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Posts posted by Liz4JC

  1. i do think giving a homeless person the opportunity to take a shower is one of the most loving things you can do. even if they are going to get dirty a few hours later, think about it.... you know how your scalp feels if you haven't shampooed in a couple of days? all itchy, and even sore if your hair is pulled back? imagine how someone's scalp must feel if they haven't showered in a month. but at the same time, i believe if we are going to expect God to protect us from harm, we'd darn sure better be using a great deal of wisdom and discernment about who we offer the shower to.

    anyway, i just had a thought... for those who live in major cities, many truck stops have shower facilities available for.... last time i checked it was $7, it may be 10 by now. that's an option that may be much safer... still using discernment and wisdom of the Holy Spirit of course, provide transportation to the nearest full service truck stop, provide a fresh set of clothes for the person, pay for them to enjoy a nice hot shower, and then feed them. full service truck stops sometimes have a very good cafe, or at the very least, a mcdonalds.

    and then you could give them a ride back to wherever they stay.

    I think that everyone's comfort zone is different. However, I did give thought to doing exactly what you have suggested.

    My reasoning for bring a person home is I could wash their clothes too. It would be a one shot deal. Sure, I could take them to the laundry mat but that is more time consuming, I think. ;)


  2. Shalom,

    That is alot of money. I think it would take me a week to come down from being in the clouds. :emot-hug:

    I would find an Accountant to over see things. Then I would look into charities in the area where I live.

    I would suggest giving to ones that don't receive assistance from the government or big businesses.

    I would donate to a mission in another country. Then...

    I'd pay off my Visa, buy a newer used truck, and go to a place that helps you loose weight. :emot-fail:

    I'd probably move into an assisted living home.

    If I missed an area I am sure God would let me know. :thumbsup:


  3. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

    Here it is Wed., April 11th 2007, and it is very very White outside my house. :emot-fail:

    The street and grass are covered with wet snow. The wind is yelling and I think I would like to yell too! White Rabbit! White Rabbit! These words make the smoke from a campfire go another direction, just might help make the snow stop falling from the sky. :thumbsup: I know GOD is in control. Maybe this is His Way of Saying, "April Fools!"

    I made a snowball when I went outside to get my newspaper. Maybe the children will be out making Spring Snowmen/women!!!!!!!


  4. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

    As of 5:28, today there are 171 guests viewing our topics. Most days there are more guests online then members. Except for the last big day WE Members out numbered them.

    Just for your information.....................................................................

    . :thumbsup:


  5. Wow what a dangerous thing to be doing ..sorry if this sounds un charitable or even unChristain like but as has been said earlier in this thread ...you can put yourself in such danger if you do not have back up when doing something like this ...... :emot-puke::noidea::wacko:

    I HAVE opened my home to a homeless person a few times BUT it is ALWAYS done with great caution and after a LOT of thought , prayer and preperation and with many safeguards put into place. You can risk being raped, injured or killed and then not only would you suffer but you bring suffering upon your families and even upon the person whom you befriended ...should you be putting them into a position of temptation ?

    It is a LOT safer to buy clothes ( from a charity shop if need be ) and hand them out along with food than it is to take someone into a situation where you are BOTH vunerable. Also what do you do after the shower /food /clean clothes ? you send them right back to the same situation so they are dirty again within a few hours ...now that doesnt help a whole lot in my mind :emot-highfive:

    Sorry to sound so negative but if you really feel the need to help then it should be well thought through and at least have a chance of having a long term postitive effect on someone .....perhaps getting together with a few neighbours and offering a small income / food/ shelter ( if possible ) to someone who may then be able to find a real job and long term accomodation :emot-highfive:

    I wouldn't be putting anyone in the way of temptation! I will make sure I have someone else at my house with me. Plus i believe God will protect me.. All of this is in a thought tank to begin with. :o

    If I were to think the way you do I'd never step out of my house. :emot-highfive:

    Stepping out in Faith is where it is at, I believe. :noidea:


  6. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

    re: Anyone into Crafts? :noidea:

    I do the following:

    woodburning, dried pressed flower arrangements, knitting, doll making, Native American Reproductions.

    I work with wood, flowers, yarn, material,thread, leather, feathers,glass beads, dyes, and bones.


    Liz, you are amazing :emot-highfive: is there anything you can't or don't do that you want to?

    I have a boat and will be fishing in a few weeks.


  7. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

    re: Anyone into Crafts? :24:

    I do the following:

    woodburning, dried pressed flower arrangements, knitting, doll making, Native American Reproductions.

    I work with wood, flowers, yarn, material,thread, leather, feathers,glass beads, dyes, and bones.


  8. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

    Re: Would You treat a street person to a shower, wash his/her clothes, feed them and give them coffee money?

    I live 15 miles from Grand Rapids, MI. I would have to drive into town and why someone who would like to take me up on my offer. What an awesome offering for the less forunate.

    It is suposed to snow tonight and tomorrow, so I will wait till later on to do this. Plus so some praying!

    I am willing to try it, are you? ;)


    I would if the Lord opened the door for us to do it...

    This door is always open. There are street people in almost every city. Sometimes, it takes action on our part to allow God to make Wonderous things happen. ;)

    I want to do more then knit baby hats and donate them where needed.


