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Everything posted by deafcanada

  1. I already have talked to the Pastor this week and My husband went to see him also this week. I know i cant fix him it is only God will fix if i allow Him do it. It is his time to do in my husband life. I trust in God in these days i have read in psalms and other. also even i write down my feelings and pray about it while i write it down i feel better. I have been praying alot for him and myself and putting myself in God first thing in my life. Focus on my life and anazlying my life like clean up as God is tuning me up. I am grateful because God has been so good to me since what happen, there is some prayers answered small things. It is very neat that God answered my prayers by day by day each day. He is so amazing. for example i was kind of sad that i will not see my husband during the lunch hour as he have to take care for kids like feed kids for lunch and usually he come to my work for lunch time but he cant so i started to pray about it i didnt even knew about my work already changed the time. so next day i told my husband i can change to 1130 for my lunch and can meet together and he said no i say nothing, when i got work and i found out that my section where i work it changed to 11:30 am from 12:00 i said wow God already knew and already answer my prayers. so i told my husband about the time change i didnt think he will come and see me. yesterday i was planning go out and relax in the sun eat my lunch and do read the bible and all suddenly i saw the car, i said wow my husband is here to see me i never thought he would due to his depression like withdraw himself from the world. i was glad to see him but we are "silence" in this like not talk etc. also other thing that Our pastor from our church has offered us to go to counselling in akron, ohio that they will pay for it that include flight, housing, counselling so i am waiting for their response back next week to hear from them but my husband needs go to counselling asap in local area so he can go there occassionaly and be able to get out of it by with God's help. Right now he is shut God off too but I know that God's drawing him closer to HIM. as I am leaving that to God as He is processing working on my husband s life i know that he is very hurt and angry with church in some way. it is long story. He has to deal on his own problem as i cant help him but only way is i am being there for him and pray for him. It is only God handles this situation. Amen DC
  2. hi there How can i help my husband? I have been crying because I dont know how to back off and leave my husband alone as he said please give me time please and i told him i am trying do my best. It is so painful do this and I really hate to see him going through this as He is shutting me out and dont want to talk with me. So how can i do this. I often felt that I failed him and I hurt him and I am so shame and not be proud of it. so how can i do that often i screamed at God and Asked Him how c an i do that? i told him I dont know how do it. impossible for me HELP ME Dc
  3. Thank you for speaking the words as I do believe that God is warning us as His time is getting running out and many not hear it at all even though they have ears but not hear it at all. same for deaf people so we have to spread it out and tell them about Him and it has to be wake up call before it is too late. it is time to do for Him that He is using the people who love Him truly deep from their hearts. For me i have been gone through rough time like in storm i am still in storm however i am still holding up with God and not give up on anything becasue I know that God in control and he is with me and my family and my husband too as I know that God is working in their lives so we have to be humble and submit and let God guide us what ever He wants us to do Do not be afraid to claim it because Jesus is with us. In Him DC
  4. hey Biscuit, I would like to let you know that you are not only one to get thumbprinting, in 1 or 2 years ago i had to get my fingerprinting in biometric at my work, however they cant use anymore it has been problem with technologies so only we do is swipe the card go in for work and end of the day. it was so hassle to put my fingers and scanned it then key the numbers then go too many people in the line and wait wait. that s why it was so p roblem with people getting late for work and problem with technology only i do is swipe the card n o more scanning my fingers that time i was praying praying for that to stop the scanning the fingers sure enough no more using the scanning the fingers just swipe the card Thanks DC
  5. I understand that and just Let God guide you about the music that you can use and use it for touch people to know about Jesus Christ. I dont mean all is evil no but i have to be very caution with that as i cant hear any music but i know some music are bad and some are good. we are supposed to worship God way like hymns that please God more that comes from our hearts down deep. I dont mean to say the music are bad for everyone but those music are good for us to listen and encourage us to worship God from our heart and listen music that about Jesus Christ etc. I hope you will understand my opinion thanks DC
