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The Seven Seals - charts included


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The 70th Week of Daniel is a seven year period which begins with the confirmation of a covenant and ends with the advent of Christ and the start of the Millennial rule of Christ. This seven year period can further be divided into four smaller periods of time. These four periods are outlined by Christ in Matthew 24:

1. The Beginning of Birth Pains (The first 3 ½ years) Matt24:1-14
2. The Great Tribulation (The second 3½ years) Matt 24:15-28
3. The Wonders in the Heavens Matt 24:29
4. The Day of the Lord Matt 24:30,31


Please review chart on:



Copyright by Guy Smith 1997 Fair Use For Educational and Discussion Purposes


In Yehoshua,

Guy Smith

Edited by guysmith
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With the opening of the first seal we are introduced to a rider on a white horse.


Revelation 6: 1 I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.


This rider represents the Anti-Christ, in possession of a bow, attempting to imitate Christ which rides a white horse but with a sword coming from His mouth.


Copyright by Guy Smith 1997 Fair Use For Educational and Discussion Purposes

In Yehoshua,

Guy Smith

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The rider on the red horse represents war.


Revelation 6:3 When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.


Copyright by Guy Smith 1997 Fair Use For Educational and Discussion Purposes

In Yehoshua,
Guy Smith

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The rider on the black horse is represents famine.


Revelation 6: 5When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!


Copyright by Guy Smith 1997 Fair Use For Educational and Discussion Purposes

In Yehoshua,
Guy Smith

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The rider on the pale horse represents death.


Revelation 6: 7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.


The first four seals occur in period one (the beginning of birthpains) of the "final seven years."


Copyright by Guy Smith 1997 Fair Use For Educational and Discussion Purposes

In Yehoshua,
Guy Smith

Edited by guysmith
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So when in the course of the last 7 years does the A/C appear.  This seems to differ from your "The Final Seven Years/2555 days Chart.  Who is the Beast of Rev 13:3-5 and on, and how does he make his appearance?


In Christ

Montana Marv

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II SAMUEL 2:12And Abner the son of Ner, and the servants of Ishbosheth the son of Saul, went out from Mahanaim to Gibeon.

II SAMUEL 2:13 And Joab the son of Zeruiah, and the servants of David, went out, and met together by the pool of Gibeon: and they sat down, the one on the one side of the pool, and the other on the other side of the pool.


The House of David represented the Covenant, and the House of Saul represented Satan.  They are gathered together around the pool, this describes the judgment that is taking place towards the completion of the Covenant. 


II SAMUEL 2:14 And Abner said to Joab, Let the young men now arise, and play before us. And Joab said, Let them arise.

II SAMUEL 2:17 And there was a very sore battle that day; and Abner was beaten, and the men of Israel, before the servants of David.

II SAMUEL 2:16 And they caught every one his fellow by the head, and [thrust] his sword in his fellow's side; so they fell down together: wherefore that place was called Helkathhazzurim, which [is] in Gibeon.


The House of David kills the portion of the House of Saul that could not inherit the covenant.  Heaven kills a portion of Satan of Humanity that is ultimately a threat to Satan and to Humanity.


II SAMUEL 2:19 And Asahel pursued after Abner; and in going he turned not to the right hand nor to the left from following Abner.

II SAMUEL 2:21 And Abner said to him, Turn thee aside to thy right hand or to thy left, and lay thee hold on one of the young men, and take thee his armour. But Asahel would not turn aside from following of him.

II SAMUEL 2:22 And Abner said again to Asahel, Turn thee aside from following me: wherefore should I smite thee to the ground? how then should I hold up my face to Joab thy brother?

II SAMUEL 2:23 Howbeit he refused to turn aside: wherefore Abner with the hinder end of the spear smote him under the fifth [rib], that the spear came out behind him; and he fell down there, and died in the same place: and it came to pass, [that] as many as came to the place where Asahel fell down and died stood still.


