actually Ends A 1260 Day Slaughter Directed at Christians. For All Believers Alive and Dead Will Be Taken From The Face Of Planet Earth! "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven, with the Voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God; And the dead in Christ shall rise first." "And those who are alive and remain {survive} will be caught-away together With them to meet the Lord in the air, And so they shall always Be with The Lord." 1 Thes:4:16-17 The Resurrection (Second Rapture) Is The Last Chance For All To Repent To Overcome Satan and their fears And Earn Their Crown Of Life." REV:2:10 or REV:3:10
  8. WELCOME TO THE TRUTH OF BIBLE PROPHECY- THERE ARE 2 RAPTURES "Thou Daniel; shut up this book And seal the words of this Prophecy Until the time of the end; When knowledge and travel have greatly increased." {Dan:12:4}. Two Raptures is The Hidden Prophecy in The Book of Daniel To Be Revealed in The Last Days. Two Raptures Breaks This Ancient Seal And Completes This Prophetic Puzzle! TWO RAPTURES: SYNOPSIS (1986) The First Rapture Happens BEFORE The Great Tribulation Starts. (Matt:24:40/ Rev:3:10/ Rev:4:4/ Rev:5:9) This is The True Escape that JESUS promised to all who are "accounted worthy" (Lu:21:36), who "Watch and Are Ready" (Matt:24:44), Who "Bear Fruit To Completion" (Lu:8:15),who "Abide In His Love" (Jn:15),Who Follow Him in "Spirit and Truth" (Jn:10:27),who "Love One Another" (Jn:13:34). To those who "Keep His Word With Perseverence" (Rev:3:10) The Second Rapture is The Resurrection and Happens DURING The Tribulation. This Is The Last Chance For All Who Were Left Behind, "Lukewarm Christians and Everyone Else, To Repent and Make Heaven As A Tribulation Saint and Beheaded Martyr. (1 Thes:4:16, 1 Cor:15:52, Rev:14:14). * TWO RAPTURES * IS THE KEY TO UNDERSTANDING REVELATION AND ITS PROPHETIC CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS:....* FIRST RAPTURE * (FOR THE WORTHY BELIEVERS) REV:4 & 5.....ANTICHRIST REVEALED (REV:6:2).....ANTICHRIST CONVERTS THE VATICAN & ALL PROTESTANT CHURCHES, MORMONS TO THE CHURCH OF SATAN- MYSTERY BABYLON- SEX CHURCH (REV:17)....144,000 PROPHETS (REV:7) .....COMET-- ASTEROID IMPACT - WORMWOOD (REV:8).....WORLD WAR III (REV:9)....TWO PROPHETS/ WITNESSES (REV:11).... ANTICHRIST LEADS GLOBAL HOLOCAUST- 666....(REV:13)..... SLAUGHTER OF CHRISTIANS LASTS 1260 DAYS....40 & 2 MONTHS... 1260 DAYS..... TRUMPET SOUNDS... * SECOND RAPTURE * HAPPENS... "THE RESURRECTION".... (REV:14:14) (1 THES:4:16) (1 COR:15:52).......WRATH OF GOD UPON THE WORLD (REV:16)....SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST.... BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON...(REV 19).... MILLENNIAL REIGN...(REV:19 & 20)..... WARNINGS TO US ALL... REV:21:8...REV:22:14-18..... SATAN DEFEATED.....GOD WINS.....AMEN!!!... Many Churches including Baptist, Assemblies of God, Calvalry Temple and Pentecostal teach us that we are "accounted worthy" of Heaven and a Rapture (escape) By The "Blood of Christ" and by His Blood alone. Yet in The Gospels, JESUS tells us that our being "accounted worthy" to Escape The Tribulation depends upon our actions, by what we do and nothing at all to do with His Blood. THE FOLLOWING IS WHO WILL BE RAPTURED AND WHO WILL BE LEFT BEHIND IN JESUS OWN WORDS, NOT IN THE RANTINGS AND DOGMA OF MEN. [1] COSMIC ESCAPE " But as the Days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be: For as in the Days before the Flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the DAY that Noah entered-into the Ark; "and they did know until the Flood came and took them all away: so also will the coming of the Son of man be: "Then, two men shall be in the field: the one Taken and the other left" Two women will be grinding at the mill: the one Taken and the other left." "Watch therefore for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming." MATT:24:37-42 [2] THE WARNING "Take heed to yourselves that your hearts not be weighed- down with carousing, drunkenness and the cares of this life that the DAY will come upon you unawares." For as a snare, it shall come upon all those who dwell upon the face of the whole earth." "Therefore watch and pray always, that you are "Accounted