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  1. Hi everyone, It seems like a lot of people are wondering what other reasons, besides age, my parents are concerned about. Well, according to my parents, their biggest concern is age. Their other concerns are: 1.) He is too religious - only cause he has God involved in his life. My parents are Christians too, but they don't see anything in our religion beyond going to church and praying. 2.) He lives too far away - My family and I recently moved to Hong Kong, and he lives in the U.S. My parents said they would be too ashamed to tell others that their daughter married a man 18 years older than her, so if I choose to marry him, they would keep it a secret from friends & family. I've thought about what Nebula suggested - that maybe it's a sign from the Lord that this relationship is not in His Will, but at the same time, me and my fiance have been praying about this for a long time, and we've received signs from the Lord that suggest otherwise... so I don't even know what to believe anymore... =/
  2. Thank you all for your honest opinion. The thing is, when I am spending time with him, I rarely think about the age difference. However, he does hold the notion of the man leading the woman in a relationship - and the man being led by God. The hardest thing for me is that my parents are really set against this relationship. They told me I'm an adult, so I've got the right to choose - but that they also have the right to not accept him. If I do choose to marry him, they would not even come to the wedding...
  3. Hi everyone, Last week, I got engaged to my boyfriend of 2 years. But my family and some of my friends are concerned for me because of the age gap (he's 18 years older than me, i'm 24). I completely understand why they are worried because, quite honestly, the age difference has been a concern for me too. But I really love my fiance, and I know he definitely loves me a lot too. I have know doubt that he will be a really good husband to me. Do you think I should let this relationship go, or should I continue and hope that, by the grace of God, everything will work out? I'm so confused
  4. I asked because I've always thought that people who are not dating are single, people who are dating are a couple, and people who are married are married But i guess i was wrong (English is my second language... if that helps) hehe
  5. Hi everyone, I was told that according to Christianity, people who are not marry (no matter dating or not) are considered single. Can someone explain that to me please? Thanks!
  6. Hi Stitchy, First of all, I want to praise you because you have the desire to do what's right and please God. I am in a relationship right now also. And I think all couples are faced with sexual temptation - it's a given. However, the Bible says that premarital sex is wrong and we need to obey God no matter what. There have been a several times when my boyfriend and I were tempted to go further than we're supposed to. Every time we hang out, we would begin with a short prayer because we need to remember that this relationship is not just us two - we need God to be a part of this relationship too
  7. I told him about yesterday, and he said we should pray about it for guidance. While we wait for God's response, he said we should not call or see each other during this period... I am worried that he is going to call one day and end the relationship with me... With all that's going on (family issues, school etc...), I can't afford to get hurt right now... Meanwhile, I got into a fight with my mom yesterday about this moving issue... I told her that I want to do God's will, but she kept saying that God's will is for me to be with my family. I have a feeling that she is mixing God's will with traditional Chinese values... She said she would let me choose, but i know she doesn't really mean it... *sigh* Please pray for me...
  8. That's my other problem... I don't know if I should stay or not. I am a pretty inflexible person, so I would stay if I can (I think). But at the same time, I'd feel bad if I don't move back with my parents. They've been planning on moving back for years, and they just automatically included me in the plan. Although my mom said she would give me a choice, I can tell that deep inside (as a Chinese parent), she would want to move back as a family. In addition, my parents initially moved here so that I could receive a better education (they gave up all that they had in Hong Kong for me). So I'd feel bad if I don't do the same for them... I've been struggling A LOT lately because I am so content and happy with my life right now (praise God) that I don't want to leave all that I have behind. But I also don't want to disappoint my parents. Sometimes, I would get really frustrated at my parents because they assume that I am just as excited about moving as they are... Everytime they talk about it (several times a day), I feel really really down =[ I prayed to God about it, and He's been SO GOOD to me, giving me strength. But I still wish I don't ever have to experience this...
  9. Thank you everyone for your advices and prayers! I've been praying to God also for guidance =] As of now, I really don't know where God is leading us in this relationship... but God must have a purpose of leading me into this guy during my last year here, right? He always has a good purpose for everything...
  10. My family and I moved to the U.S. from Hong Kong when I was little, and my parents always have this plan of moving back after I graduate from college. This is my last year in college and my family is looking forward to moving back... but I'm not. I have been strugging a lot about this issue, but this is not the topic of this post, so I will not go further into that. I need advice on another related problem. This year, I met a guy from church that I like. He asked me out and we've gone out a couple of times. But as you know from my situation, I will be moving back to Hong Kong with my family by the end of this year. This means that I may not have a future with this guy. I briefly told him about this before... but we haven't really discussed about it. Do you think I should end our relationship? Guys, would you rather end a relationship like this as soon as possible? Or would you rather stay with the person you like as long as possible? I feel so selfish....
  11. Hi everyone, I was reading 1 Corinthians tonight, and I came across this passage: "But if anyone says to you, "This has been offered in sacrifice," then do not eat it, both for the sake of the man who told you and for conscience' sake[a]
  12. Hi everyone, Can anybody explain to me Jesus' answer to the question bout Resurrection in Mark 12:18-27? " 'Is not this the reason you are wrong, that you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God? For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the sotry about the bush, how God said to him, "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, and the God of Jacob"? He is God not of the dead, but of the living, you are quite wrong.'" (Mark 12:24-27) Especially the last part about the God of the living and not of the dead? Thanks!
  13. What did Jesus mean when he talked about "the yeast of the phrarisees and of Herod"? (Mark 8:14-21) Why did He tell His disciples to beware of it? Thanks =]
  14. Wow thanks guys! You guys are very helpful!
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