The House of David which is seen as heaven now uses Asahel to demonstrate its intention.  Heaven is giving authority to Satan, to follow in the judgment program towards the completion of the covenant.  This is why Asahel from the House of David is unarmed, and he is also slain by Abner which is a picture of Satan from the House of Saul.  Abner from the House of Saul, slays Asahel by smoting him under the 5th rib, this is a picture of the 5 Month Period at the end of time, and mankind gathering together.  (When the First SEAL is opened the relationship that cannot inherit the covenant is killed off, and Satan is given authority over the relationship that can inherit the covenant towards the fulfillment. (This is like the Rider of Revelations 6:1 holding a Bow)).


II SAMUEL 2:24 Joab also and Abishai pursued after Abner: and the sun went down when they were come to the hill of Ammah, that [lieth] before Giah by the way of the wilderness of Gibeon.


When Asahel is Slain, or when Satan is allowed to experience the Cosmic Shift.  Satan is pruned from Heaven, and this identifies with the Darkening of the Sun this is described as the sun descending, also in revelations.  Each SEAL can describe the same relative time frame but they pertain to the "5 Months", it is one of the figures in revelations that is not a multiple of "7" which can be viewed as a literal and not a spiritual figure.


II SAMUEL 2:26 Then Abner called to Joab, and said, Shall the sword devour for ever? knowest thou not that it will be bitterness in the latter end? how long shall it be then, ere thou bid the people return from following their brethren?

II SAMUEL 2:29And Abner and his men walked all that night through the plain, and passed over Jordan, and went through all Bithron, and they came to Mahanaim.


The House of David a picture of Heaven is removed as an authority figure, Joab from the House of David does not pursue Abner from the House of Saul, and Abner escapes into the perpetual night a picture of hell.


II SAMUEL 2:30 And Joab returned from following Abner: and when he had gathered all the people together, there lacked of David's servants nineteen men and Asahel.
II SAMUEL 2:31 But the servants of David had smitten of Benjamin, and of Abner's men, [so that] three hundred and threescore men died.


The number 19 or 19.5 is a number that deals with the Hyperdimension, as seen in the "Cydonia Equation" or with a Tetrahedron, which is a special Star that has a 19.5 degree relationship.  The House of David a picture of heaven is providing the hyperdimension, is providing ascension or the loosing of satan.  The House of Satan is receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST or is receiving ascension, we see a number of 360 that is very similar to 666 or 636, another number could be connected to the Hyperdimension in the NEW UNIVERSE, NOT IN THIS UNIVERSE.


Seven Seals Addendum


1. Relationship within man is Severed (drops dead like the description in our quotation above) (White Horse)

2. The Sun Turns Black (like our description above and also revelations) (Black Horse)

3. The Universe Turns Blood Red (Red Horse)

4. The Star Wormwood (Bethlehem or Nibiru) is Born from our Sun (Pale Horse)

5. Earth is Surrounded and then encapsulated by the Star Wormwood (Bethlehem or Nibiru) (Saints Clothed in White Mourning)

6. Rapture Takes Place (Catching up of the Saints)

7. Ascension of Man into the New Universe (Hyperdimensional figure Mark of the Beast 666/636) (Silence in Heaven no more Heaven)


This is the correct order you are viewing, order 1 and 2 are either simultaneous or very close so I have tossed them a few times in the past.  The Seven Seals are not necessarily given in order, we are viewing a Comet ISON causing a black hole and a brain embolism or sudden death in a well defined portion of the population, and special excitation of the dark matter network i.e. blood red.  Special interaction surrounding the black hole and us being near its center, which is a parody for the hyperdimension but not necessarily it.


The Seven SEALS description must be contained within the 5 Months.  Viewing the 5 Ribs as a parody from 2 Samuel, then this is exactly what is in view.  The Extraterrestrials will help mankind in the new universe, this is being implied, for a period time relative to 224.7 earth years which is relative to the orbit of Venus.






The Falling Star called Wormwood can easily be referred to as a "Comet", any comet but right now "Comet ISON" is in view.  If Comet ISON so much as blinks long before the Cosmic Shift beings, well .... soon to be seen.

Edited by psalmsamuel
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