Worthy" to Escape all of these things which shall come to pass, and stand before the Son of Man." LUKE:21:34-36 [3] WORTHYNESS " He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. "And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. "And he who does not deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me is not Worthy of Me." MATT:10:37-38 [4] BOOK OF REVELATION "Because you have kept My Word to Persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world; to test those who dwell upon the Earth." (Rev:3:10) THIS IS THE FIRST RAPTURE THE RAPTURE OF THE WORTHY JESUS TAUGHT THIS EVENT (ABOVE) WILL HAPPEN BEFORE THE GREAT TRIBULATION BEGINS (Matt:24:40 = Rev:4:4). This First Rapture is for The Christians Who Are "Accounted Worthy" To ESCAPE 666, The Judgment of The Great tribulation to come.(Lu:21:36). Only these Christians will be taken To Heaven's Safety. All other Believers who follow The Dogmas of Men will be Left Behind. These worthy believers are the "Five Wise Virgins who kept oil in their lamps" and the "good and faithful servants" in The End Times Parables in The Gospel. (Matt:25). The Worthy Christians are called The Church of Philadelphia in The Book of Revelation. (Rev:3:10) God's Faithful Remnant. LETTER PROPHECY The First Rapture Event Will Be Called The Great Disappearance By The World Media. THE SECOND RAPTURE MID - TRIBULATION This is The Rapture- Event that Paul wrote of In His Letters Found In The New Testament This Is Really The Resurrection As Found In 1 THES:4:16-17, 1 COR:15:52 and REV:14:14-16. The Resurrection Happens During The Tribulation And Actually Ends A 1260 Day Slaughter Directed at Christians. For All Believers Alive and Dead Will Be Taken From The Face Of Planet Earth! "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven, with the Voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God; And the dead in Christ shall rise first." "And those who are alive and remain {survive} will be caught-away together With them to meet the Lord in the air, And so they shall always Be with The Lord." 1 Thes:4:16-17 The Resurrection (Second Rapture) Is The Last Chance For All To Repent To Overcome Satan and their fears And Earn Their Crown Of Life." REV:2:10 or REV:3:10
  9. Below is a short but concise sermon explaining that Hell is not Forever, i have copy and pasted it - Peace Jai Patel ******************************************************************************** ****** IS HELL FOREVER? By Pastor Harry Walther "If you reject Jesus as Savior and Lord, you shall burn forever, Eternal Torment in Hell." A quote from any Baptist Pastor worth his weight in Sunday Donations. WARNING! THIS IS AN INFLAMMATORY PAGE FOR MANY REASONS. IF YOU START TO FEEL A LITTLE RAGE, STEP AWAY FROM YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN, TAKE A DEEP BREATHE AND ASK YOURSELF, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY LIFE?" My belief about "Eternal Hell" by Pastor Harry, a long overdue and much needed page. It is time to set the captives free and the captives are us. I always had a problem with the "Hell For Ever" Doctrine as it seems so inconsistent with a Loving God. Why would a GOD of Love and Mercy allow people to literally burn forever in extreme torment? This is not only inhuman it would be more what we expect from a Book of Satan and how the Devil treats those who reject him. It seems contradictory, almost schziophrenic to tell a person, "God loves you wants to bring you to Heaven. But if you reject Him, He will burn you in Hell Fire for all of eternity. But He loves you." True, YHWH GOD gave mankind free will and we have the right and ability to choose God's Savior or reject Him. We also have the free will to do good to our fellow man or prey upon others for our own pleasure and greed. Ultimately we do choose our destiny be it Heaven or Hell. But since none of us asked to be born into this world and face the choice of Heaven or Hell, it seems Merciless, Brutal and Sadistic of God to condemn people (who reject Salvation) TO BURN IN TORMENT FOR ALL OF ETERNITY! At this point, Baptists and other Fundamentalists (who seem to love the Doctrine of "Eternal Hell Fire and Torment) will scream "God doesn't send