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Posts posted by glorywatch

  1. glorywatch, if you do feel led to respond to this, which btw, I would not advise, but still could prove harmless enough; just please be aware that JW's are extremely brainwashed and unless God opens her heart and mind to the truth of anything you might share with her in that regard, she will just automatically trash it. They believe they are the only ones saved and everybody else is on the pathway to hell. It's really tragic actually what cults do to people... total and complete bondage.

    Posting anything on the web isn't as secure as people think. There has just been a news release about facebook and the implications of the changes there are something that folk should pay close attention to. I have never felt comfortable about getting too personal on the web although I believe sites like this are protected because they are owned and operated by realtime Christ Followers.

    Just my loonies worth .. :rolleyes:

    Sweet~lady, you just voiced some of my concerns for posting on the web, but I made an exception for this fallen soldier and never gave it another thought. There must be over 1,000 postings on his memorial. I do so appreciate your thoughts on this.

    I understand completely about JW"s. I wanted others opinions on this because it helps to put things into perspective, but the bottom line is, I will only do what I feel the Holy Spirit leads me to do. Again, thanks for your opinion!

  2. On Joe's behalf I would have to say that in some sense that President Obama is kinda joining the club by lying between the sheets of this bill and making senseless and meaningless pillow talk. :rolleyes::noidea::wub:

    I am impressed at how taticfully you said that. I was still scratching my head for a way to say it that would be proper. :emot-hug:

  3. Yesterday when I got home, there was a letter addressed to me and my husband from a name and address I didn't know. I was puzzled by it but opened it, assuming it would be a distant relative or something like that.

    It was from a total stranger who got our name off a memorial website. I had posted condolences to the family of a soldier who died in Fallujah back in 2006. They aired the story about this young man (23) on CNN and gave the website where you could post. There are thousands of postings on that site. I gave no thoughts to putting our names and city, even though its a small town and we are easy to find (address and phone number) because we are the only ones with that name in this city.

    I started my post to the family saying that I had seen the story on CNN. I then told the family that words were never adequate to say to someone who has lost a child, but that our thoughts and prayers were with them and that we prayed God would give them peace that passes all understanding and strength during this difficult time.

    This stranger writes to me and says she is sorry for the loss of my friend (said I saw it on CNN) and proceeds to tell me that if we ( I guess she means USA) would do something about the wars that these senless deaths would stop.

    Then she goes on to tell me about God, reading the Bible and that having a relationship with God is the only way I will get over losing my friend.

    Now for the kicker. She encloses a tract from the Watchtower (Jehovah Witnesses)

    So here is the question....would you respond or not? I didn't feel anything in my comments would give someone the idea that I didn't know God and that I knew this person. AND, this is nearly three years later. The whole thing sorta puzzles me.

    Would you respond and if so what would you say???

    Not sure how or if I should do anything. What do you think?

  4. I have felt that way so many times. Truthfully I feel that when people say that, basically they are just greeting people. It's more rhetorical than a real question about a persons well being.

    I am not saying everyone is that way, but most really are just being polite.

    If you feel crummy, just say, "not to good today." If they really want to know how you are they will offer to pray for you or question you further. If not, they will say something like "I hope you feel better.'

    No one gets hurt in the process.

    One thing I know for sure is that when we least feel like going to church is when we need it the most!

  5. Permission was granted, so here is what George wrote:

    Recently the Lord has been showing the significances of times and seasons and I've been spending time in the Word as well as stumbling along realizing there's quite a few significant dates coming up.

    On Rosh HaShannah this year, we entered into a new 7 year cycle with the sabbatical year just ending so I've been doing some research to see if there's any interesting events that may be happening during the next 7 years. What I found was staggering -- and I'm still trying to digest it all.

    I stumbled upon a site called -- timeanddate.com and it has an interesting page that allows you to see what date is coming up in the future. For example, if you go to -- Time and Date -- and place in there -- June 7, 1967 -- 6 7 1967 -- the day that Jerusalem was taken back by the Jewish people -- and you extrapolated out the Jewish Jubilee according to the Jewish calendar -- 360 days per year instead of the Gregorian calendar of 365 days per year and multiplied it out by 49 -- 360 * 49 = 17, 640 days. You place 17640 in the days section of the calculator and make the computation, you'll realize that its September 23, 2015. If you look at the Jewish feast days for 2015 suddenly you realize that September 23, 2015 is Yom Kippur -- which is exactly the day that Jubilee begins according to Leviticus 25:9-10. So the year of Jubilee for Jerusalem -- as well as the conclusion of this 7 year cycle -- is coming up on September 23, 2015. And you coincide this with the blood moons over Jerusalem on Passover (Pesach) and Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) on 2014 and 2015 -- I believe it's going to be an interesting 7 years!