  6. Yeah that s true, i believe that because I know that Jesus is in control and I have to give my husband to God's hands and i know that God is working in his life right now. Just need God's strength for me go through it. thanks deaf Canada
  7. I feel that way while i am waking in my life right now. Deaf canada What do you feel attacked by? Do you feel your husband is also being attacked? for watching tv ministries, i dont watch those. yes i do feel that i am attacked and my husband is too also i believe that my husband is not up to for the challenge way i see that. and I felt that i am alone and taking those responsiblity for that. as you know my husband is pastor, i am not sure if he is not up for challenge things. whole thing that i am going through this that makes me overwhelmed. like for example, i have to raise my kids while my husband gone to work he has two jobs. and i have to raise them and discplined and sometimes i have no strength do it to do at home like clean up do make meals for kids. Right no w I am praying that Godwill show me what is all about and i dont understand why i have to go through that kind of battle right now. as i know it is not my battle it is belong to God's thanks Deaf Canada
  8. I feel that way while i am waking in my life right now. Deaf canada
  9. Hey everyone, I would like to share with my dream that has been pondering in my mind since two days now, in my dream, I saw lots of snakes swarming around and attacked and bit people but not biting me because i said in name of Jesus and snakes went dead instantly but when people been bited by snake were dead but woke up from the dead and trying to follow me and i pushed back and stop it and yelled in name of Jesus Christ then they fell on the ground. and when i saw my husband and he was struggled with the snake that snake was trying to choke him and bite him, and i say to the snake leave my husband alone in name of Jesus christ. and the snake left my husband but my husband was just about dying from being choking and bite but he came back alive. after that i woke up from my dream. I am not understand what is all about. Can you help me out with that dream. I think that snakes like devils or sin that makes christians fall away or being attacked by satan? but one thing it has been bothering about my husband that being attacked by snake like choke him and trying to bite him same time but my husband fought fought for it and when i came to him and i fought together. it kind of scared me to see that h appen to my husband like that. I needed to pray about this dream aswell as i have strange dreams this week not normal for me to have that as i still do remember those dreams. it wont go away it still in my mind. so I will ask God to reveal me more about it. Thanks Deaf Canada
  10. I agree!! Hi there, I agree and the time is approaching really rapidly i mean really fast even though they dont realize that the end is really near. I felt that we are in these last days right now as I am not surprised it will happen so soon or later before we know it. All we do is to be ready for Jesus Christ and spread His words to other people who not know about Jesus Christ. as I believe that God's timing is just about running out very soon. there is not much left time to do. as we see Israel and Lebanon and it fitting with the Bible because Damascaus is about to be ruin any time dont know when it will hit from those cities. we need to move on and tell them we dont have time to sit around and wait for Him. we should do what we are supposed to go and tell people about Jesus christ and also we have to wake up the sleeping church. or else they will miss the chance of rapture. We dont have time for ourselves to be pleasure and having good time etc. Be strong for Him n o matter what and Stand strong and speak for Him. Do not be afraid of anything because God is with you all the time In Him Deaf Canada
  11. I had that message since last week July 3rd, It really hit me alot. When My husband and my Kids and i went to the Camp store to look around the Campers, trailers, RV. Somehow I just began to think about being Pleasure going to camping and having fun etc. I started to think did Jesus do that when He was on earth? and i realized that He didnt had that kind of pleasure doing this like going to camping with friends. He went and preach His words and had been taught to the people every day and healed many people and spoke blunt to Pharisee religious people. He always go and pray for people. He didnt have any time for the pleasure going out for camping, bbq, having fun etc. He did do what he did. God made us and wants us to do finish the job that Jesus has left for us to do it. Did He want us to have pleasure having good time? Are we selfish? do what we want. Look many many people are dying without Jesus. we do what we want to please ourselves to keep our lives "good