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Everything posted by JCgirl4eternity

  1. AMEN!!!! And all praise to Him for loving us enough to die for us, even though none of us are worthy. Thank you, Lord. Amen and amen! We should praise God all day, everyday and it still wouldn't be enough!
  2. I think one reason why so many people are against Christianity is because most non-believers think that Christians think they are perfect or are worthy of Heaven. That is NOT true! We Christians are dirty, rotten sinners! We have just as much error as anybody else! We deserve hell as well as the next person does. The only difference is we have acknowledged this and we know that all we have to do is ask Jesus to forgive us. We don't deserve forgiveness, but He gives it out freely. I'm not sure why I posted this exactly, except that I've been seeing lately a lot of Christians making comments about how others are not worthy of Heaven and how they will go to Hell if they die like they deserve it and we don't. Just making it clear: we should go to hell! That's what we deserve. But GOD is so loving and kind that He gives free passage to Heaven! And it's so simple! He is truly awesome.
  3. What if one of his (the atheist's) own "laws" is understanding and respecting human life and empathizing with human suffering, thus actually prohibiting himself from actions that harm or cause suffering (what you referred to as dangerous). I hold myself to this "law" as you call it because I recognize my own need to live with as little suffering and harm inflicted upon myself. If I prohibited behavior that was physically harmful and dangerous, likely to cause suffering, then I would be prohibiting it against my own self as well, which isn't the type of society I'd like to be living in. Just because people have decisions for themselves doesn't mean they chose inherently selfishly. Let's say you followed that "law" 100%. What if you saw someone in trouble needing help and the only way you could help them is to sacrifice your own health? Would you go against your law and rescue that person? Or would you keep to the law since that is your goal in life and not save the person? This is where that "law" has to have error. To put someone before yourself is breaking that "law" because you are purposely putting yourself in danger of suffering. But if you don't, you will also be breaking that "law" because you will not be respecting other human life.
  4. I would like to suggest to all the non-believers who are curious about Christianity and want proof that God exists to read a book by C.S. Lewis called "Mere Christianity". Maybe you have heard of it. It basically explains what Christians believe in a very educational level. I think many of you here are curious about Christianity. That's why you joined a Christian forum. So, I know this book will help many of you understand it. It's very very good! I highly recommend it to anyone, even the Believers, as well.
  5. I have a question for an evolutionist, but I'm not sure if it's been asked yet. I haven't read everything here yet. If we all evolved from nothing, then wouldn't everything be neutral? What I mean is, ever since humans have been on the planet, everything has always been good vs. evil. We always try to do what's "good" (even if it's selfishness.. what's good for us) and we always punish the bad. If we came from animals, then we wouldn't have "good and bad". Everything would be neutral. There would be no right and wrong. Just think of any popular movie right now. What's the story? Somehow the main character will triumph over evil! If he/she doesn't then the movie stinks!! Just think if Frodo and Sam never made it to the top of the volcano. The Eye spots them, Sauron takes the ring, and middle earth falls into darkness (evil). It would be a stupid movie, right? Good HAS to triumph over evil!! And there's no way a human being (caveman?) could have just come up with that on the fly one day and it continue through out every single human. No way! It's built into us! We were MADE that way because in the end, good WILL triumph over evil. Well, I've babbled on about that, but that's always been something I've been curious as to how an evolutionist would explain it. Thanks
  6. I sorta disagree with some of that like "the key of our religion". I happen to believe that Christianity is not a religion. It's a relationship with the Creator God and it's only by His grace and love that we can be called His children. And also, I believe it takes more faith to believe in evolution because we see people create things all day long, so we know it's possible for a God to create something. But for things to just happen out of nothing and no one doing it is way harder to believe, at least it seems that way to me.
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