people to hell. People send themselves there." True, God does not send people to Hell. People do self-condemn themselves to Hell but it is YHWH GOD who set up this punishment and not man or unseen forces beyond the control of God. ETERNAL TORMENT AND BURNING IN A HELL FOREVER IS "OVERKILL" "Hell For Ever" is a case where The Punishment Exceeds The Crime and seems to violate the nature of God, which is Love and Mercy. This would be like the Penalty for stealing a loaf of bread is being beaten half to death or having your hand cut off (as literally taught in The Koran). I do not believe The Bible teaches that Hell Is Forever. I believe that Hell will last for a space of time (1000 years) and then be no more, that Hell and those in it will be "disintegrated" in an act of YHWH GOD'S Ultimate Mercy. Now I will show you why I do not believe HELL IS FOREVER and you can decide for yourself what is true. To start our search for The Truth, lets start with John:3:16 which is the heart and crux of The Gospel. (we will explore six, key verses of Scripture dealing with Heaven and Hell). VERSE ONE "FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. "Perish or everlasting life". . . I don't see JESUS saying, "Burning in Hell For Ever vs Everlasting Life, do you? "Perish" seems to mean destruction and the word perish in Greek is Apollymi and means total destruction. VERSE TWO "DO NOT FEAR THOSE WHO CAN ONLY KILL THE BODY BUT FEAR GOD WHO CAN DESTROY YOUR BODY AND SOUL IN HELL." (Matt:10:28). This verse spoken by JESUS seems to clarify JN:3:16 as to what it means to "perish". We are told that in Hell, GOD can destroy both your body and soul. People who are cast into Hell (Mt:10:28) are not burning for all of eternity. There comes an end to their torment, A Finality, the destruction of both body and soul in hell. VERSE THREE 9 "And the third angel followed saying with a loud voice, "If any man worships The Beast and his Image and receives his mark in his forehead or right hand, 10 "The same shall drink of the Wrath of God, poured out upon the world, and he shall be Tormented with fire and brim- stone (hell) in the presence of the holy angels and The Lamb 11 "and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they shall have No rest day or night, who worships The Beast and receives the Mark of his name." (Rev:14:9-11) During The Tribulation, God will send His Angels to give mankind the Final Warning, that "all who take the mark of The Beast (and worship Satan) will be tormented in Hell, and the smoke of their toment acsendeth up for ever and ever and they shall have no rest day or night." This verse seems to say that "HELL IS FOREVER". But what about the other two Gospel verses we just read? What about Jn:3:16 and Matt:10:28 where Jesus said, "Our soul and body can be destroyed (perish) in Hell?" Does The Bible contradict itself? Not at all because we still have eight chapters left in Revelation. VERSE FOUR 13 "And the sea gave up the dead which were in them; and death and Hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged according to their works." 14 "And death and Hell were Cast into the Lake of fire. This is the Second Death. 15"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Rev:20:14-15). "And Death and Hell will deliver up their dead". The Bible is clear as day! People will not burn in Hell For Ever, as Billy Graham and The Baptists so boldy proclaim. I believe that Hell is in the center of the earth because the center of the earth is a burning fiery "hell". This is why "Hell is down" and why we point up for Heaven as we gaze beyond the stars. Then "Death and Hell were cast into the Lake of Fire" = which is called The "Second Death". I believe this represents The COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF A PERSON- BODY-SOUL- SPIRIT = TOTAL DISINTEGRATION. VERSE SIX And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away And the sea was no more. (Rev:21:1) Now we see the "heavens and earth" itself (along with Death and Hell) cast into the lake of Fire which can either be The Sun or a dimensional lake of Fire, hotter than anything imaginable. Hell Is Not Forever After All. Look at that! People suffer for their sins in this subterranean Place of Darkness and Flames, then they are cast into The LAKE OF FIRE = The Second Death and are no more. What about Rev:14 that says "Those who take the mark of The Beast shall be tormented forever, night and day?" 1- well night and day is relative as it involves time and space. If God destroys the "heavens and earth" (the universe) then time, night and day, will cease to exist. 