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Everything posted by ladybelle

  1. Both these replies shed some light on the situation. It's helped me kinda understand it better. I agree with both, however I still find it a wee bit on the strange side. But if thats the way God handled it, then who am I to argue!
  2. I Samuel 28 7-25 Paraphrasing: Saul asked the Medium at En Dor to conduct a "Seance" (NKJV) and to bring up Samuel. Then when the Medium seen Samuel she cried out with a loud voice, and asked Saul why he had deceived her, because he was Saul. (He had disguised himself) So he told her not to be afraid, and asked her what did she see. She said she seen a spirit ascending out of the earth, that an old man was coming up covered with a mantle. Saul "Perceived" it was Samuel, and then it goes on to say that Samuel spoke to Saul. Ok, I believe that Mediums are real. Christians are not to mess with them at all. Was this truly Samuel that spoke to Saul through the Medium? Why would God let Samuel's spirit talk through a Medium? Why is this even in the Bible? I dont understand what is happening here. I dont think Mediums actually conjur up the actual people they are suppose to. I think its other spirits, like demons or something of the sort. If anyone could shed some light on this scripture, I'd appreciate it a bunch.
  3. I used to think the devil could read my mind. I dont know where I got that from. But anyway, here's what I think. I think the devil can tempt you with thoughts, but he can not read your mind, only God can. The devil knows all about us whether or not we like it or not. So since he knows us, he knows what can tempt us, so he uses that to try to get us to fall away from God.
  4. Wow, I'm really glad I read this thread. I didn't know who Joel Osteen was till about a few months ago when I seen him on TV. I was awed by his message, he spoke such a message of hope and encouragement. So I eagerly awaited to watch his next program again. When I did, he held up his Bible at the beginning and said something like "this is my Bible, I am what it says I am" and on and on. But then the entire program was encouraging words, very interesting I might add, but I didn't hear anything from the Bible. I mean he didnt even read any scripture, like at all. I watched him a few more times to see if anything would change, and it was always the same thing. Encouraging words and nothing more. No scriptures read or anything. Just his words. I dunno. I'm not judging the man, but I definitely started to wonder about him and his message, and I doubt I'll watch him again.
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