life" and do nothing. doing for ourselves. Not doing for Jesus. are we that kind of selfish? are we partially Christian? like we go to Church every sunday and worship on sunday when church finish go home and do nothing, we just do what we do not following God's way like go to spread His Words to the People who is not saved. LOOOk at the people in all over the world, they are dying without Jesus and not knowing about Jesus Christ. Are we selfish not telling people about Jesus christ? Yes we are selfish because we have everything like computer, tv, house, car, job, vacations, money. we didnt do anything about it to go and tell people about Jesus Christ his love. we need to stop it and we need to repent and wake up because it is not much left time. It may be next minutes, it may be tomorrow, it may be next week, it may be next month, it may be next year, we never know. as God know when it is finished. Remember that our lives are short on the earth, we live here to spread His Words, not to hold and keep things in the world because things in the world will be rotten and pass away will not bring anything to heaven or go to hell at all. we born with nothing, we die with nothing, so we need to remember that people are dying without Jesus Christ. do you want your family, your friends, your husbands, your children die without Jesus Christ? I am sure you dont want that. Please do what God want you do. that s what the bible says 2 Timothy 3:1-5 you should also know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. for people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their paretns, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control; they will be cruel and have no interest what is good. they will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. they will act as if they are religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. You must stay away from people like that. So that s why God wants us to do for Him. do we want to reject His power that could make us godly? Should we listen and follow God's warning, encourage us to repent and wake up? for me yes I will take it and listen what God wants me to do. Look at the people around you, think aboout it should they deserve to know Jesus Christ? or deserve to go Hell? It is time to Stir our souls and repent and wake up ask God forgive our sins. and I pray that God will speak to your heart. In Him Deafcanda
  12. To label this as a "Conspiracy Theory," is like comparing apples to green peppers. In a nutshell: My focus in this thread is keeping watch in the light of Bible prophecy. There is no conspiracy here. Grace and peace to you If we didnt post anything what s happening in the world, How can we know what s going on. I do believe that we should be serious about this because we cannot afford to ignore this as we are supposed to go and spread His words before too late. Even though it is conspiracy theories but it could be true we never know as God knows everything. we need to be caution and be alert so we can be ready for what happen and we can be ready for His coming back Rapture. so it is best thing to focus on His Words and pray without stopping however they cannot stop us to share His words and spread to other people about His love and His Cross. many many will ignore it and dont want to hear the truth at all they want to hear "nice things" and "enjoying listen lie talk" it is really sad because they don't take it very serious. as they think it is ok nothing wrong but it is really wrong. we needed to honor His name daily no matter what. Deaf Canada
  13. Have you wondered why our money has changed twice in the past ?10yrs? They say it is to prevent counterfitting, but is it really? Or is it just getting us in a frame of mind that we just won't tnink twice about it after its done a time or two more?[font=Verdana] I am not surprise that it will happen sooner or later as I got my eyes last spring march 2005 at the newspaper that Canada, USA, Mexico will become one nation just like EU. as I already knew it will happen. when i told some people they say it will never happen but it will eventually happen. as we have to be prepare for that. It is another sign that Jesus Christ is coming back very soon so we have to be ready also we have to move on and spread His Words to the world who needs to know about His Love and His Cross. Deaf Canada
  14. Hi, myself, right now, i am not sure where to find the verse and myself, i am struggles about speaking His message like prophecy. Wondering should it be very gentle with love speaking or should it be very blunt like look like mad or angry or look like so frustrate Right now i am really struggle with it and confused about this. as I saw myself i had some experiences like saw someone has been talking like that way like very gentle way with blunt but i havent see anyone who speak really mad with blunt words that message from God. I need some feedback and some verses which i am seeking for that. thanks Deaf Canada