2- The smoke of their torment, the literal smoke and screams of those who suffer and burn in HELL will echo thruout the universe for all eternity or until again, the universe is destroyed. This concept of SOUL DISINTEGRATION is consistent with YHWH GOD'S nature of Love and Mercy. JESUS taught us, Blessed are the merciful for you shall obtain mercy." Should not the Mercy of God far exceed our own? TOTAL SOUL DISINTEGRATION has a sad note, that many people are so proud and wicked, they must be DISINTEGRATED, just as if they never even existed. Yet God still uses the wicked to work good, so their existence upon earth had some value after all. God used Hitler and his Nazi's to bring about The Restoration of Israel as a nation, the Jewish homeland. (14 May 1948). In my own life, God allowed thieves to steal my hemi race engine. This was so I would come to realize there is far more to life than racing a car around a track and set my life path of Seeking GOD and His Will for my life. You can probably look back in your own life and see how God used evil (people who choose to do harm) to help steer you towards Salvation. Final Note: In Rev:20:13, We again see those in Hell (center of earth) delivered up from Hell and stand before God where as "their works in life are judged". I believe here too, YHWH GOD will give those souls (who suffered in hell's torment for 1000 years) A LAST CHANCE to repent and make Heaven. YET AS UNBELIEVABLE AS IT SOUNDS, NONE WILL TAKE THIS OFFER! THEY WILL RATHER BE DISINTERGRATED THAN TO SERVE GOD IN HEAVEN. Does this seem too unbelievable, too hard to accept? Well if it is- it is because you are not one of THE WICKED. If you yourself know (that after torment in Hell) you would fall on your knees and plead with God for Forgiveness, its because YOU are not one of the Wicked (who harden their hearts to God). Those who would repent after Hell, will repent upon Earth, either Before The Tribulation starts or most certainly during this darkest of times. So now if someone asks you, "Is Hell Forever?" You can answer them with a clear conscience and with no conflict in your spirit and say "No it is not." Now if this page is causing you to foam at the mouth and fill your head with rage, then run to the mirror and take a long look! See how warped and tormented your own soul has become as you SCREAM for The Eternal Torment for people who you deem as the "wicked" while crying for "mercy" for yourself. And if you are a young Christian, a new convert to Christianity, then this is the perfect time to accept a sad reality. Much of what is taught from The Churches today is not true. We all must decide whom we shall believe, The Words of Jesus In The Gospel, or what The Clowns In The Pulpits tell us on Sunday Morning. God Bless You Pastor Harry Church of Philadelphia Internet. I believe that Satan is the author of this Lie of "Hell Is Forever". The Devil knew he could get millions of Fundamentalist "Christians" to accept, love and promote this Sadistic Dogma, just as The Devil gets millions of Fundamemtalist Moslems to believe that "Killing Infidels" (Christians & Jews) is serving God. Contrary to Christian Dogma such as presented in "Left Behind" books, there are TWO RAPTURES to come and not one. The FIRST RAPTURE happens before The tribulation starts and is for JESUS' true followers, His Faithful Remnant (REV:3:10). The Second Rapture is THE RESURRECTION (1 Thes:4:16- 1 Cor:15:52). This event happens during The Tribulation and represents The LAST CHANCE for all to be saved and attain heaven, as a Tribulation Saint and probably a beheaded martyr. (the hardest way to enter Heaven). Do I hate Baptists and Moslems? of course not. I hate these Doctrines of "Hell Is Forever", that paint God as a sadistic puppet master or blowing up women & children in the name of "Allah".
