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Posts posted by glorywatch

  1. Thank You glorywatch I can see why you honor the Feast in Leviticus 23. And I definitely agree with you about our Christian-Jewish roots. But don't understand how Purim is manmade if it in the Bible

    Paul I was going by what verse 27 in Esther 9 says: "the Jews took it upon theselves to establish the custom that they and their descendants and all who join them should without fail observe these two days every year, in the way prescribed and at the time appointed."

    Mordecai had written to the Jews instructing them that they should continue this feast/festival (Purim)described in previous verses in chapter 9. If you look in Leviticus 23 you will see the festivals that God ordered and Purim is not in them.

    I am not saying that it should not be observed or that there is anything wrong with it. Just giving some of the historical background about it.

    I am glad to see someone that thinks the festivals should be observed!

  2. Purim was a festival ordained by the Jews. It was man made as opposed to the feasts in Leviticus 23 which are divinely ordained. Jesus observed all sever on those celebrations and was crucified on one of them.(Passover). Each of the festivals can be linked to "harvest". The implications of those fesitvals ordained by God go far beyond the realm of agriculture. They lay before us the seven crucial steps in God's plan to harvest - to gather - humans (his creations) into His everlasting family.

    Jesus is seen through out those plans.

    I don't see a link to Christ in the man-made festival of Purim.

    When we Christians distanced ourselves from our Jewish roots which God established, we lost a lot of the understanding of the importance and signifigance of the meanings of celebrations. We also lost the ability to understand what would seem to us a small thing but in the Kingdom of God is of great importance. The Jews understood.

  3. What are the three great American parties?

    Democratic, Republican and Tupperware.

    A waist is a terrible thing to mind.

    I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond.

    Americans are getting stronger. Twenty years ago it took two people to carry in ten dollars worth of groceries. Today, a five year old can do it.

    You might be a lousy cook if your family heads to the table every time they hear the smoke alarm.

    Chocolate is cheaper than therapy and you don

  4. I read the same things the others posted about it having to do with the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. I just wanted to add that I read that Psalm 120 begins the journey in a distand land in hostile surroundings; Psalm 122 pictures the pilgrims arriving in Jerusalem; and the rest of the Psalms move toward the temple, mentioning various characteristics of God.

  5. but if someone buys this stuff at a time when their faith is being tested, uses it and has some of that faith restored, wouldn't that be a good thing? i mean, people spend their money on all kinds of garbage.

    Joseph, no offense, but I would never look to breath freshner to restore my faith. Hitting your knees in prayer and delving into the Word would do it.

  6. Did anyone catch the fine print at the bottom?

    "Has it ever occurred to you that there may be a mysterious force ready to guide your life and bathe you in protective all-loving energy?"

    Sounds New Age to me.

    Your eyes are much better than mine and I am glad you posted what it said. That just adds to the offensiveness to me. It does sound New Age. Mysterious force and God on the same label?

  7. I have trouble memorizing Scripture too. But in Psalm 119:11 it says, "Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee." And in the same Psalm vs 105, it says that "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

    I think those two verses alone tell us how important it is to know Scripture, if for no other reason that it keeps us on the right path and that we won't sin against God.

  8. One would think it would go without saying that all of our hopes and expectations are with the Lord. I place confidence in NO mere man.

    You would think that, but clearly that isn't the case. One needs only to look at the website I mentioned to see that people view him as their 'hope."

  9. I would considder this a " form letter " response. She or they obviously didn't read and understand your posting. Your info was just thrown into the mix and this is a new way for folks to evangelize.

    Forget it and throw it in the trash...if you respond, in a short while they will be knocking at your door.

    I absolutely agree with this both in content and approach! That's precisely what I would do!


    So far, this is how I feel and am not feeling any leading to do otherwise.

  10. I believe that when you are born again, you may loose the passion you had for something, such a painting, because maybe you painting your 'god". Many of us tend to put whatever we enjoy before God and when we come to have a personal relationship with God, we put God in His rightful place, and the thing we were passionate about is put in its rightful place...it is no longer first priority in our lives.

    I hope this makes sense!

  11. The Jews understood what the reference to pigs meant. They were unclean. Jesus does not want us to entrust His word to those who don't want to listen. They usually only tear it apart. We should not stop giving God's word to unbelievers, but just as onelight said, we must be wise and discerning in what we teach and to whom, so that we will not be wasting time on those who refuse to hear.

  12. I would considder this a " form letter " response. She or they obviously didn't read and understand your posting. Your info was just thrown into the mix and this is a new way for folks to evangelize.

    Forget it and throw it in the trash...if you respond, in a short while they will be knocking at your door.

    Ooohh, personal contact! Are you up for the challenge? I have enjoyed planting seeds in both Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons when they come to visit, as long as I am not busy and can dedicate the time.

    Hunter, thank you too. Another reason why like to get feedback.

    Onelight, yes it would be great, but honestly I don't think I am up to the challenge right now. Much like some of the things you posted, my family has been through ALOT these past three months. I sorta feel wrung out if you know what I mean. I could write a letter easy enough, but one on one....not at this time.

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