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  1. Just in case anybody's still interested, I believe I've fixed this issue. The site should store verses you've had recently and prevent them from showing up. Thanks for finding this bug. If you're inclined to test it out again, I'd love confirmation that it seems to be fixed (or is still broken). Thanks for playing!
  2. Can you fix the colours? I cannot read the names of the books because the green background almost makes them disappear?? Thank you and blessings:) Wow, that's weird. It shows up great for me on the systems I've tried, but it's easy enough to change the names of the books to black. Give it a shot now and let me know if I can improve it further. Thanks!
  3. Hmmm, so this is the green or red feedback message or is it something else? Is it that the text color doesn't contrast sufficiently with the background or is there another issue? I'd like to tweak this to make it more usable. Thanks for the feedback!
  4. Wow, this is a side effect of the verses all having stared out at the same level. I may need to adjust my algorithm, or it may be simpler to randomize the levels of the verses so that we have a good distribution initially across all possible levels. Thanks for this feedback!
  5. I've just created a new web site that allows you to test your knowledge of scripture. It's more for fun than serious study. Built on a model similar to that of freerice, it displays a random Bible verse at your difficulty level (you start at 50 out of a possible 100) and lets you pick from one of four books of the Bible. If you get the answer wrong, your level decreases by one and you get questions from that level. If you get three in a row right, your level goes up and you get harder questions. Initially, all verses have a difficulty of 50; it'll take some use for them to be pigeon-holed into appropriate difficulty levels. It's also distinctly possible that there are still some bugs that need to be worked out, but preliminary testing seems ok. I hope you'll find this to be a fun site and that it's appropriate for me to have plugged it in this fashion and forum.
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