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Did God Send Katrina

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Why is it that so meany people love Jesus the Lamb but reject Jesus the Lion?

Why do people forget that our God is The Holy one of Israel?


I blame a lot of this on church's that have watered down God's Word so as to not offend people. I blame their ear-tickling sermons.

Salvation is a very comprehensive term. It's not a reward dangling before Christians like a carrot dangling in front of a horse. It is a lifestyle.

These watered-down messages have led to people believing in a pale, anemic, namby-pamby Jesus, meek and mild. Look at Jesus in the gospels. Striding up and down the dusty miles of Palestine. Suntanned, bronzed, fearless, His knuckles big in His carpenter's hands! The Jesus who upset the money lenders and had a good time at weddings and who would not allow His host to be embarrassed by running short of wine. The Jesus who called a spade a spade and let the chips fall where they may.

People are under the mistaken impression that when God judges a people or a city, that He always wiped them out completely, killing everyone. That's not true. Sometimes He did and sometimes He didn't. He didn't do it to the Egyptians. He is sovereign and can operate any way He chooses. Don't put Him in a box. To say "my God wouldn't do that," makes it sound like you've classified Him as a hippie from the 70's or that you have God all figured out. Neither is true.

As it was said earlier, warnings were given, whether we heard them or not. God will receive glory out of Hurricane Katrina, whether it was His judgment, mercy or a purifying. To God be the glory!!!


amen! :)

Matthew 7:21-27

"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it."

The house is not a physical house like the ones that fell in New Orleans...it is each individual person...and the rock is God and God's Word...the sand is everything else. Too many churches and people building their houses in the sand and creating a god that fits in their shirt pocket. We are all guilty of this at one point or another in our lives. We are all called to reflect on things and repent.

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I do not reject Jesus the lion. I know that God judges us and chastizes us but Bad things and bad weather happen all the time. Sometimes it is judgement, sometimes it is a warning to come back to Him, sometimes satan makes bad things happen (God allows satan to do it), sometimes man causes bad things to happen, etc. Many many different reasons for bad things, so to say precisely that hurricane katrina was sent for punishment for a specific reason is just a speculation. The bible does not say " A man named Bush will approve of isreal giving up their land to the palestinians, so I will send a hurricane to one of their cities". We can't be sure WHY katrina hit the gulf. God was involved is some way, to presume to know the exact reason is wrong.

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As it was said earlier, warnings were given, whether we heard them or not.  God will receive glory out of Hurricane Katrina, whether it was His judgment, mercy or a purifying.  To God be the glory!!!

To God be the glory - Amen!

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God was involved is some way, to presume to know the exact reason is wrong.

sometimes...but not always.

We all have our different areas of focus within the body.

If you hear God speaking through what He is doing in the Earth would you tell anyone?

There are just far too many coincedences since 1991 to keep thinking they are random accidents. I am not the only person who sees this. I know personally hundreds who were expecting some kind of retailatory curse for Gaza based on 49 (7 x 7) "coincedences" which have come since 1991

On the day after everyone was evacuated from Gaza, they began digging up the graves of jews who had given their very lives for that land. That was the same day that Katrina hit and the dead of New Orleans came floating up. Did you hear about the graveyards that were emptying? What other city in America could a hurricane have done that to?

Not only were there many "coincedences" leading up to this last one (there will be more by the way) there were many "coincedences" in comparing New Orleans to Gaza disengagement day.

For the record; I think it was brilliant political strategy for Sharon but I don't think he would have done it without American pressure and/or support. This makes us complicent whether we "forced" this or not. THAT STRIP OF LAND had a title deed whose owner is "Allmight GOD"

One should be careful about parting His land whether you are jew or gentile and woe to the person who would try to take from Him.

It's Netanyahu in a landslide next election in Israel. He will really be hard to deal with for the US State Department so Bush will be helping Sharon like Clinton did to get Barak in...but I don't think it will work this time. I just hope it doesn't cost us!

This is going to go further someday...all the way to negotiating for Jerusalem. When you see the "peace" deal signed there you have exactly 1,260 days.

We always knew that every nation would be against her according to the Prophets. If American policy is to continue playing with Israel to appease the U.N. or arab oil suppliers, this could be the start of the clock to Armeggedon.

An event like this makes me think it could be MUCH sooner than we realize. I think we have a short window.

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