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    Reading, Playing board games, Volleyball, Posting :D

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  1. Allrighty, the next issue is up. If you haven't figured it out yet, it's a monthly webzine! Not to be biased, but I've been told my article was pretty great this month! Check out the Plan of the Day column!! God Bless!
  2. LOL hope no one thought war with Iraq had started already! God Bless!
  3. Ahhh, Jack Van Impe. I used to stay up to watch his show, and really enjoyed him, but I found that after I actually became a Christian, I really didn't agree with much of what he said. I can remember hearing an ad for a video he has-"Beyond the Grave"-and it sounded like pretty far out stuff. True, I've never watched the tape, but it didn't sound biblical to me, based on his description. Sounded like he was talking about different "levels" of heaven, such as the Mormons believe, but I don't know. Maybe he was just going to disprove this idea in the video? I actually caught part of the show tonight- he was talking about the battle of Gog and Magog, saying it was part of the battle of
  4. Allright!!!!! The first official issue of Code Red For Christ is up!!!!!! Check it out! God Bless!
  5. Butterfly634


    LOL , I don't really know you, but I'm guessing not! God Bless!
  6. Butterfly634


    I don't think we CAN know who the antichrist is. He will not be revealed until the church is gone and the peace treaty is signed. The Holy Spirit is currently blocking him from everyones knowledge- HE doesn't even know who he is, because he won't be indwelled by Satan until it is time! An interesting note someone pointed out to me- No one knows when Jesus will come again, not even Satan. Therefore, he must always have an individual ready to become the antichrist if need be. Just something to think about God Bless!
  7. Both of my parents are unsaved and I recently got into a discussion (ok, argument really) over if there's a rapture at all. Not if its pre, mid, or post, but just if there is going to be one AT ALL. (I guess they don't believe the world is going to end, or that we'll all just stay here when it does. Don't ask me! ???) Of course, their biggest arguments were that the word "rapture" isn't in the Bible, and that it's all just based on a few verses. They wouldn't listen to my explanation, but anyway...... I told my mother I'd give her a list of verses that prove there's a rapture and want to get a big, fat list to help prove them wrong and hopefully lead them on the road to reading their Bibles and coming to know Jesus.
  8. I was just wonering if anyone else had been to the Left Behind conference on Bible prophecy that's traveling around the US right now. It features Tim LaHaye, Gary Frazier, and Ed Hindson. I just got back from the one in Austin and it was SO awesome!!!! All the messages were extremely inspiring and at least 30 people were saved. Perhaps the most amazing feat was that Ed Hindson actually went through the entire book of Revelation in about 45 minutes. Obviously, he didn't go into too much depth
  9. Hey! I think my topic has just been hijacked..... So THIS is all it takes to get you guys back on these boards. I had been wondering! And once again- I hope everyone on here checks out the site!!! (Hey, if a leader of the forums likes it, you KNOW it must be good ) God Bless!
  10. Thanks WISDOM!! We need all the prayers we can get! God Bless!
  11. OK!!! The site is now up and everything appears to be working perfectly!!!! Hope everyone goes to check it out- We're trying to make it interesting, lol. Please continue to pray that it will reach the hearts of the people that God has intended it to reach. We always need more prayers. It would be really cool if a bunch of people from here became prayer warriors for our site! Check it out! (It's the Semper Fi section) And, of course, I might as well put in an advertisement for my column! :biggrin: (It IS one of the best after all... ) :lightbulb: Check out Plan of the Day!!! :lightbulb: God Bless!
  12. Interesting that you mentioned the tower of Babel. That was just in my Bible reading yesterday and then I started seeing and reading all this stuff about the Raelian beliefs and their supposedly cloning a girl named 'Eve'. Think God's trying to tell us something? They're basically trying to build a monument to human kind. Think about it- it's the ultimate snub to God. "We don't need YOU anynmore! We can create OURSELVES in OUR image." I read one Interview where Rael himself ended by saying, "[T]hanks to cloning, you will be able soon to give the world eternal life." Could these people BE ANYMORE blasphemous??? God Bless!
  13. LOL, yah the flash IS pretty intensive!
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