  9. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

    Re: Would You treat a street person to a shower, wash his/her clothes, feed them and give them coffee money?

    I live 15 miles from Grand Rapids, MI. I would have to drive into town and why someone who would like to take me up on my offer. What an awesome offering for the less forunate.

    It is suposed to snow tonight and tomorrow, so I will wait till later on to do this. Plus so some praying!

    I am willing to try it, are you? :P


  10. Proverbs 31:20 She opens her arms to the poor

    and extends her hands to the needy.

    Good idea, Proverb's 31 woman! :24:

    I would add, a hot shower, warm bed, blankets. . . Ok maybe a bit too far. Some wetnaps though?

    I wonder if you could get some of your neighborhood friends to go potluck with you. Our church collects food for the homeless shelters. We have a lady who takes it in for us. It's a really good outreach but sometimes I'd like to go hand out the food myself. See the people and show them the love of Jesus myself.

    You are very brave. May God be with you on this wonderful venture. If we lived closer, I'd likely help you out.

    8. Wetnaps, Thanks


  11. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

    Hey, I am not planning on feeding a large crowd. (GOD Maybut not me) I have done this before. I bought a lot of apples then went down to GR. Parked my truck on a side street and handed out apples. Gave out a couple of wool blankets too.

    The tailgate Party is just for a small group of people. When the food is all gone, the party is over until the next time.

    Keep the ideas coming.


  12. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

    Peace to All!

    I've been sitting here thinking how I could help the street people of Grand Rapids, MI. Yes, there are a couple of places in the city that feed them. However, it would be nice if they had something to eat between meal times. Something, I like to do alitlle too much myself :21: So.....

    Why not a Tailgate Party!

    Now what to serve, need to keep it in the finger food range.

    1. Could buy a 3 foot sub and cut it up into small pieces.

    2. Could buy Meijer's Marked down roasted chickens and cut them up.

    3. Could buy celery, carrots, brocolli and cut into pcs.

    4. Could buy bushels of apples to hand out.

    5. Could buy small bags of chips or prezels.

    6. Will need a couple rolls of paper towel.

    7. A garbage bag.



    I left a few empty for anyone to fill in and give me more ideas. Thanks in advance. :emot-highfive:


  13. Javier Solana, you sly little man.

    We know your strategy, we're wise to your plan.

    As you shuffle your feet, of both iron and clay.

    Your gameplan is written, recorded play by play.

    For you shall be granted, a brief moment of fame.

    If Recommendation 666, is the number of your name. --Desert Walker.

    CUTE!!! :th_praying:


  14. Peace Be Upon Everyone!

    Christmas of 2006 here in Rockford, Michigan was a very green one. No snow at all. :wub:

    Easter 2007 here in Rockford, Michigan and we have snow on the roof tops and covering the ground.

    Maybe it is God's Way of sharing with us His Desire that we become White as Snow! :emot-hug:


  15. i want to wish everyone here a happy Easter, as we celebrate the rising of our saviour Jesus the Christ, from the grave. defeating death and hades. whereby we have received the gift of salvation and eternal life, from God, due to the completed work of Jesus on the cross.

    may you all be filled with joy and in the presence of family and/or good friends, with the willingness of heart to be prepared to give a reason for the joy we feel in the Lord. please remember the soldiers in the field and their families left behind, in your prayers and those confined to hospitals in sickness. please include in those prayers the lost and the homeless on our streets, and those in prisons. pray for a healing in their hearts and souls.

    remember as Jesus taught, i was hungry and you fed me, i was thirsty and you gave me drink, i was naked and you clothed me, i was in prison and you visited me. as we do for the least of his, so we have done to him. God Bless you all!

    your brother in Christ!


    Yes, He Is Risen, Indeed!


  16. My son's english class (9th grade) was reading books on the Holocaust. :emot-dance: We rented Schindler's List for him to watch with us. Mostly because there was also a parent permission slip to watch Schindler's List in class. When he is at his dad's house, he watches lots of horror and other rated R films. So based on what his father has introduced him to, and the required readings have introduced him to, Schindler's List could only impact him on that it was based on actuall events. I also felt that if he watched it at home first, watching it at school could be less tramatic for him.

    We also found it easier to watch by taking little breaks during the movie. However, just because I let my son watch the movie, by no means am I telling you to let your son watch it. It is up to you. While I agree that history is important, to include the Holocaust, the graphics in the movies should be kept out of school.

    ....the graphics in the movies should be kept out of school. What about the school shootings that have taken place already?


  17. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

    We have snow on the ground with more to come. Great way to Welcome Spring!

    Today, the pain was very bad so I took a pain pill. Even leaning next to the heating pad didn't seem to help.

    The pill has taken the sharp edge away. :blink:

    Thanks for all the suggestions about movement. :)


  18. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!

    A week ago I mailed an old friend of mine Richard an Easter Card. Wishing him a Blessed Resurrection Sunday.

    Well he called me tonight. He told me that the card was very uplifting to him. Thanks be to God for that!

    He is single and retired. He wants to write me and we will become pen -pals. I have a letter going out to him tomorrow.

    His conversation was very uplifting to me too. :wub:

    Isn't God good! :P


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