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Posts posted by terter

  1. Do I understand what you're saying? Yes yet how can we possibly know what someone else is dealing with, how much "progress" they've made? Besides the Holy Spirit prompts people to change - He knows what He's suppose to do - you know, He's got it covered - changing them, changing me.

    Instead of thinking about their short comings, it helps when you look at other believers and say - they are a saint! and ask the Lord to bless them. We're renewing our minds then.

    Look at Barnabas, he convinced the other apostles that Saul/Paul had changed and got them to accept him (Acts 9). But when Barnabas was compassionate & encouraging about taking John Mark with them (the same role he had done on Paul's behalf), he and Paul had such a disagreement that they went in different directions (Acts 15). Yet in II Tim4, Paul is talking how valuable John Mark is to his ministry. So our Creator is going to use people to refine me and vice versa.

    Plus it doesn't relieve me from the commandment to love them.

  2. OP - I agree with you. The enemy has used humor to get people to accept lifestyles, etc. that are not Biblical.

    Yes, we're to love others but we don't have to agree with what they do especially when it comes to mocking Yahweh or Yeshua.

    It's not only in the adult programs, it's in cartoons and other children's programs, too - no it's not funny.

  3. Yahweh knows all about your situation and we can rely on His Word no matter what's going on in our lives.

    We can have joy and peace b/c Neh 8:10 "... for the joy of the LORD is your strength." I change it to - the joy of the Lord is my strength.

    Replace those present thoughts with The Word. Encourage yourself in the Lord as David did.

    Also, Isa 29:19 "The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel."

    Even when we don't feel like it -

    (Psalms 30:4 NKJV) "Sing praise to the LORD, You saints of His, And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name."

  4. Look at Barnabas, he convinced the other apostles that Saul/Paul had changed and got them to accept him (Acts 9). But when Barnabas was compassionate & encouraging about taking John Mark with them (the same role he had done on Paul's behalf), he and Paul had such a disagreement that they went in different directions (Acts 15). Yet in II Tim4, Paul is talking how valuable John Mark is to his ministry.

    So Yahweh used the situation to refine those involved.

  5. Definitely not a blasphemer to want an intimate relationship with Yahweh yet realizing that our relationship with Him can't be based on our emotions. In other words, thanking, praising, and worshiping Him and expecting nothing in return.

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