  15. Look at the bible verse in Leviticus 18: 22 said Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin. meaning that God forbids anyone do this and they cannot enter Kingdom of God at all. that s why God cant stand any of kind of sin like that unless you decide to repent and confess your sins and no more doing this. then you can inherit into God's kingdom. as I am standing what the Bible says I won't bend any of those truth because God speaks the truth. it is really sad for some christians people thinks that it is ok to being homosexuality. some people say need to respect their wishes to be doing this. like Human rights. It is really hard for me to understand why they are allowed do that and think it is alright. I am sorry i say that because I just follow what the Bible says and God said obey his laws meaning all of His Words in the bible. also the bible say in Leviticus 18: 30 so be careful to obey my laws, and do not practice any of these detestable activities. Do not defile yourselves by doing any of them, for I, the Lord, am your God. meaning that He wants us to follow His ways not world way. and also He is asking us to keep ourselves holy and doing right thing for Him to give Him glorify. Thanks Deafcanada
  16. First of all, I just came in to share what i had the dream and just want to encourage everyone who believe in Jesus Christ and who love Him wholeheartly. I didnt came here to post the dream to cause people to agrue over a little thing about this. I just came to post the dream to warn others and encourage people to be ready and help us to move and spread His Words as we are responsible to go and preach His words that s what the bible says Mark 16:15 said And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. and that s mean we have do it for Jesus. We are supposed to go and preach His words from the bible. like tell them about His love and His mercy for everyone, that s why I saw in my dream, many many people didnt have a chance to have Jesus Christ because they didnt hear the gospel. we are responsible. God has called us to go but few went do and preach His words. I do believe that God is using people to spread His words by dream or vision or by reading the bible or through Pastors. God can do anything in his power even though it is impossible. Many dont believe that God will use people by having vision or dream in this modern. I rather to obey what the bible say. Jesus said GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH HIS WORDS TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. we are responsible to bring people to Jesus Christ, we cannot ignore it anymore because it is getting closer and getting worse. Do we have time to agrue over little things? LOOK at those people who dont have Jesus Christ, they die everyday without Jesus. There is no second chance for them to be saved after they died. We needed to stop agrue over little things. It is time to move on and spread His words before Jesus Christ is coming back. That's what Jesus wants us to do is to bring people to Jesus and to be saved. not what Jesus wants us to agrue over little things. We are one body, one unity in Jesus Christ. It hurts Him alot if there is agrue or not getting along that s what Satan is looking for. we need not let Satan do that. NOT LET Satan destroy us. because he wants to do that to destroy us by agrue over things and twist everything. STOP IT. So let us Look up at Jesus and Ask HIM to forgive us for doing this. and Allow God use everyone who loves Jesus Christ deeply more than world itself and go and speak to people. Do not be afraid to tell people about Jesus Christ. I am telling you it is getting worse and getting closer. Is it worthy to see people dying without Jesus christ? Is it worthy to see people not hear about Jesus Christ? Is it worthy to see them going to Hell? Is it worthy to see them getting blind and being tricked by Antichrist in the future? to me NO WAY it is not even worthy to see them die without Jesus christ or getting mark of the beast or not hear about Jesus Christ. It is our responsible to bring them to Jesus christ. That s why God gave us the job to do for Him. He knew He can use us to spread His words. also We are able to do for Him because God is always with us. We dont needed to be afraid of what's going happen to us as long we have Jesus Christ. It's Time to move on and spread His words. It is not time for agrue over things etc. Thanks Deaf Canada (Cori) You are absolutely right Cori and I apologize for getting into it on this thread with another member of Worthy. God does communicate with us verbally, in dreams and in visions. We should listen to what He has to say and we most definintely should not put God in a box or make Him as small as we are..He is all powerfull and all knowing. He can do anything He wants and I believe that if more people stopped talking and listened they would find Him communicating with them as well. Thank you for sharing your dream with us, and I will make a better effort of not getting pulled into silly debates such as the one I got trapped into. Satan works on us all the time attempting to take our focus off of God and His purpose for us and I fell right into it.... God Bless That s alright, You are already forgiven for that. we needed to learn not to agrue over little things. if they dont believe pray for them anyways. that is only way we can do thanks Cori (Deaf Canada)
