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Posts posted by elizabetht

  1. But what is it? Do Lutherans believe it?

    I don't think you are being arrogant at all, it is something that needs to be exposed. Replacement theology is a deception and is meant to lead people astray. It has been perpetuated for centuries and it has led to tragic consequences.

    With regards to the Lutheran church, I do not know where it stands on replacement theology as I am not a lutheran. If you would like to discuss this further, I would be happy to do so, contact me by pm. It is a subject I happen to be concerned and passionate about.


  2. I missed this discussion. What is replacement theology? Do most Christians believe this?

    I don't think any true believer subscribes to the lie of replacement theology....in fact, personally I don't know any. There are some who claim to be "christian" and hold to that view..... obviously I question their authenticity.

  3. Replacement theology is hateful, and sinful. Anyone who believes in it is either deceived or an anti semite. God has not replaced His People with anyone.....they still belong to Him, they will always be His special posession. Gentile believers have not taken the place of anyone, we have been "grafted in."


  4. I believe the church did the right thing in removing him from his position, however, it also exiled him from his home town. The church not only wanted him out of the congregation, but out of site as well. He was in exile for quite sometime ( may be still) and was forced to move from place to place, and to depend on the kindness of others. All while the home that he and his wife owned (outright) sat empty.

    I believe he is able to move back to Colorado Springs at some point if he hasn't already. In my opinion the church went too far on that one.

    P.S. If and when Ted and his family do return to Colorado Springs, he is not allowed on church property.

  5. There is less hardness today than in the past.Christians are growing but not the same way as before.The method has changed but not the essence.The Word of God is spread by each one of us on a daily basis.


    Amen brother, this should be our focus. One person, one heart, one soul at a time.

    Praise be to Jesus!

  6. Bruised by the health care debate and worried about what 2010 will bring, moderate Senate Democrats are urging the White House to give up now on any effort to pass a cap-and-trade bill next year.


    They should keep worrying. Note that they only want to give it up until the next elections are over. We are not stupid. Its time to ship them out of office.

    I would prefer to use the heel of my boot!

  7. i'm gonna have to go rent clueless now... i've never seen it!

    have ya'll all seen uptown girls? she played a very rich heiress who takes NOTHING seriously, until she suddenly found herself broke and almost friendless. she then takes a job as a nanny to a little girl who takes life far too seriously. together, the two learn to act their ages.

    You have never seen "Clueless?" :whistling: Fun movie.....if you are a Jane Austin fan, you will appreciate it....a modern re-telling of "Emma."

  8. I don't have a television because of my schedule since I don't have time to watch it; however, there was a time that I did tune in to TBN and I discovered false doctrines being preached so I stopped watching. I also think the show is way too worldly and extravagant for my taste.



    I agree......TBN broadcasts the Benny Hinn show. That is all I need to know.

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