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Consecrated One

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  1. My brother and I were discussing this issue last night and he made some very good points. Those that follow false teachers and prophets follow out of their own greed and their own worldly desires. That God allowed these false teachers and prophets to come in order to "weed out" the ones that are lead by selfish desires and those that truly follow the Lord out of pure love for HIM. Those that follow false teachings enjoy the "easy christianity". In other words, let the preacher give them an emotional experience, let the preacher tickle their ears with promises of wealth, health, and power. They like hearing that God can be our "hook up" line. Name it, claim it and it's yours! Too many christians are deceived because they want to be blessed. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!! Who are we that we would treat God as a genie? Who are we that we would demand anything from God? We are saved by his grace. We are blessed that he allows us to breathe another moment. I realized that my brother was right. That ultimately, the responsibility lies in the believer. whether he/she will be carried away with what sounds good and makes them feel good and what they can get out of God, or whether we will live by God's commandments, truly get out there and be a christian, that means doing the dirty work. God didn't call us to go and sit under a teacher and be mindless, he didn't call us to turn on the t.v. to get our ears tickled, give a little money and wait on God to pour out his blessings. He's looking for those that are true believers that would even die for him. There will be Benny Hinns and Kenneth Copeland's all over the place. God is looking for those that will discern the truth and lies. Those that will humble themselves before HIM, not demand from him. Those that really understand that it is by grace we are saved and that we are entitled to NOTHING! What God allows us to have is what we will have. Period. You can name it and claim it all day long and it will not change God. Nothing you say or do can change him or his ways. So I learned that it is ultimately by our own selfishness and greed that we fall into deceit. Thank you Jesus for your truth!!
  2. You're very right George and If I've come across like I know everything, please forgive me. I learn everyday and I would never want pride to come in and stunt my growth. I know when the Spirit speaks to me and I take that word you wrote and keep it in mind. God Bless.
  3. LOL! Lanakila,I doubt benny is gonna come and tell us he's in it for the money. He doesn't need to come right out and admit anything. His actions, his words, his false prophecies, false teachings amongst everything else, is enough proof for even the lay man. Are you saying we should not say anything until benny admits with his mouth what he has done?We'll be waiting a long long time. George thanks for that scripture.
  4. "judge not lest ye be judged". This scripture does not mean not to judge. It means to not judge someone for doing the very same thing you are doing. We as christians, have the responsibility to warn others who may not see or know all that is going on with these false teachers. They are leading many souls down the wrong road. Should we just let them go to #### and say"oh well, at least my eyes were open and I'm not going to ####". I care about people enough to tell them the truth. What are we to say to God one day when he asks us why we never tried to warn our brothers and sisters of something that we knew was wrong? It wasn't my responsibility? I didn't want people to persecute me? I didn't think it was such a bad thing? We are to be very vocal about these false teachers and prophets. Let me tell you, I used to watch these people on TBN. Sometimes things said by them didn't sit well with my spirit but I would watch and marvel at how many people "followed" them. It wasn't until I started lining up what they were saying with the bible that I realized that I had been listening to false teaching. I began to even adopt the "one world religion" mentality that they give off constantly. Everything they do is subtle. If you watch carefully they will mix a little bit of truth with a bunch of lies. Eventually, you will see the rotten fruit that is on the inside of many of these tv preachers.I also began to read up on many of the preachers and found some very shady pasts. Things they are still doing till this day. Many of the preachers on TBN will not be called out on what they are doing because they are the very ones who create the most ratings and bring in the most money. As long as that continues they will be able to say and do whatever they want and Paul and Jan's dogs can enjoy a 4 million dollar house just for their dogs while they live in their 10 million dollar mansion. Someone mentioned Jan's depression. Yeah she's really depressed. depresssed enough to go have a boob job and even start a christian liposuction club!!! Gimme a break. When will us gullible christians ever learn from our mistakes. You would think after Jim and tammy baker that people would be more aware but they are even more blinded. It's such a shame. This is something that bothers me a great deal, if you couldn't tell. I guess everyone has something that is close to their heart, that really breaks their heart. This is mine. I for one will continue to expose those false teachers and prophets. May I remind people that these are people who have proven over and over again that they are false and deliberately continue in their acts even after being shown the truth. For that I have no sympathy for. I will continue to pray for them.