  10. SALVATION A LICENSE TO SIN? There is no subject in the Bible more Misinterpreted or Deliberately Distorted than that of Salvation. What should be as simple as 1 + 1 = 2 has been twisted into something "Alien" from what Jesus taught in the Gospel. One of the most asked Questions in Protestant Christianity is, "Can A Christian Lose His or Her Salvation? Believers ask this Question because: 1) Salvation is often packaged in a way which appears as A Divine Object that God gives to The Repentant. 2) Gifts and Objects can Be lost, stolen or misplaced. The Truth of The Gospel is that we cannot "accidently" lose our salvation as we can lose our wallet or car keys." We can deliberately lose and trash our Salvation by unrepentant sin to the point of hardening our heart to GOD. Satan knows the above Truth and he knows that if Christians follow this, They will bear fruit of love and peace and kindness and draw many to JESUS... well the devil cannot have this! He wants Christians to be lazy, complacent, full of hypocrisy and self righteousness and darkness. Thus, Satan, The Father of All Lies, thought of a way to Distort The Gospel to turn Christians more sinful than Sodom and more wicked than Gommorrah. And he came up one of his sweetest of all lies. ETERNAL SECURITY This is The Most Destructive Doctrine in Protestant Christianity today. Started by Luther and His Reformers as "Salvation By Faith Alone", this Satanic Falsehood was renamed "Eternal Security" by the Baptist Clergy, commonly known as "Once Saved Always Saved", more wide-spread thruout The Bible Belt than Corn Stalks, White Gravy and Nascar. ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED falsely teaches us when we Repent and Receive Jesus as Our Savior (Acts:2:38) we are "Saved Forever", Given A Guaranteed - Irrevokable, Heaven. ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED falsely Tells us that all of our sins; PAST -- PRESENT -- FUTURE are Automatically Forgiven. "Once Saved" Theology actually claims Our Future Sins Are Forgiven Whether we repent and confess them to God or not. ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED falsely promises us that we cannot "Lose" our Salvation no matter what we do, no matter how much we sin, no matter how cruely or brutally we treat others. ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED IS SATAN'S VIRTUAL LICENSE TO SIN, TO SIN YOUR WAY TO HEAVEN AND TRAMPLE THE GRACE AS GOD AS YOU DO! I could show you twelve verses why "Once Saved Always Saved" is false Theology and a lie of hell. Now I will show you the strongest verse that disproves Baptist Theology. This is The Words of JESUS Himself to a sinning Church at Sardis in Revelation chapter three. "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot-out his name from the Book of Life but rather I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels." Rev:3:5 JESUS Warns He Has An Eraser and will "BLOT OUT" The Names of Christians (from The Book of Life) who sin and sin and refuse to repent! THIS ONE VERSE FROM JESUS HIMSELF SHATTERS THE DOGMA OF "ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED". THE TRUTH OF SALVATION SALVATION IS A DIVINE JOURNEY, A PROCESS A WALK WITH GOD. A Person cannot lose a Process but it can be stopped. A person cannot lose a Journey, but he can quit and turn back. A person cannot misplace a Walk with God but he can choose to Walk Away from God and Feast at The Devil's Table. "ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED" THEOLOGY NEGATES OUR FREE WILL AND CONTRADICTS VIRTUALLY ALL THAT JESUS TAUGHT IN THE GOSPELS. St. Paul divided Salvation into Three Distinct Phases, Emcompassing The Role of Our Free Will 1- Justification 2- Sanctification 3- Glorification (1) JUSTIFICATION "Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins in JESUS name and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit." ACTS:2:38 This Is When Jesus Becomes Your Savior Starting with the First Century Church, Believers would Repent of their sins Be forgiven by God and receive The Gift of The Holy Spirit. They would experience The Peace of God and Sense A Love from Above. JUSTIFIED = PAST SINS JUST- AS IF- I'D- NEVER SINNED Acts 2:38 refers to our Past Sins: what we have done wrong. No matter what we have done or how bad we have lived, we can be forgiven. This is the Good News of the Gospel. PRESENT SINS We are only forgiven for our present sin if We confess and ask forgiveness. (1 Jn:1:9) FUTURE SINS 1} We don't know our future sins and how we will react to God. We don't know if we will repent or fall-away? {Rev:3:5}. 