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the truth

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Everything posted by the truth

  1. Please check out this new video I made. Please watch it to the end until you make a judgment. God bless.
  2. I am looking for someone who would be able to print our 14pt glossy Gospel tracts. I am looking for someone who would be doing it for a ministry more that profit. Please let me know if you know of someone. God bless.
  3. Please pray that this video will get lots of views, and that God will use it to give many a desire to study the bible and that many will come to know Christ. God bless.
  4. I changed the link. God bless.
  5. For future reference: We will now delete all links to YouTube and other such video sites. Even though the video you may wish to link to may be harmless, the trouble is that the next videos in the line up may have content that is beyond the limits of good taste. We do not want to lead anyone to view anything which could draw them away from the Lord in any way. We appreciate your cooperation in not linking to these sites. In His Service, IR Uploading it as we speak. God bless.
  6. Oh really? I was planning on trying to upload it to God tube. God bless.
  7. Here is a video tract I made based on the 2012 tract. God bless. http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=FJBFFJNU
  8. Since there have been a few people that have thought I was suggesting that I believed in the whole 2012 thing I have edited it a bit. Hopefully it is more clear. I also placed my first order for 10,000 they are 3.5 x 4.75 on 14 pt cardstock. Again if anyone is interested please send me a pm. God bless.
  9. Just to let others know. If anyone is interested in getting some of these when I get them printed Please pm me for an e-mail address to submit a request. I am hoping to get the website running well so requests can be made directly from the site. God bless.
  10. I guess I had not thought about that. I had just planned on raising some money and printing them out. I will have to see if the guy helping me do that is able to have that option. God bless.
  11. Here is the final version of the 2012 tract. Please let me know if you notice any mistakes. Please also pray that we will be get the funding to print many tracts. God bless. [img width=257 height=350]http://i620.photobucket.com/albums/tt287/Biblesender/20121.jpg?t=1295476912 [img width=257 height=350]http://i620.photobucket.com/albums/tt287/Biblesender/20122.jpg?t=1295476957
  12. Please be in prayer for these tracts. Please also pray that God would provide the funding to produce them. God bless.
  13. Please sign this petition AGAINST Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) Sign the Fight FOCA Petition Over 300,000 350,000 signatures!!! Barack Obama is now the incoming President. And he made a promise to Planned Parenthood last year they expect him to keep. Quote Obama:
  14. While many Christians today are closely monitoring the growth and activity of Islam, especially after 9/11, another religious movement has been steadily growing under the radar and could become among the largest religions in the United States in less than five years. Wicca is the fastest-growing religion in America, set to be the third largest religion by 2012, claims Marla Alupoaicei, who co-wrote the recently released book Generation Hex with fellow Christian author Dillon Burroughs. The numbers of adherents are doubling every 30 months, she says. Furthermore, every major city in the United States has networks of Wiccans, adds Burroughs. Certain parts of the country, such as the Pacific Northwest, the mountain states (New Mexico and Colorado) and areas near Salem, Mass., are the strongest in the U.S.,he says. However, I live in Tennessee and have found pockets of Wiccans in Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia to interview. I didn't have to travel far or even outside of the so-called Bible belt to find Wiccans. Click here for complete article: Wicca Experts Encourage Christians to Engage America's 'Fastest-Growing' Religion| Christianpost.com For a good booklet on Wicca go here http://www.pfbaptistpress.org/204.htm
  15. Please sign this petition to help ministries like ours As some of you may know. With the new postal increase ministires like our which donated bibles to send overseas where hit the hardest. The price jumped from $1.05 per pound to in most place $3.95 Please sign this petition http://www.petitiononline.com/zikomo/petition.html which will be delivered to congress asking them to drop the rate. Please also pass this on to everyone in your e-mail list. God bless.
  16. Thanks for posting that link. I also edited my original post with a better link. God bless.
  17. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=35...with+an+atheist This is a trailer for a full length video. The trailer is 4 minutes long. It is very convicting. God bless.
  18. I found out about this on another site and found it disturbing. Here is a paragraph from the site On December 10, 2003, the lives of Joshua and Caleb Thompson and that of their families were altered in a most drastic way. The twenty-four year old twin brothers were convicted in an Austin, TX Court of Law for injury to a child. Joshua was sentenced to twenty-six years and Caleb to fourteen years in the Texas State Penitentiary. They applied corporal punishment to an eleven year-old boy who attended their church. We are not arguing guilt or innocence, but rather that their sentences are unreasonably severe. http://www.remembermybonds.com/ What is disturbing is that a convicted child molester can get out in less that 3 years but they will lock these guys up for this long. Something is seriously wrong. God bless.
  19. Please be in prayer for this event. God bless. It has been suggested that October 23rd, this year, be a day set aside by Christians as a day to go out street preaching, witnessing, inviting to church, tracting, or whatever else you can think of. October 23rd is a Saturday, so for the majority of us work shouldn't be a problem. Please mark this on your calendars, and get out and make a difference for Christ. Revival is _not_ going to happen via Christian music, Christian entertainment, or seeker friendly services. True revival will only happen once Christians realize that Christ gave us a very simple formula for revival... Go ye therefore, discipling and baptizing the nations. Make your mark on this world by setting your hearts on the eternal, on the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. More info: http://www.beckman-ministries.com/viewtopic.php?t=1862
  20. Leading people around the world to salvation through Jesus Christ. Targeting "The Light of the World" film for use in over 1,000 languages. Using additional gospel materials and communications media as tools for: Evangelism Discipleship Leadership Training Church Planting Please pray for the light of the world fim project http://www.lightoftheworldproject.org MISSION To lead people around the world to salvation through Jesus Christ by providing gospel materials for an international network of Christian organizations through multiple types of communications media. VISION To reach 90% of the world's population for Jesus Christ through a variety of communications media including over 1,000 language translations of "The Light of the World" film. ACTIVITY 1) To provide financial resources for the translation of "The Light of the World" film and 25 Bible Story tracts into over 1,000 languages. 2) To use "The Light of the World" film through various communications media (Internet, video CDs, DVDs, audio cassettes, radio, television, etc.) for world evangelism, discipleship, leadership training, and church planting. 3) To organize an international network of Christian organizations, mission agencies and missionaries to maximize the worldwide distribution of gospel materials (free of charge). IF you are interested in learning more go to http://www.lightoftheworldproject.org and order the free cd or VHS of the 7 minute preview of the film. Please tell others about this link show the cd or tape to your pastor if you are the owner of a message board add the link to your site. God bless.
  21. Dear Christian Friends You may have heard in the news that a couple of Post Offices in Texas have been forced to take down small posters that say "IN GOD WE TRUST". They claim that the law is being violated; something silly involving "electioneering posters". (Is God running for office?) Anyway, apparently some radio show host has proposed that we should all write "IN GOD WE TRUST" on the back of all our mail. After all, that is our national motto, and it's on all the money we use to buy those stamps. I think this is a wonderful idea. We must take back our nation from all the people who think that anything that offends them should be removed. If you like this idea, please pass it on, and DO IT. Let's start a land swell of support for our cherished principles we all love and believe in. This won't cost you anything but a tiny bit of effort, and the RESULTS could be PRICELESS! God Bless America
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