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About Tatie

  • Birthday 01/05/1954

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  1. Amen. I believe in miracles too, I think as Christians we live in God's world and not this world, and God operates in a spiritual world, the acts of which are miracles for this world, but the world doesn't believe in miracles so they don't exist while they are happening all around.
  2. So, He asks us to put Him first, to have faith in Him (but without faith it is impossible to please God), and obide by His law? I don't know everything. I just started thinking about it when my son came home from college for vacation and how happy I became compared with the dessolation I felt without him. So I started thinking about God, how much time I spend with him. Oh, yea, didn't He say to pray seaslessly?
  3. After posting in the Praise section how God must be dessolate without his children just how I have been after my son went to college, I promissed to "visit" my Father more often and spend more time with Him. I started thinking: What else God needs from us? I KNOW he wants us to have faith in Him. Does any know anything else God needs us to do for Him. After all, this is a relationship.
  4. There is a lot of talk about miracles around these days, especially around Christmas time, even CNN ran a special this week on Anderson 360, every day there were different type of miracles looked onto, I only watched about healing miracles (one girl is walking around dumbfounding the medical community as she has tumors in her back that made her bed ridden before, but after the nun organized a prayer for her the girl started walking and is now living a noraml life, the nun was cannonized). On PAX TV they show a lot of miracles, I watched a girl pinned down under the car for 8 hours, her dead father appeared to her and said everything is going to be fine, soon after a motorist ran out of gas misteriously (he was supposed to run out of gas much sooner after they culculated it) at the same place and found the girl. I started thinking what miracles should we believe - all or do we follow Jesus's guidline, the miracles that he did? It would be so easy for him to fly around or do a lot of magic, but he did mostly healing, raised the dead (but only two?), turned water into wine (but I feel he was kind'a forced into it by necessity ) , so should we study the miracles that Jesus did or shoudl we be open as He said "the workd that I do, you shall do even greater"?
  5. Thank you, wordsower, for your prayer and for the great site. It is very helpful. Tatie
  6. I found something interesting about the "gift of healing" y'all: Did you know this? I now can say I received a gift of healing.
  7. Thank you, wordsower!!!!! Very encouraging post. I am at a point I have no choice but believe in healing. It's a double edge sword, it's so hard, but at the same time I wonder: would I ever believe so much in the power of God if I wasn't on the brink of death? I heard people say cancer was a blessing, maybe that's what they meant? I believe God loves me and will heal me if He didn't already, and that all things work together for good for those who love God. )
  8. Thank you, godrulz, it's very useful to know. So even if I am not healed instantly, I will not worry and wait and believe I will be healed. Very important point: Blessed are thos who believe and yet not seen. I will thank God for healing as if I already am healed. I bet the doctors will be surprised when they have the tests done! I am sorry cats, I didn't get your post. Are you saying you have to pay money or be at a rally to be healed? Or there are more chances that way? If it is, I will find one asap!
  9. Thank you, wordsower! So they were instant healings? Maybe I am alreay healed and don't know it? My tumor only shows up on the CT scan, and my insurance will not pay for another one (I just had one done last week in the hospital). I have to wait till next year when the doctor can order another one and give a reason for it, he can't just order it, he has to justify it because it's very expensive. My next CT scan is due after I had 2 rounds of chemo and then I can have a CT scan to see if the tumor responded. So I guess I have to wait till then unless something happens to let me know the tumor is gone. I read in one book, one man's brain tumor fell out though his nose (sorry for the picture), but it made me think anythink can happen.
  10. I was wondering if anyone witnessed a faith healing? How did it look? Was it instant? I started thinking about it because I realized I didn't really know what faith healing was and yet I was praying for it like crazy, how would I know I was healed? Were all bible healings instantenious? It just occured to me that the only ones I knew of is when Jesus just said "get up, you are cured" type.
  11. Hi, Evy! I think the world is as complex as we want to make it. Where I sit now, it's not so complex, because, you know, in the end, only the important things matter, like my faith in God and my love for my son. Sometimes we make faith and love too complicated but in truth they are not. Things in the heart are simpler than in our heads but we put everything through our heads now and let things get in a way. We are afraid to just believe and just love. If I get well, I will live from all my heart, I will believe and love and not be afraid. Love, Tatie :il:
  12. Hi, everybody, I managed to fly home yesterday in the blizzard! It was a miracle. I loved the hospital where I was, they are really great, I will be flying there for treatements every month, and take some medicine while I am at home. I thank God for this cancer center, it is a blessing to have found it. As for the question if God heals everybody, I believe the simple answer is yes. Obviously not everyone is healed. Why? that's the 64,000 question to which we should seek the answer to. But I don't think it's God saying I will not cure this one. I believe in "ask and you shall receive". The sick need that hope and belief that God heals all sick. Maybe we are too hung up on physical healing? I do tend to believe that all healing is spiritual first. Can we say God doesn't heal ALL spiritually? No. So maybe we should seek the spiritual healing first, and then the phisical will come? I don't know, I don't have the answers, I am only searching for them. All I know, that the people I saw in the hospital, that's all they have - the prayer for healing and faith that God will heal them. I wouldn't take it away from them. You have to be there to see those people who were told by more that one hospital "there is nothing to be done for them any more". All they have is hope that this hospital has something that others didn't and faith that God will heal them.
  13. Thank you, Jesusislord! I don't care what they say I am gonna be healed (made whole) How and when is up to God I will just pray and believe And thank Him! I will not be afraid I will die, and think What if God don't want to heal me? I know it's worse to be this way Than to have no doubt And be overconfident in God. (if that's possible) "But without faith it is impossible to please God" So I will just keep pleasing Him!
  14. Visualize this: Jesus is your sheppard (he takes care of you and watches over you) but while in his flock you walk around wishing you had this or that but go lacking. Is that possible? That means Jesus is not a good sheppard? I am sure that the sheep in his flock lack nothing, and do not walk around wanting things He does not provide for them.
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