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Everything posted by AnaA

  1. AnaA

    To Endure!

    If you wouldn't mind sharing this link with others so they can at least read it for themselves and decide what they want to do with the information (and maybe plant a garden, etc.), it'd be appreciated. We're to sound the alarm, so I want to do what I can, but I'd appreciate your help. The thought of people starving is just awful, as you know, so help warn them so they can be prepared, while there's time. http://www.theamericannightmare.org/FOOD_SUPPLY__AAD.html
  2. AnaA


    Prophets are not usually believed or accepted in their own country. They also don't really say anything new, but what they say lines up with what's already in scripture, but make it understandable and more detailed for present day people. They are here to reveal scripture and correct. I found a message about one man who has an interesting site. Here's the message I came across on another board. WARNING! The information in the linked article is of the sort that could cause one to be overwhelmed by fear. I do not want to cause that and I feel like I need to apologize for even posting this, but it needs to be looked at. As you read, the scope of the thing will slowly hit you. http://www.theamericannightmare.org/163_Th..._Abyss_A-D.html THE GREAT ABYSS THE LORD'S GREAT LAKE OF FIRE AN ENTIRE CONTINENT BURNING THE VERY CONCEPT OF HELL IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THE U.S GOVERNMENT HAS HAD ITS MILITARY, ITS BEST EXPERTS, SCIENTISTS FROM AMERICA'S BEST UNIVERSITIES, AS WELL AS EXPERTS FROM THE CHEVRON OIL COMPANY, EXAMINE WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ, AND NOT ONE OF THEM HAS BEEN ABLE TO DISPROVE ANY PART OF IT !! THEY KNOW IT'S TRUE, BUT THERE'S NO SOLUTION, SO THEY DON'T DARE TELL YOU !! Read the rest at above link. and then go on to read about Centralia, PA at: http://www.theamericannightmare.org/99_centralia_A-D.html I've been reading lots of pages ever since running across the site, and I must say, it seems scriptural. AnaA
  3. AnaA

    On Prophecy

    I think the real way to tell is to see if what they're claiming lines up with what's in the Bible, because there isn't anything new. Of course, then there's the problem of people making up dreams based on something they've read there. If it doesn't make any sense at all, I'd dismiss it immediately, or if they make any money in their "ministry" definitely scratch it. AnaA
  4. Don't worry about finding any one antichrist, because if you read all of the scriptures in the bible that talk about that subject, it's referring to a spirit of antichrist, not one person out there. It's too bad that people are looking for it to be a man when it says in the bible that it's the spirit of antichrist, wihch means being against Christ. I think we have to be careful not to fall for every story out there, but rely on the bible itself, and prayer, because it's easy to get caught up in all these ideas. AnaA
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