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Posts posted by kjn

  1. Been away for a while and have been studying the doctrine of election. This seems to have been one of the more important doctrines of the past but is not taught in the church to the extent it was previously. Just curious as to what some of you think. Let's try to keep our discussions civil.

    Thank you.


    God elected every person He created to be saved. However, by the creatures free will, many choose not to accept this election.

    What scripture supports this?

  2. Hi there Truster. I have copied and pasted a commentry that I found in crosswalk that referring to the chapter of Ephesians, you mentioned in one of your posts. It's worth considering it contains the clause* from the foundations of the earth*

    I would like to know your opinion on it.

    3-6. Blessed be the God. The word rendered "blessed" is one from which our word eulogize is derived. It means, therefore, primarily, to praise. "Praised be the God," etc., gives the idea. Who hath blessed us. The blessed is here from the same root. The word means, as above, "to praise," or to "speak" good things of one; then to "speak" good things to, or bestow blessings, as a secondary meaning. This is the meaning here. With all spiritual blessings. All came from God, and he has withheld none from those in Christ. In the heavenly. In the kingdom of heaven. 4. According as. "Even as," in Revision. Chosen us in him before the foundation of the world. This does not affirm that God chose some individuals and rejected others, but that before the world was, before there was Jew or Gentile, God chose to have a people for himself, the whole church of Christ, a covenant people confined to no one earthly race. Holy and without blame. God chose them that they might be holy. Holiness is the proof that a church is a chosen church. 5. Having predestinated us. Foreordained that we, the church of Jesus Christ, should be adopted as his children. The whole line of argument is general instead of particular. God foreordained a church which should be composed of those adopted as his children. According to the pleasure of his will. The act of predestination was due simply to God's sovereign will. His will was the cause. 6. To the praise of the glory of his grace. To the end that his grace in adopting us as children may redound to his praise and glory. In the beloved. In Christ. See Matt.

    I can give you the url if you wish, but I will have to go back and find it again.


    Do you know what the basis is for this statement? "The whole line of argument is general instead of particular. "

  3. RE: 'belief'

    It seems to me that the way I've defined/understood the word 'believe' in everyday conversation is 'being persuaded' or 'convinced'. Didn't Jesus say that even the devil (or was it demons?) 'believe' that Jesus is the Son of God? It makes me wonder: How much do we ourselves really have to do with what we're persuaded of?

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