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Everything posted by Merin

  1. I don't understand why you would think we would ever do something as sick as that.. It is really upsetting and honestly starting to take offence!!! We have really been attacked by some people it seems.. I don't appritiate it!!!!
  2. ya both silly. Hi my name is merin... LOL I told her to log in under name...
  3. I find it disturbing that you wouldnt listen to God if that is what he told you to do. Wasnt it disturbing that Abraham would attempt to sacrifice his son? But God told him too... And trust me, my children are not being brainwashed. A 40 year old man? Hypothetically, yes. I would never coerce my children to do anything. If God wanted her to do it, she would know. What if she thought she was ready and you didn't.......then what? And what if the law stated she wasn't old enough.......would you still give consent? If I didnt, then no. I wouldnt be able to give consent if it was against the law.
  4. A 40 year old man? Hypothetically, yes. I would never coerce my children to do anything. If God wanted her to do it, she would know.
  5. So how do you determine the age of adulthood? Is it legal to marry at the age of 15? In some places with a parents sig I believe it is... I could be wrong. I married at 17... I could have married at 16. I was ready! I think it depends on how you were raised and what you are ready for. JMO. I wish the age of adulthood could be a case by case basis. I know people my age now that shouldnt be considered adults. and would you put your signature on that consent form to have your 15 year old marry a 40-ish man with other so-called "wives"? and i use that term loosely since polygamy is illegal, and only the first wife is legitimate. would your 15 year old even WANT your consent to marry a man old enough to be her father or grandfather? NOT LIKELY!!! THIS IS HEYTHERE- I would consent for my 15 year old to marry a man if I felt that is what God was calling me to do. Not a man with other wives... that is not what we believe. Its adultry.
  6. my daughters will marry who, when and how God tells us!!!! What do you mean by " when God tells US? Are you having a part in the decision? oh no I see where that could go....LOL of course I will be apart of the desition... Who better than their daddy? Will your children have any say? yep that's where it was going...lol actually only God will have a say hopfully...
  7. my daughters will marry who, when and how God tells us!!!! What do you mean by " when God tells US? Are you having a part in the decision? oh no I see where that could go....LOL of course I will be apart of the desition... Who better than their daddy?
  8. maybe you arent conservative.... Your obviously new, I'm definately conservative. Yet, we could never abandon our boys, and if we had daughters, they would never be coerced into marrying a 40 yr old relative at the age of 14. In our house, there is no molestation, no incest, and no abandoning of children. Those are pretty important things. ok then... I meant more conservative than you....
  9. No I'm a disciple of Jesus Christ sorry I had to get ready for work. For how long? Would you tell me what you think Jesus' thoughts would be to bigamy, even discounting the age factor/ I have been "born again" since oct 14 1996 and I don't know what bigomy is sorry.
  10. maybe you arent conservative.... Your obviously new, I'm definately conservative. Yet, we could never abandon our boys, and if we had daughters, they would never be coerced into marrying a 40 yr old relative at the age of 14. In our house, there is no molestation, no incest, and no abandoning of children. Those are pretty important things. here's a couple of similarities for ya...homeschooled...no dating...no vaccinations....extremely modesty in dress and apparel...theres more... how is this similar? homeschooling: LEGAL, and is done by people from all walks of life and from all religions... why? because the public school system is doing a horrible job. no dating: who? conservatives don't let their children date? not true. many families allow only "group" dating, which is a very wise idea, but by no means does every conservative family (or even a majority of conservatives) have this rule in their homes. no vaccinations: again, very FEW families reject vaccinations, and given how the medical community is finally stepping up to the plate and acknowledging the link between childhood vaccinations and autism, it's about time more families start rejecting them. by the way, those who do reject immunizations can't be lumped into a "conservative" category, since it occurs across the board. extreme modesty in apparel.... uh, i don't know of many people, conservative or otherwise, that go to extremes on this issue, aside from cult members. there's more? so far you've given me nothing, so i'd like to see "more". someone asked for some similarities...theres some....not saying these are nesesearly what a conservative is...
  11. hahahahahahalllllllooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllll Since you didn't say no, I can only assume your answer is yes. That is truly sad. do i have to say no????????? really man??? i really am starting to not like you sir.... No.....you don't have to say no.....just answer honestly. Is that how you usually treat people when they ask you a question? Laugh in their face and run away? It was a simple yes or no question. 2 characters....or 3 if your answer was yes. But no......you chose to avoid the question by laughing and running away. As for your likes and dislikes......that's your choice too. i've just had enough of you and your imagination...peace out
  12. hahahahahahalllllllooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllll Since you didn't say no, I can only assume your answer is yes. That is truly sad. lol see how easyly i am put as a cult?
  13. hahahahahahalllllllooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllll Since you didn't say no, I can only assume your answer is yes. That is truly sad. do i have to say no????????? really man??? i really am starting to not like you sir....
  14. That equates to old leches marrying several teenagers? nobody said that...
  15. get real. i am...complain complai...this is america!!!!!!!!!you can make more money... you know why bush didn't know the price of gas? because he's a millionaire...my advise...make more money and stop complaing about a couple of dollares a day for gas...next subject...lol A couple bucks a day if you stay real close to home. *Goes outside to water her money tree* i meant a couple of dollares more than before not total...
  16. maybe you arent conservative.... Your obviously new, I'm definately conservative. Yet, we could never abandon our boys, and if we had daughters, they would never be coerced into marrying a 40 yr old relative at the age of 14. In our house, there is no molestation, no incest, and no abandoning of children. Those are pretty important things. here's a couple of similarities for ya...homeschooled...no dating...no vaccinations....extremely modesty in dress and apparel...theres more...
  17. I'll thank you to show one time where I defended the FLDS or its members. They are wrong, and I've stated it since my very first post on this topic. However, I will not allow mistruths go by either. I've stated that the children shouldn't even be returned to mothers without supervision and oversight. My concern here is for MY family, and for MY ability to raise my children without gov't interference. If you think this is about protecting child-abusers then you have sorely mistaken my point. i agree!!!!!!!! not many notice this huge step the government just took towards coming after our children....conserevative christians are not liked to much more than these types of people!!!!!! this country is not a christian theocracy thingy a bopper...it's a majority rules evintially....they are coming for us soon.............. What goes on in a conservative Christian's home and what goes on in FLDS compound in no way compares. to you maybe not.... Merin.....are you saying born again christians and FLDS are of the same faith and that their practices are the same? hahahahahahalllllllooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllll
  18. I'll thank you to show one time where I defended the FLDS or its members. They are wrong, and I've stated it since my very first post on this topic. However, I will not allow mistruths go by either. I've stated that the children shouldn't even be returned to mothers without supervision and oversight. My concern here is for MY family, and for MY ability to raise my children without gov't interference. If you think this is about protecting child-abusers then you have sorely mistaken my point. i agree!!!!!!!! not many notice this huge step the government just took towards coming after our children....conserevative christians are not liked to much more than these types of people!!!!!! this country is not a christian theocracy thingy a bopper...it's a majority rules evintially....they are coming for us soon.............. What goes on in a conservative Christian's home and what goes on in FLDS compound in no way compares. to you maybe not....
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