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For Him Alone

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Everything posted by For Him Alone

  1. You're right, of course! Shows you how much these things matter to me lately. I prayed on it last night, and He did show me how little those things matter now. I just didn't have a "moment" when I turned from them. I still like vampire movies, as a fantasy thing...not a matter of 'worshipping' ungodly things at all. No more than watching Peter Pan fly to Neverland was. To me it is the same. I hope that God allows me my imagination and to appreciate the fact that vampires are Fantasy and thank Him that they aren't a real threat to Him or me! :thumb:
  2. AACK!! I love the Dark Tower! I've been afraid of beaches since reading that one scene! Those creatures? I love Clive Barker's "Sieze the Night" and its sequel, too, about the guy that's severely allergic to light and uncovers a nasty plot by the mortuary in his hometown... see, here I go again.
  3. Boy. Teri, you hit it on the head. I love Anne Rice, all vampire lore, Dracula, ghost stories, Steven King (though he is rather wordy...) Clive Barker--BOO! Alfred Hitchcock--I have a very macabre side! To be such a good girl, I mean. But I think of it as "fantasy", not satanic or evil. Like the Harry Potter/Cinderella question... just fuel for the imagination, not "sin". Though lately I'm reading things like "On The Anvil" instead, and haven't read the other in a long time...I didn't even notice that I had stopped!
  4. OK, I took the spiritual gifts test; it lists all 22 at the end but doesn't seem to rate me as one or another. Did I do something wrong?
  5. Timothy, I'm not a groomer. I looked back to my shaving reference and giggled--we do laser hair removal--most commonly men's backs, so it's SORTA like grooming... haha I desperately want to open my own spa. It's a pipe dream and I have no money, but that's really what I'd love to do. I pray that He will provide a way. I'm definitely being led to leave here--looking for other opportunities daily. I feel very let down because once again a 'Christian' (only in name) has led me down the path. Using the name of God to hide his greed. It's shameful. Update: Got another call from Corporate telling me that we Baby our receptionist by answering calls when she's on the other line booking an appointment or something. We are to let the phone RING until she puts her call on hold to answer the other line. Now, THAT"S customer Service! What the heck is going on? Thank you both for your support. Pray that God will lead me!
  6. Knight, I love the discussion of cults idea. They have always fascinated me and I've studied a few, even nearly taken in by a couple... Keep going--Word of Faith...what's this? What's this?? :???:
  7. I believe that all of us are tempted with idols because Satan knows our weaknesses. It is a struggle every day to keep God FIRST, as He demands. I struggle, and sometimes I fail. He forgives, and we move on.
  8. I've been acting and singing and writing and playing music all of my life. The first song I ever wrote was called "He Loved Them", about you know who! When I walked away from God I used those gifts in an unholy way, but since I've come home He has blessed me tenfold. I am on the Praise team and the Drama Ministry. through my voice I get to praise God Every Day in practice! And 3 times a week in services. After our Drama on Easter, 8 adults and 7 teens gave their lives to Christ. He spoke through us! HOW EXCITING!!! I haven't taken the Spiritual gifts quiz--I'm going to do that! I do give; and the more I give the more I seem to get back! It's a big crazy circle. I used to make excuses and drop a $5 into the pouch, but now I write them a check every week--it's fun to watch the Lord's work through my little offering! I feel Him smile and hug me every time I sacrifice a little for Him. OK, rambling again--
  9. But talking about Him just to other Christians is not what He wants. "Preaching to the choir", as it were, ahem... Jesus didn't hang out with the good guys--He went where He was needed. He will give you the strength when you need it. Let Him speak through you. Once you do it once, you will never stop. The most AWESOME feeling in the world is knowing that you've helped someone else to find His love!!! Start slowly, and don't just approach strangers! Start with your lost friends. Just invite them to church or a youth outing. Something small, then work your way from there!
  10. Read the prayer request section to see what's up in MY workplace. I feel like I'm being torn in half. What do you do when one claiming to be Christian turns out to be a sadistic bully on a power trip? I did what our Lord would do. I took it. But Now I wonder if he's even a Christian at all. He never apologized for what he did to me. Anyhoo, on your original question--my faith is showing now more than ever before, because those I work with heard what he did and saw how I reacted.
  11. Yes absolutely, now. I walked away from God years ago and was unchurched for alot of my son's younger years because of the hypocrisy of the "churches" I'd known. But after feeling lost and empty for all those years I began to pray and search, and finally found the church home I prayed for. (THANK YOU JESUS!)My son and I have been active for 2 years there, and our walk grows closer every day--both to each other and to God. We pray together and are studying Revelation now! By the way, I realized that all those years He was there; I just didn't hear Him until I was ready.
  12. Thank you all. I appreciate your support. It is now 3 days after the incident and he has not offered any apology at all. I feel like I'm being dishonest even being in this office now. I am praying about it minute by minute, and I know He will guide me. You know, I've become active in my church Praise Team, and I feel like maybe I should pursue a career in Christian Music...my husband brought it up again last night, like "Honey, I think you're being told something here..." I will look at this as an exciting opportunity, and just let God show me where He wants me! Selah, your attitude is awesome. Thank you for showing me how this is a BLESSING!!!
  13. I hope I'm whining in the right place. I work for a Christian based company, but lately things are happening that really concern me that the company is getting more concerned with money than with the employees' or even clients' happiness. Among other things, no one has gotten the raises that were promised to them months ago. When I took over as manager, I was put at a salary $4k lower than the (MALE) one who preceded me...many other things like this. On Tuesday, my CEO called me on speakerphone with the VP in his office and totally attacked me because of an extra customer service that we have been providing! (some clients have been coming in for us to shave them the day before)He accused me of trying to break policy and run things my own way, he had me in tears! When I was crying he actually laughed with the VP and accused me of making excuses. It was totally humiliating. I've heard of him doing this to other employees, but this was the first time he really gave it to me like this. I have lost all respect for him now, and don't even want to work for him anymore. Am I overreacting?
  14. She also said generations will call her Blessed. There is a big difference in Blessed and Sinless! Only one sinless person has ever or will ever live, and that is Christ. His sinlessness is what made Him the Perfect Sacrifice. No one else could be so worthy.
  15. That is one of the many things Catholicism has "added" into Christianity, like confessing to a man instead of to God, calling human beings "saints" and praying to them instead of our Father, repeating memorized prayers... God warns against all of these things in His Word. There is no scripture which points to Mary's being sinless. She was the vessel, not the gift! Mary was "blessed", but so is anyone who accepts the Lamb. There was but one perfect life, and I live For Him ALONE! And there is only ONE book which is the living word of the Only God, and that is the Holy Bible. Anything else is doctrine. I've always wondered though, doesn't God actually get angry when folks pray to (OR THROUGH) Mary or some other human being? He did warn against doing that repeatedly. Not judging--that's not my place. I've never understood and I can't get a Catholic to REALLY answer it. I've been reading munari's posts but still he points to alot of other writings than the Bible to back up his posts, so still there is being shown no real Scriptural basis for those practices being questioned. Confused as always... But in love of our Lord--
  16. Every other "religion" is based on "DO". Christianity--it's based on "DONE". What Jesus Christ did for me and you. He took all our sin and died a horrible, painful death for it. Then he rose from the dead (and was witnessed by many people in the flesh) as he promised, then went to be with His Father, where He waits for US!
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