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Everything posted by LadyWraye

  1. As I work in a secular office and not the church this is not an instance where two or more saints confront a fellow believer with a sin... and I think it's annoying, but not necessarily a sin... (unless her motive is to annoy) - but I think it's more like Ddavid from NC says, "keeping conversation cute and not confrontational" to build "walls that keep them safe". She is a self proclaimed Christian who attends a church on a regular basis. She has one grandchild who is 12 or 13... a little old to talk baby talk to. She has a devoted husband and her 84 year old mother lives with them and cooks for them. From her own statements her mother is demanding and bitter. Apparently her father who is now passed away had an affair on her mother and although he never left her, she never let him forget it to his dying day. As Artsylady said, this is "an opportunity to work on my own tolerance and patience". The Good Lord can use this trial to make be better... but honestly... well, sometimes I just want to slap her! Rom 7:15 "For what I want to do I do not do,... "
  2. Thanks for all the replies... I think I'll try Glory2000's suggestion.... I have been lowering my voice when she does it in a conversation with me and she stops - for a while anyway. Then a little while later I'll hear her across the hall talking like that to someone else. When she does it, she sounds sort of like she's talking like the comedian Lily Tomlin did when she did the "Edith Ann" skit in the rocking chair.
  3. Hello and thanks anyway. Just nice to be able to 'air it', so to speak.
  4. I think SHE thinks she's being cute. But it's annoying. She's not a little girl anymore... even her granddaughter isn't a little girl. I don't want to hurt her feelings by bringing it up - she's obviously made it a life long habit and maybe doesn't realize it. I just keep praying for a better attitude. I thought if I could understand it might not bug me so much.
  5. Our receptionist is a 55 year old who lapses into baby talk on a regular basis. She answers the phone professionally, but when it's slow she likes to walk around and talk to others and starts talking with a baby voice. It's small office with only five of us here and she's a talker. Does anyone know why someone would do that? I knew another grown woman that would do it on occasion when she was around a guy she liked. I figured it was her way of flirting with the guy. But my co-worker is a happily married grandmother.
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