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Carol R

Diamond Member
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Posts posted by Carol R

  1. Hi,

    Since they have changed the forum looks, and I like it, I cant seem to tell which topics I have replied on like I used to before.

    Is there a new way of telling, if so what is it????? :rolleyes:

  2. Thank you Victor for your wonderful testimony, but you are right we must step outside the church to do Gods work.

    I pray God will bless you as you minister to those children and that their hearts will be willing to receive from God what He wants to give them. I pray also for the christians in the neighbourhood that they will be convicted, for their attitude and find it in their hearts to help. I thank God that His mercies are new every morning, and that there but for the grace of God go I.

    I praise you O Lord for what you have done already You are truly awesome.


  3. Hi I have ringing in my ears, dr's call it tinnitus I am virtually deaf in one ear and have only had a computer for a year, and tinnitus for over 18 years, I guess over the years I have gotten used to it. It an be really annoying at times it is usually worst when it is very quiet like first thing in the morning or last thing at night when everything is switched off. My son will often say to me "can you hear that noise what is it?" me "what noise" but I can't hear it only the ringing in my ears, sometimes it gets a bit quieter but it is always there. I dont like wearing earplugs as I don't like not being able to hear, even though my hearing is rubbish lol. But I might try the vitamins.

    Thanks :rolleyes:

  4. Should Christians watch supernatural-themed television programs?

    I noticed this line in your question its about these supernatural programmes as oppsed to ordinary stuff on tv, yes??

    Personally that is the same as the occult, they are opening doors that should be left alone.

    My answer would be I would not watch it at all, big KEEP AWAY sign for me.

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