  5. Watchman, the things I stated are not "accusations" but fact. And he hasn't just been proven to have lied about healings but has proven himself to be a false prophet amongst many other horrible things. You say that God can heal through Benny. God can heal people, he doesn't need Benny to do it.This is not really about if God can heal people but about WHO Benny Hinn is. The question is how many souls are being lost because they are praying and worshipping another Jesus under Benny's leading. The ends don't justify the means. Just because people are receiving a healing doesn't mean that we should just ignore or turn away from those that we KNOW are leading people straight to ####. Do we say that we shouldn't really worry about false teachers and prophets because God can work though them? No. You will know a person who has the Holy Spirit in them by their fruits. Benny Hinn has shown himself to be NOT who he says he is.
  6. Hi angels, I too do not want to offend anyone, however I feel it is important that christians know the many things said and done by these men that many people have probably not seen or heard. We need to be vocal and stand up for the Lord, his Word, and the truth. They are very cunning and mix a little of truth with a whole bunch of lies. So many christians are being deceived, surprisingly even many mature christians are. This is disturbing to me. I wouldn't even know where to begin with Benny Hinn. That guy is so out there, it should be visible to anyone. It is fact that those who are not grounded in the Word are easily deceived. Those that choose to just sit and listen to a preacher and never get into the Word or compare what the preacher has said, to the Word, will be deceived. I believe Benny Hinn is forming a cult and tagging the label of christianity on it. (kinda like the devil disguising himself as an angel of light) I also notice that he rarely ever has an alter call and the only time he reads from the Word is to pick out scriptures to twist up and use for his own selfish gain and boasting. He runs a show and people come and pay to see him. The bible tells us that many false teachers and prophets will come showing many signs and wonders and that if it were possible, even the very elect would be decieved. I believe not too far off, we will begin to see real signs and wonders at his conferences. We will know the true source of these signs and wonders. Benny Hinn is deliberately and without remorse twisting and perverting the Word of God, giving false prophecies, dabbling in necromancy, implied that he is a little God. He has repented in the past and then went on to continue what he was doing. So I'm lead to believe that he is operating in the spirit of antichrist and is deliberate and knowing who he worships. In other words, I don't feel this man has deceived himself and is blinded but that he is deliberately operating with full will for the devil. I have never in my lifetime seen another "evengelist" so sickening and bold in his lies. Many people who are deceived will say that God would not allow them to be deceived because they are christians. My goodness! Therefore when people like me try to show them the truth they feel that that confirms that they are being persecuted for the sake of the Lord!! This is what Benny teaches people. He has even cursed people that would come against his ministry. He cursed their children also. He said this on TBN! Tell me is this a man of God that he would curse people? He has wished that he could "blow their heads off with a holy ghost gun". It's so sad to me. My heart cries for these people who follow him. I pray that the Lord open their eyes.
  7. Hi, I'm new here. Figured I'd just jump right in with a topic not many christians want to talk about or confront. There seems to be an explosion of false prophets and teachers IN the church and on t.v.. I am deeply concerned with christians who are not discerning. Who follow every wind of doctrine. Who see evidence of one being false and still refuse to keep away from that person. Well, I wanted to know what you all think about a lot of television evangelists shown on TBN. Benny Hinn and kenneth Copeland are the ones who bother my spirit the most. Benny has claimed that Jesus will start showing up in the flesh at his meetings and people will be able to see him on tape. Both of these men claim that we are all "little God's", "little messiah's". Both have prophecied falsely over and over again. My question is why do so many christains refuse to see when someone is so obviously false. Is it because many want an emotional experience so bad that they will deny the very God they claim to live for? So many people are "praising" and following these men and putting them above the Lord and His Word. What's amazing is that these men are just confirming the end time prophecies told in the bible about false prophets and teachers and when shown scripture comparing these men with the Words in the bible many people become so angry and say either that "You are not spiritual enough so you don't understand what we know" or "How dare you blaspheme a man of God?" Many of these Word-Faith preachers seem to be forming cults and are turning away from the Word of God and choosing to replace it with a supernatural experience. How are people so blind??!! I'd love to see your comments on this topic. God Bless.
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