  17. First of all, I just came in to share what i had the dream and just want to encourage everyone who believe in Jesus Christ and who love Him wholeheartly. I didnt came here to post the dream to cause people to agrue over a little thing about this. I just came to post the dream to warn others and encourage people to be ready and help us to move and spread His Words as we are responsible to go and preach His words that s what the bible says Mark 16:15 said And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. and that s mean we have do it for Jesus. We are supposed to go and preach His words from the bible. like tell them about His love and His mercy for everyone, that s why I saw in my dream, many many people didnt have a chance to have Jesus Christ because they didnt hear the gospel. we are responsible. God has called us to go but few went do and preach His words. I do believe that God is using people to spread His words by dream or vision or by reading the bible or through Pastors. God can do anything in his power even though it is impossible. Many dont believe that God will use people by having vision or dream in this modern. I rather to obey what the bible say. Jesus said GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH HIS WORDS TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. we are responsible to bring people to Jesus Christ, we cannot ignore it anymore because it is getting closer and getting worse. Do we have time to agrue over little things? LOOK at those people who dont have Jesus Christ, they die everyday without Jesus. There is no second chance for them to be saved after they died. We needed to stop agrue over little things. It is time to move on and spread His words before Jesus Christ is coming back. That's what Jesus wants us to do is to bring people to Jesus and to be saved. not what Jesus wants us to agrue over little things. We are one body, one unity in Jesus Christ. It hurts Him alot if there is agrue or not getting along that s what Satan is looking for. we need not let Satan do that. NOT LET Satan destroy us. because he wants to do that to destroy us by agrue over things and twist everything. STOP IT. So let us Look up at Jesus and Ask HIM to forgive us for doing this. and Allow God use everyone who loves Jesus Christ deeply more than world itself and go and speak to people. Do not be afraid to tell people about Jesus Christ. I am telling you it is getting worse and getting closer. Is it worthy to see people dying without Jesus christ? Is it worthy to see people not hear about Jesus Christ? Is it worthy to see them going to Hell? Is it worthy to see them getting blind and being tricked by Antichrist in the future? to me NO WAY it is not even worthy to see them die without Jesus christ or getting mark of the beast or not hear about Jesus Christ. It is our responsible to bring them to Jesus christ. That s why God gave us the job to do for Him. He knew He can use us to spread His words. also We are able to do for Him because God is always with us. We dont needed to be afraid of what's going happen to us as long we have Jesus Christ. It's Time to move on and spread His words. It is not time for agrue over things etc. Thanks Deaf Canada (Cori)
  18. Ok what ever you believe I respect for that. I am standing for what The bible says so I just follow what the Bible says. I cannot bend anything from the bible at all I cant ignore anything from the Bible It is truth from the bible all I do believe that s all. thanks DC
  19. Sw you said you do not agree that God addressed us now through dreams and Visions. there is a verse in the bible in new testment in Acts 2:16 to 18 No. what you see was predicted long ago by the Prophet Joel: In the last days, God says, I will pour my Spirit upon all people Your sons and daughter will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. in those days i will pour out my Spirit even on my servants - men and women and they will prophesy. so meaning that God will use people by through dream, visions and will be prophesy from Him. Actually, I never had dream about that Antichrist and the mark of the beast 666 on it as i read from the bible and other things but i never thought i had that dream. It is really sad because many many will not listen to the warning, they will be trick by them. when i woke up and i went back sleep the dream keep coming back. i just study God's words and seek Him deeply and I am after God's heart which i really love Him so much and want to follow Him in God's way. not from the world thing. it has been pondering for a while since this morning when i woke up and thought about it. usually i dream alot but i cant remember those dreams but this time i dream about it i remember it all and even i still remember the dream about Rapture that was 2 years ago just before a month before christmas I am not trying to judge you SW but if i did do that please forgive me for that. I am trying to help you to understand that ok thanks Deaf Canada ( Cori)
