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Posts posted by glorywatch

  1. That is funny. It reminds me of something my dad did once. He got a map at NASA of the area where he lives, because they had just recently done the maps from newer satellite imagery. He got home, looked at the map and called NASA to speak to the person in charge of that department and told them the map was wrong. He told them one road was a mile off from where it should be. They assured him it was not, to which he replied, "I have been the Parish engineer for years, lived here for over 30 years and I KNOW where the road is. You don't. It's wrong on the map." I got a kick out of, cause my dad was the only person I know that would call NASA and tell them their maps are wrong. Turns out my dad was right and they were wrong!

  2. One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm, a mother was tucking her son into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?"

    The mother smiled amd gave him a reassuring hug. "I can't, dear." she said. "I have to sleep in Daddy's room." A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice: "The big sissy."

  3. Mari, there is only one thing that can fill that "void" in your life and that is Christ Jesus. I believe you are being drawn here by the Holy Spirit in order that you can find what you seek. Call out to Jesus, he will answer. Scripture says "that in the day you seek me(Christ) I will be found of you. Praying for you.

  4. It's the 'nanny, nanny boo-boo' syndrome. People do not like rules and believe THEY are exempt from them. Case in point; my former company painted a floor in a new addition and put up a 'stay off' sign (or something similar). That floor was repainted several times because a few of the engineers were NOT going to walk all the way around. When the boss put up a sign that said 'walk on this floor and you are FIRED!'....problem solved. It's human nature to rebel. :emot-crying:


  5. It really puzzles me how many people get all bent out of shape over rules. There are rules about posting on this forum and yet people challenge them over and over again and then get mad when they are reminded of them.

    Almost every part of our daily life has "rules". Where you work, where you shop (shoes and shirts, no checks etc.), rules of the roads, where you bank, games you play and so on.

    So why do people just absolutely INSIST on defying rules that (a) they read and agreed to or (b) are clearly posted? :whistling:

    Maybe its just me, but I was taught to obey rules. Ok I feel better :huh:

  6. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Susan Rosegen was a fixture for years in New Orleans with NO PERSONALITY, then she magiclly got a job with National Geographic which was hardly a blip on the radar, back to New Orleans and now she is with CNN. She never had any reporting skills in New Orleans and clearly nothing has changed except she has become aggressive or perhaps showing her true colors after all.

    It's so interesting when liberals like Rosegen get their feathers all ruffled when "WE THE PEOPLE" voice an opinion about actually wanting to keep what we earned. I know thats nervy of us...imagine that. Earning money and actually getting to keep it and not have the government take over half and give it to others. Geesh what were we thinking. :emot-hug:

  7. All of those types of movies are anti-God just by thier very nature. They glorify whatever genre it is, demon posession, vampires, ghosts, or whatever. It's all about "darkness" and rarely do you see GOD being the winner over the evil.

    Personally I don't think Christians should be filling their minds with that type stuff. I realize that is my opinion, but I just keep thinking of the Scripture from 2 Corinthians 6:14 "...what fellowship can lightness have with dark?"

  8. I was just reading the story about Nebula's brother being in a car accident and totaling his vehicle and it jogged my memory about a woman who attends our church.

    She lost her car during Katrina. She is a single, older woman, with very limited income. The car was old, so she had no collateral insurance on it. Naturally, the loss of the vehicle was a hardship and she had no idea how she would manage to make car payments, but she would find a way, because she had to have a car.

    She went to a local dealership and had been looking at the cars and found one in her price range and was getting ready for a test drive. The salesman had gone inside to get the keys. While waiting, she noticed a gentleman standing off to the side who looked extremely sad. She walked over to him, introduced herself and commented on how sad he seemed and was there anything she could do. He explained he had lost his wife the year before and could not seem to get over it. She offered to pray for him right then. After saying a brief prayer, he thanked her and walked inside the building.

    The salesman returned with the keys, she drove the car and decided to buy it. They went inside and proceeded to fill out the paperwork. The salemans gave her the total purchase price and asked her to sign off on it, agreeing to purchase the car. She looked it over and signed, because it was what she wanted. The salesman left the office briefly, and then returned with the owners manual and keys. She was somewhat puzzled and asked when she would go to finance. He told her, "Mam, the car is yours. Free. No charge." She said, that can't be. He said, "Yes Mam. the owner said that whatever car you chose was yours free. He didn't care how much it cost it was yours."

    He then said, "The old gentleman you prayed for is the owner and he said you are the first person he has met that offered to pray for a total stranger." The saleman then told her its the first time they had seen him smile since his wife died.

    The only stipulation was that she could not tell where the car came from. She didn't! She only shared the joy of God blessing a faithful servant by suppling her need throught prayer. The selfless prayer of praying for someone, who, to her had a greater need than she did.

    When she shared this story at church there was hardly a dry eye and many praises went up that day, thanking God for his goodness!

  9. Fasinating! Way to complex for "random". The most complex things we create as humans pale in comparrison to what God has created. No way is any of this a product of evolution. Complex desgin requires a designer. It requires thought and that didn't happen by chance.

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. joe, you sure you responded to the right thread?

    I think its a great reponse to this nonsense. People still have the freedom of CHOICE in this country. If Biden chose to buy from a private individual, then why is that anyone's business, but his. Since when is buying a dog, something of national concern?

    Good grief! I am for buy an animal at a shelter, I have done it several times in the past. However, should I choose to buy a specific breed from a breeder, then that is MY BUSINESS. Not PETA's! And the same for anyone in this country, including the President or VP.

    I feel sorry for the lady who sold the dog. What a bunch of moron's who are attacking her.

  11. I am for keeping "under God" in the pledge, but who are we kidding. It's been in the pledge for over 55 years and you sure can't tell it by the way this nation is headed. So did it really help to put it there? Who knows? It's the hearts of the people that need to be reached that will make a difference. :24:

  12. Not sure how they are determining, but here on the MS coast it's HOT!!! :24: Temps are way higher than the ones they are showing on the top ten. You literally can fry an egg on the sidewalk during August. The humidity is so thick you can almost cut it with a knife. I don't like cold weather so I am glad I don't live in any of those places listed as the coldest.

    Thanks for sharing this anyway, it is interesting.

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