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Posts posted by shorryshaggy


    well since they are a closed community they wouldn't evangilize cause they believe you have to be amish to go to heaven and they don't want anyone else in their community unless you are born into it. Also in my opinion they are very prideful in their simple life at least the ones i have experienced.

    Yeah I guess i don't understand why a life in old timey clothing and sans technology is considered morally superior by anyone to start with. I see nothing in scripture which suggests anything like that as an ideal. I'm sure there are many decent Amish people, but that is true in every community.


    thing is they will use technology they just don't own it so they will use yours. They have phones but in the barn or by the street and cell phones for business. They will ride in cars and some will be ok with flying they use computers at the library or someone else's and the newer generation is turning to more technology.

  2. well since they are a closed community they wouldn't evangilize cause they believe you have to be amish to go to heaven and they don't want anyone else in their community unless you are born into it. Also in my opinion they are very prideful in their simple life at least the ones i have experienced.


    It always interests me when someone says you shouldn't speak ill of someone who is annointed. How do you know if they are?


    Always wondered that myself, shorry. I always figured the first indication that they were "annointed" would be teaching what's in line with the Bible. If it ain't in line with scripture - toss it. God will never contradict Himself.


    That is what I thought to, but when someone questions if what they are preaching is truth it is don't question them they are annointed. I was always taught to question and check with the Bible.

  4. My take on interracial marriage...


    I'm all for it...


    Just hope all who are considering it realize the prejudice they will receive from all races (particularly those involved).


    It isn't right. But it's real. And it's not only the Caucasians who are prejudice. 


    There is a recent Cheerios commercial where a beautiful little girl asks her Caucasian mother if Cheerios help heart health. She tells her it does, and her African American father wakes up with a pile of Cheerios on his chest and calls out the precocious little girl's name...


    It was pulled from the ad sched for a time due to protests from both Caucasian and African Americans...


    The reality is also that children born in "mixed marriages" will face these kinds of prejudice most of their lives.


    This too must be considered by those who are contemplating interracial marriage.


    A perfect world we do not live in.

    I still see this comercial quite frequently




    Having a child that is a problem I have been slow to blame the parent.


    Dear fellow posters,


    I gave my opinion about this part of a post which calls a child "a problem" ( - did I understand anything wrong?). However, I can't find it anymore here in the thread.

    Let me ask you aquestion: if a fellow poster calls her child publicly "a problem", isn't that a problem for you? What would, in your opinion, this child feel like the moment he finds out that his mother speaks over him (anonymously) in public that way? How would you feel?





    I called him having problems cause that is how it is protrayed in public he is almost 18 has been in trouble with the police and calls himself a problem and is quite proud of it if you have a problem with what i have said how would you say it.


    Dear Shorryshaggy,

    may I suggest to you to read the book "Speak peace in a world of conflict" by Marshall Rosenberg? This is a whole book full of useful advice how we can word things in a way in a good sense that nobody get hurt. Even if he is a nonbeliever (well, I don't actually know), also a nonbeliever can give valuable advice, I think.



    and this is why i have issues with people judging without knowing I am leaving this convo and I won't be reading again nor do i want a pm if you ever get that fixed thanks

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