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About Inward

  • Birthday 04/15/1989

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  1. Muuust nooot dooo Paris Hilton joooke... muuust nooot... But seriously, the people who keep thier wieght down have a better chance of winning- improves the elasticity of the stomach (excess body fat prevents the stomach from expanding as much as it otherwise could). PS: I'm giving Paris the benefit on the doubt, cus of that chasity belt she'll be wearing from 3 to 10.
  2. I can't tell you just how terrifying I find this story: My hair is nearly past my hips, and even worse, my hair is known for being especially pretty! *weep* I can get a pretty good idea how that girlis feeling right now; took her half her life to grow that hair, and by the time it does grow back, it won't seem as enchanting on an old lady. That hair has been with her since childhood, its like a pet that would never leave you and always kept you warm, an extension of the body that holds precious memories just by existing, a piece of herself torn away. I know it doesn't sound like such a big deal, but it hurts. Do you remember how your mom might have thrown away your old tricycle or teddy bear? Do you remember also how she might have said: "we'll just get you a new one" it the loss just hurt even more? I'm not saying this in a materialistic sense, I'm saying this so that you can understand how a hole can form in someone's heart because they've lost something that can never found again on this Earth...
  3. Yah, that's a main reason why I'm working towards the Inner Court; People I can trust. Whenever I'm concerned about something, I ask someone really close to me what the Bible has to say on it. I usually try to look it up myself, but being young and foolish, I fear taking something the wrong way, or not reading enough about it before I get the complete idea the Bible's trying to give. I like letting others make decisions for me, but I'm picky about who makes decisions for me. When people offer me advise, it always comes with a high sodium content.
  4. Thankya all so much! (also glad to make my topic useful to others lookin to get on the inside)
  5. Hey- first off, I am a Christain. I know that there's some way I supposed to get into the inner court, but I am must have screwed up my registration 'cus I can't get through Now that were off the confused part, let's get lost. I was hoping for the inner boards so that when I ask a question, I can recieve an opinion I can trust. My policy is- if your afraid something's wrong, don't do it. If you know something's wrong, don't do it. But if you really really like something, you still shouldn't do it if your afriad... but just until you recieve confirmation off a message board... you know... so you don't spend all your days not haven' fun 'cus of a sad sad rumor. Now about me- I may sometimes seem like a completely different person between one post or another; but that's beacuse I always end up adopting the tone of whatever my current read is (one day I'm "Flowers for Algernon", the next I'm "Hamlet"). Spooks were haunting me until age 16, but now I'm starting to haunt them back (my hit-list is on Shadowlands.com ). My worst vice is when someone's idea is stolen. Its worse than a torn drawing, and for invasive than a peakin your private photo album. The worst case scenerio of this is Simba vs. Kimba. I've got lots to say, but I'm boring.
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