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Judging Fellow Believers

Guest C.D. Light

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Guest C.D. Light
What is judging? It's behaving like you're better than someone. That not humility. That's pride, which is one of the worst sins.

Tatie--If we could back up here, and take another closer look.

The unsaved "feel" that they are "not as good as" those who are saved.  Ive had some tell me that.

In reality, christians are to be the LIGHT of the world, and when they are around the unsaved, it tends to shed "light" on their sinful ways, in their own view.

This needs to be looked at in perspective:  Is it really then, that the saved are "acting like they are better than" OR is it that the unsaved feel the heat of the light, it gets a little uncomfortable, and they accuse the "light" of a wrong attitude?

We need to remember that preaching of the word is to bring sinners under Conviction.  And if one is feeling convicted, then it is by the Word and not by the messenger.

Is there any of us here who WASNT brought under conviction by the Word, and as a result, wasnt that  HOW we got saved?

At the moment we were convicted that we were indeed sinners and discovered we NEEDED Christ, and Why, it was not a comfortable moment.  It meant we were facing ourselves and brought to REPENTENCE.  We were "fessing up".

That was of NECESSITY, otherwise we could not be truly repentent if we didnt really think we were sinners.

So conviction is supposed to be uncomfortable.  But I believe those who resist that conviction, retaliate by saying all sorts of thing, including "we hate christians".  

I feel this is what the real problem is; not so much that we arent "acting nice".  An unsaved person can feel convicted by words of a saved person, but rather than admit it is the Words of the messenger, they prefer to point the finger that that person is "not nice" or even perhaps "hateful".

I think christians get blamed for far too much, when most are not the culprit.  Check out the whole picture first.



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Guest C.D. Light

Wisdom--Here is a story of an experience I had.  One day I was sent into a bakery shop.  I was walking down the sidewalk at a shopping center and walked past the bakery, when my feet started going backward, and right into the bakery.

There was a lady clerk there and cheerfully asked me what she could get for me.  I thought, well, give me 2 glazed donuts.  She was taking care of it, I paid her, and I said "you know, I was here the other day and when I went out to get in my car it was dead.  Woudnt even turn over.  But I only had $8 on me and wondered how I was going to pay for THIS. So I called the dealership where I bought it, and they came out and towed it to the garage. I was standing there thinking this is going to cost a LOT.

I continued telling her:  Well, they found it was just the battery cable that was decayed underneath, so they replaced it and said That will be $8 please".

Now, I didnt know why I just up and started telling her that, but it was just rolling off my lips like silk.

She said "Well !! Somebody must be looking out for you!! And she seemed to enjoy the story.

I said "Oh, yes, there is somebody looking out for me". And we both kind of chuckled.

Then she started telling me that for years these ladies keep coming in and inviting her to come to their church. She complained that they acted like they were SO GOOD, and like she was SO BAD.  And she hated that.

She said, "but your not that way; and you dont act like that".

I just listened, saying nothing.  And then she started telling me about a big split that she had had with her son, whom she adored.  He then left to go into the service, andwas in another state. This happened 3 years earlier and they had not spoken since then.

He had gotten married against her wishes, because it was at the same time her father had died, and she just thought he was being disrespectful toward her dad.  And thats what the split was all about.

So I asked her if he had ever caused her any trouble, out stealing and doing all those things most kids were doing.  She said Oh, No, he was the best kid, never did any of those things.

I said, well, if your father had a voice in it, do you think he would have wanted them to postpone their wedding.  She said her father loved this kid and he probably would not have wanted them to put it off because of him. I said, then what has he done that is so bad.

I could tell she was doing a lot of thinking now, so I just smiled and said I had to get back to work.

The next day I felt I had to have some more donuts, so I popped in.  She came rushing over to me and said Oh, I was hoping you'd come in.  I have something to show you.  And she pulled out a greeting card and asked what I thought about her sending it to her son.  I told her I thought it was a great idea and encouraged her to send it.

A few days later I stopped in again and she was all smiles, saying when she woke up to get ready for work, she just happened to look outside and  there in the driveway sat her son and daughter in law, snoozing in the car, waiting for her to get up.  It was a happy family reunion.  

Just then her uncle came in and she told him "this is the lady I was telling you about.  If it hadnt been for her, this would never have happened".  (Her words, not mine)

Then she told me she never understood the bible.  I said, tell me about it.  I never used to understand a word of it either.  And we laughed together.

The next morning the Lord spoke to me and said "Norma could understand your Living Bible".  So I went and go one we had, which I once used and had lots of stuff underlined in red. I took it and gave it to her.

A few days later, I stopped by and she was raving about this Bible, saying she loved reading it and the red underlines she especially enjoyed and it helped her understand.  She said she couldnt put it down at work or at home.  She was half way thru the NT by then.

I ran into her in another store across town and she came rushing over to me, happy as all get out.  She looked like a different person, all new personality and everything.  She said her son was out of the Service and bought a house real close to them and now she had a grandaughter.

Now, in retrospect, I dont recall ever even mentioning God to her at all.  Nor did I even "preach" to her; I just met HER where SHE was at at the time, and nothing more.

I was just elated to be in His Service; and there was no real work to it at all. He gave all the words and I was just the vessel.  We shouldnt forget that. :)


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Guest InHisLove

WISDOM said ...

Are there any new thoughts concerning this topic?
... (I didn't continue reading after this...but I will)
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Guest C.D. Light

InHis-- Excuse me, but we dont guage our lives nor make our decision based upon what mother theresa did.

We dont follow people; we follow the Holy Spirit and go wherever HE leads.  

And believe me, we DO go where the true Light of CHRIST is; not where man tries to tell us it is.

Now can I ask again, who is it that you serve?  Who do you follow?

Yes, we are "judged" by the MEASURE with which WE judge. And that is fine with me.  Judge away because I am not guilty of the same thing which I am judging as wrong.

Furthermore, we who are true born again believers are going to judge angels some day AND the World!

So lets not treat judging the same as we might swearing or some god awful cardinal sin of some sort.  It is NOT.

Without good judgement, we can get ourselves in a whole lot of trouble, and I hate trouble.   :)


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Guest InHisLove

forgive me CDL, I forgot you know ALL that the holy spirit wants of everyone on earth.   Forgive my sharing ... Mother Theresa DID exactly what Jesus Himself would have done...and she did it selflessly.... :inlove:

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Guest InHisLove
Without good judgement, we can get ourselves in a whole lot of trouble, and I hate trouble.   CD

maybe you should be aware of that!  :inlove:

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Guest InHisLove
Furthermore, we who are true born again believers are going to judge angels some day AND the World!

the key word is ... some day!

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Guest InHisLove
Now can I ask again, who is it that you serve?  Who do you follow?

Jesus Christ, but is that what Jesus asked of His followers... He showed them the way, through love ... He didn't reprimand them for not following right away...did he? Look at his example of patience with Peter?!  Please don't treat me the way that you have on all other posts....I don't appreciate it and it doesn't seem very christian to do what you do.  Let's try to reconcile and forgive on another for differing beliefs...in doctrine only!  God bless you CDL... :inlove:

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Guest InHisLove
Yes, we are "judged" by the MEASURE with which WE judge. And that is fine with me.  Judge away because I am not guilty of the same thing which I am judging as wrong.

Why do you think this was directed towards you...it was NOT.  It was in reference to the original question posed by Wisdom...do you have a guilty conscience or something.  I was merely posting...it has NOTHING to do with you, dear dear CDL.    I am NOT judging ... sorry you took such offense to my post of Jesus' words!  God bless. :inlove:

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