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Everything posted by sofiag1964

  1. ty very much for your warm welcome! yes, amen patricia praise God for what He's brought you through! ty for those powerful words of God, they blessed me! I too was promised my blessed son, who I almost lost and is now a healthy young man and was told I wouldn't live through cancer while I was pregnant with a 2nd child then lost the baby and almost lost my life having diverticular disease; the same faith that saw my husband through God's eyes while we were separated and forgive him; then fought and defeated the enemy when he brought up memories of being physically abused as a child and survived rape and prejudice because of being black, a woman and a Christian and have been disabled with a few illnesses for the past few years... through faith was I able to stand and not waiver, because of Him, I know that I know I have a purpose here on earth as with all Christians, He gave us all the word to go out and tell those who are lost of the Good News. Praise God for bringing me through it all and yes, there are more battles and have been healed of my inside battle wounds from the past. Abba Father, my Daddy, made me feel like His princess, told me how beautiful I am, what a virtuous woman I've become, how special I am and showed me how, through the Holy Spirit with the Sword of the Word in my hand, my shield of faith in the other in the name of Jesus with the rest of my armor of God, to defeat the enemy at each new battle and be victorious each and ever time. what a mighty God we serve!!! Glory and honor to Him! Hallelujah! Be blessed
  2. What an awesome thread! I'm truly blessed by it! So much truth in this thread, many confirmations and it shows we're all going through one form of battle or other; praise God for you for starting this thread! Keep pressing on toward the mark of the high calling! Hallelujah!
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