  20. Hi there I would like to share about that dream. i Just asked Lord should i share or wait but I felt that i should share with you all what i had dream last night and this morning. It is about Antichrist revealed himself to the world and demanded people to accept his mark on their right hand or forehead. like there was revival like he preaches and the people decided to follow him. when i saw my friend go there i said no dont do it he is false then who work for Antichrist like army lead them to other room like prayer room and gave them chip and tattoo on their hands or their forehad. other people didnt accept that they left there in hurry and hide from Him and they were finding other christians etc. many were killed because they dont accept their marks and many arrested because they didnt have any mark on it and trying to get them to accept it like beat them up until they give up or refuse and many changed their minds to accept their mark. also they cant buy alot of food the army had to limit the food and one bread a day they cant have everything at all. some were crying when they had mark of the beast because they realized that it is not real Jesus christ, they had been fooled by Antichrist. I warn you all people do not give up for anything else. Keep on Trust and Serve God. I believe that It will going happen sooner or later. We have to be ready, dont let us being decieved by that. Let God Guide and give us wisdom daily. as I just noticed recently that Europe market is ready to merger with Nysc America will possible to merge to that EU Market. It is happen alot since Jan 2006. There is alot of wars rumors, wars, pestidences earthquakes, tsuamai and hurricanes-extreme weathers and even in Israel there is alot of happening right now. I encourage you do not be afraid of anything at all. Trust In God for that. I pray that many people to be saved before too late. Jesus Christ is coming back very soon. I encourage you to be ready whatever it will happen. Look at Jesus Christ not to look at the world. Please focus on HIm not the world. Our God is our jealous God, He wants us to look at Him and worship Him. He dont want us to look at the world and see what s happening to the world. Just focus on Him that s all. and Pray for other people that needs Jesus Christ. Gather your christians family and friends together and pray about it. In God's Breezing Deaf Canada (Cori)
  21. I totally agree. I have been praying for her for years. No one is out of reach for the Holy Spirit. She might just come around one day and needs prayers. I don't want to give up on her as I am glad the Lord didn't give up on me years ago. Kim And the Lord blesses you for it..keep it up. It is really sad for her involve like that. Be honest i used to be her fan and i always like to listen their music by using headphones and i know one song but now I am glad i didnt like it anymore I believe that God erased the words from my mind since i became christian. I know it is a bad example for Madonna's kids. we need to pray for her to open her heart and her eyes and realize that is not right In Him Deaf Canada
  22. Hi there, it is really sad that they keeping removed God everywhere and seems they dont want God involved at all. It is increasing eacy day without we are realized that it is very near for that happen to the world. Sad to hear that they are removing God everywhere. In Him Deaf Canada
  23. tah, I know these were God's words to me about America. I have no doubt. God was speaking through this passage as strongly as I have ever heard him speak to me before. We are that nation. I only ask that others pray and ask the Lord to show them what he wants to say to them through this. I believe America is going to get a wake-up call very soon. We need to be ready. We need to be seeking God's face and we need to be at his feet daily. He is speaking. The question is, "Are people listening?" He is looking for those who will hear his voice and who will follow Him. yes it is gonna happen sooner or later because I believe that God is trying to get our attention to be prepare what will be going happen in future. I am sure that God really wants us to wake up and look at Him before too late also He wants us to warn other people what will it be happen. I know they will scoff at us and mock at us they will say not true or will never happen to us, but they will be shocked and realize it is really true and i pray that they will wake up. It could be power outrage all over the north america for several months economical crash gas shortage and food shortage and storm will be very extremely. We have to prepare for that as we have to look up and seek Him earnestly deeply and ask Him forgive our sins if we lack of faith or lack of praying or anything that has hidden sin in our hearts we must confess our sins and keep our heart pure and be ready for His coming. In Him Deaf Canada
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