    That's the most fascinating aspect of my recent studies although I've extrapolated out lots of different dates and how many significant dates end in this 7 year cycle on significant Jewish dates is staggering -- but it's too much for me to type out right now!

    Something to really think about!

    Amen! We have a close friend who has been studying the cycles in Scripture. How God does things over and over in cycles. They mean something. Ecclesiastes tells us there is nothing new under the sun. I don't really understand about all the cycles, fesitvals, feasts and all but it is so interesting and I agree that there is something to it.

  6. An ancient civilization created a calender, I believe it was the Mayans, that happens to end in the year 2012. For that reason, many believe that the world will end in 2012. The problem is, thats only 4 years away, and the tribulation itself will last seven years. How do they overlook that? Shiloh62

    Some feel that the tribulation has already begun which would work out mathmatically.

  7. There are so many things that have not be revealed to us that it brings to mind the passage in Deuteronomy 29:29: "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and our children, that we may follow all the words of this law."

    The why God chose to not reveal certain things may never be known.

  8. Since God created people with all types of skin color...I can't figure out how some can think they are better because they're 'lighter'. Such is the way of imperfect man. Btw, we all have the built in protection from the sun's rays, regardless of our race, and we see it when we 'tan' after exposure to the sun. God is awesome in that He thought of every detail when we were created. :noidea:

    I agree with you! Interesting tidbit: We were created from the earth (dirt) of which there are basically 5 colors of dirt. Of course its no coincidence that there are 5 basic skin colors as well. (Red, yellow, black, brown and white.)

  9. The Devil will be cast into the lake of fire, be turned into ashes and cease to exist. Rev 20:10; Ezek 28:18,19.

    Revelation 20:10 says the beast and false prophet shall be tormented day and night forever and ever. Seems pretty clear to me.

    Ezekiel28:18, 19 - Lucifer will be brought "like" ashes, humiliated, brought low. Not turned into ash. Otherwise you have contradictions.

    The Bible does not contradict itself. Sometimes our understanding, or lack of understanding makes it seem that way.

  10. Did you hear about the 83 year old woman who talked herself out of a speeding ticket?

    She told the officer she had to get where she was going before she forgot where she was going.

    Makes perfect sense to me........ :laugh:

    sadly me too :24:

    love your sister in Christ,

    Rebekah David

    :thumbsup: It's nice to be in good company :24:

  11. Rubi, I read this and left without commenting, but all of I could think of was "My sheep KNOW MY VOICE!"

    We never have to ask if it is God speaking to us when He speaks, we know it without a shadow of a doubt.

    I agree with those who say it is Satan, not God. God does not condemn us when the Holy Spirit pricks us because we know we have done or said something we should not have.

    Praying for you!

  12. Bryan, its been my experience that when you do anything (listen to music, talk, watch tv, movies, etc) and you have to ask or question if its ok, then the answer is NO.

    Anything we have to "justify" in our minds is most likely something we should not be doing. That's the Holy Spirit pricking you, when you question.

    If it is something that does not line up with God's Word and instructions, then leave it alone.

  13. The Term "God Speed" originated in the Old Testament part of the Bible, in the book of Genesis 24:12 in the King James Version, when Abraham's servant prayed for success when he was sent to find a wife for Abraham's son Isaac. The original Hebrew word for "speed" in this verse is pronounced "caw-raw" and it means "to land upon" or "to bring about": "And he said O LORD God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham." (Genesis 24:12 KJV).

    In my bible in Genesis 24:12 the term used is "good speed" and not "God speed". The only place that I could find where the term "God Speed" is used is in the new testament as you have said also. But how do you get "God speed" out of "good speed"? The term "Good speed" has too many o's in it.

    I found that explaination online and in one of my study Bibles they say it means God - Speed, not good, so I guess we just have to decide for ourselves the accuracy of the information.

  14. The Term "God Speed" originated in the Old Testament part of the Bible, in the book of Genesis 24:12 in the King James Version, when Abraham's servant prayed for success when he was sent to find a wife for Abraham's son Isaac. The original Hebrew word for "speed" in this verse is pronounced "caw-raw" and it means "to land upon" or "to bring about": "And he said O LORD God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham." (Genesis 24:12 KJV).

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