2} We don't even know if we will follow Christianity six months from today. And "if we do not forgive others, God will Not forgive us." {Matt:6:14-15}. {2} SANCTIFICATION Here is Phase 2 of our Salvation, where we are Sanctified or SET-APART to do God's Will, "On Earth as it is in Heaven." This is when Jesus Becomes Lord. 1} We follow what Jesus taught on an everyday (Mt:7:21/ Mt:10:38/Jn:10:27) 2} Overcome evil which is greed and hatred and our fear {Satan's Domain} and -- 3} Earn our Crown of Life, of Eternal Life. (Ja:1:12 = Rev:3:11-12) "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot-out his name from the Book of Life but rather I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels." Rev:3:5 "He who overcomes, I will make a pillar in the temple of My God".... {Rev:3:12}. "He who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on My throne, as I have overcome and sat down with My Father on His throne. {Rev:3:21}. There are Seven Warnings to "Overcome" In Rev: Chapters 2 and 3. If we do not overcome, there will be No Crown of Eternal , No Heaven. {3} GLORIFICATION This Is When Jesus Becomes Our Redeemer. Here is where Those Who Overcome Receive their Crown of Life - of Eternal Life. "Overcomers" are given a New Glorified Body in Heaven That will never age or die. (Rev:21:7). Don't believe me or anyone else. Read the words of Jesus for yourself. SERMON BY PASTOR HARRY WALTHER OF WWW.SATANSRAPTURE.COM
  11. Another misquote from the lies of OSAS, so lets look at the verse in full conext: Jhn 10:27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. Jhn 10:28 "And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. So those that are never snatched out of Jesus hand are those that FOLLOW HIM. We dont just believe and praise and pray and sit back... we must follow Him. Read the Sermon on the Mount (Matt ch 5, 6, 7). If we dont Follow Jesus, then whether we are Born Again or not, Jesus will be saying this to us: Mat 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Mat 7:22 "Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' Mat 7:23 "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness! The above is for Christians. Not atheists or people of other religions. It is for CHristians. We are called to Follow Jesus and do Gods Will. If we don't= No Heaven. OSAS is a lie from the devil to cause confusion, complacency and sinfull attitudes amongst Christians If youbelieve in OSAS, then i would repent and start combining Faith with Good Works (such as those described in the Sermon on the Mount), as in the Book of James, Faith without Works is DEAD. Peace Jai
  12. From what i can tell, as long as America defends Israel, America will be under Gods Protection. Yet the minute it fails to deliver Israel her protection, maybe if Hilary Cliton or some Liberal is voted for president, the chances are all support for Israel will be cut back. This is the green light for terrorists/suicide bombers... and if Israel starts to get pounded then, it will be America's fault and i believe God will judge America then, starting with its churches (1 Pet 4.17). To AndrewA: I agree - the UK is a more Godless nation nation than the U.S... Islam and secularism are growing fast here.... and most churches are lukewarm. Peace Jai Patel
  13. jaisum

    Luke 17:35,7

    Luke 17 vs 37 from the NKJV And they answered and said to Him, "Where, Lord?" So He said to them, "Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together." Considering that the context of this verse is explaining those that are taken away, and those that are left behind, this verse indicates Pre-Trib Rapture. It speaks of a body being gathered with eagles. I believe Jesus is making a reference to the Body which is the church, and the induviduals who are worthy enough to be taken in the 1st Rapture -Pre-Trib Rapture- The reference to Eagles is mostly likely Angels who may be responsible for opening some kind of portal into God's Dimension = Heaven. Remember, the Jews of that day did not picture angels as cute little children or beautiful women as artists have done. Angels were powerful beings that, although resembled human likeness, often had wings (read more here http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/angel.shtml ). Contrast the verse in Luke with the Verse in Matt Mat 24:26 "Therefore if they say to you, 'Look, He is in the desert!' do not go out; or 'Look, He is in the inner rooms!' do not believe it. Mat 24:27 "For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Mat 24:28 "For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together. In Matt, this verse is for the 2nd coming (Rev ch 19) and not for the Rapture. However, "Eagle" is not the correct term. There has been a mistranslation which has been corrected in the NIV Bible version. The word "Eagle" is correctly replaced with "Vulture". So the verse in Matt is actually for Jesus 2nd coming, either just before it or just after it, as the vultures are those that will feast on the bodies of the dead (which is why the word carcass is used, and not "body" which is a reference to living body, in Luke) after Jesus returns to do battle at Meddigo=Armageddon. You can find this in Rev 19, and Matt 24.28 fits in with Rev 19.17-18. So Lukes verse is regarding the Pre-Trib Rapture, and Matts verse is regarding the 2nd coming and the 7 year Tribulation splits them apart. Remeber, Jesus 2nd coming is going to be a time of battle and woe on earth (unless you are Jewish and are part of the faithful remnant if Israel)... Read the battle sequence in Rev 19, Zech 14... Jesus even questions if He will find Faith on earth when He returns Luke 18.8... Even in Amos God sends woe to those who desire the day of the LORD ( Amos 5.18-20 ). However, no-one has to be here as long as we follow what Jesus said and He will take us away in the 1st Rapture (Rev 3.10). Those left behind will face the wrath of satan and his sone antichrist and will have a chance to make it to Heaven, more than likely, as a CHristian martyr. God Bless Jai
  14. My point being though: The church is supposed to have Gifts from GOd, of Healing and Miracles. You find references scattered throughout the NT reg this. If the church doesnt have the gifts, is it really pleasing to God? If the church is teaching falsehood (many do, as warned many times in the NT, see my initial post), is it really pleasing to God? Does it really have Gods Blessing? I dont think so.... God warned about the falshodd of churches nearly 2000 years ago, Gods warning still exists. If the churches AND Christians were pleasing to God today, He would unleash His Healing powers as a sign of His approval of the church, just as He did in the early church of Acts. But He doesnt give us the power to heal, because churches to not remain true to what God wants. Instead they rely on teaching falsehood and making money. This seems pretty evident to me, as well as the Scripture of warings against the church posted earlier, that it is best to stay away from the churches. Follow Jesus by yourself, maybe 2 or 3 gathered in His name. Judgement shall start with the Household (churches) of God (for their corruption) 1Peter 4.17. This will happen during the Great Tribulation. Get out the churches and follow Jesus, and you may escape in the 1st Rapture (Rev 3.10, Luke 21 vs 34-36) and avoid the Great Tribulation God Bless Jai
  15. I understaned where Christian is coming from So many churches and denominations, yet Jesus prayed for us (in John ch 17) to be as One. Denominations are confusing. They exist because Christians can agree on how to interpret various parts of scripture. So a group of believers build a church (a group) on what they believe is the closest to scripture. In light of this i left my church, and even though some of you wont like what i am about to say, i have had more opputunities to witness the gospel, to get closer to God, to help others, since i left my church. I consider this as Gods way of saying leaving the church was the right thing to do. 2Peter is a warning that the biggest threat to the church is not from the outside, but from the INSIDE. this means the churches themselves pose the biggest threat to Christianity because of false teachings false doctrine (ie OSAS is todays case in false teaching... but thats another topic). If there was a warning against the church back then, whose to say the warning still doesnt exist. in fact, 1Peter 4.17 warns that 'Judgement shall start with the Household of God' This is, Judgement starts with the churches. This is a clear statement God will judge the churches ( for falsehood, etc). Look at Jesus warnings to the churches in Rev ch 2 & 3. Jesus warns 8 times that the churches must OVERCOME. Only the church of Philidelphia was the true church that was 100% pleasing to Jesus. God has many warnings against churches in Scripture, as well as verses that encourage church going. The early church in Acts was a far call from the churches of today. Miracles were performed on a daily basis back then which is evidence for this. If the church today was as strong as it was back in the early church of Acts, we would have miracles on a daily basis too, much more in fact. But we dont. (NB i do believe miracles still happen to induviduals) This means to me that belonging to todays churches isnt where God wants you to be. There is no power of healing in churches today. If we were truly like the early church as described in Acts, most churches would have healing services/miracles daily for the blind, deaf, disabled... etc.... You dont have to belong to a physical building church to believe and FOLLOW what Jesus taught. In fact staying out of the churches of today will give you a clearer vision of Gods will in your life, in my own experience... God Bless Jai Patel
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