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WN: Obama Promises 'A New Dawn of American Leadership' - ABC


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Guest shiloh357
I don't understand your comment that black voters are destroying the country;
They are destroying this country by electing a man to the presidency who has no executive experience and has never been tested as a leader in crisis situations.

It would be similar to a hospital having a man or woman to be their chief surgical specialist in their cardio-pulmonary wing even though he has logged zero hours actually performing heart surgery.

Having a black man as president will not destroy America. Having an inexperience green horn whose head is filled with lots of ideas and ideals, but no real experience and who is elected more on persona than practical real life executive experience is what can destroy our country.

If Obama had say served a term as governor, logged at least 10 years in the senate, passed some real legislation and became a genuine vetran of our governing process, I would be more inclined to accept him as a valid prospect for president.

As it is, the media shielded Obama from tough questions about his policies, while they mercilessly grilled Palin and McCain. Joe the Plumber asked Obama ONE question about his policy and bot the Obama campaign and our media set out destroy Joe the Plumber's reputation. So much for free speech.

All we keep hearing is that this is an historic election because of Obama's skin color. It is the media, not Obama's detractors, that are pushing the race issue. I keep seeing image after image of Martin Luther King Jr. over and over. This election, if you can really call it one was about color, not substance.

We still don't know what "change" means.

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Guest shiloh357

I would also add that the platform for "hope and change" that so many people repeated as their mantra for the last 22 months, cannot be reused.

Obama, in four years will be the incumbant and He cannot campaign on the same platform that got him elected this time. If postive change has not come to the US in four years, if he does not deliver on what he promised, he will not see a second term.

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Barack Obama cruised to victory Tuesday night in an historic triumph that promised change, overcame centuries of prejudice and fulfilled Martin Luther King's dream that a man be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.


The only reason he won was because of the color of his skin. He wouldn't have gotten the Democratic nomination for President if he wasn't black, and he wouldn't have gotten nearly 100 percent of the black vote if he was not black. I even heard one commentator last night say that among white voters, McCain was the winner. It was African-American voters that put Obama over the top. I was working one of the precincts last night, and it was a black woman handing out Obama pamplets. If anything, this will only lead to bad feelings among white voters, as we see the country being destroyed by black voters.

95% of blacks and 45% of whites voted for Obama.

Thanks for the info. I had been looking for that information. I remember it was stated that in North Carolina, for Obama to win, he needed 35 or 36 percent of the white vote. The last count I saw had Obama up about 5000 votes, meaning he lost the vast majority of the white vote in this state. If you look at other states where it was fairly close, and there was a heavy black turnout for Obama, you can easily see how that without those votes, McCain would have won the election.

Guys, this whole time it has only been the Liberals who had kept bringing up the race card. Let's not sink to the same level. Obama won because our party has not only let down the conservative, America loving people, but the entire country as well. Unfortunately, McCain reaped the fall out.

The sole reason I posted the statistics was to show that racism was not a factor for whites in this election. 45% is a large number of whites. 95% of blacks is a large number and very telling. I'm not the one who played the race card and I am sorry for any misunderstanding you may have about my motives.

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Barack Obama cruised to victory Tuesday night in an historic triumph that promised change, overcame centuries of prejudice and fulfilled Martin Luther King's dream that a man be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.


The only reason he won was because of the color of his skin. He wouldn't have gotten the Democratic nomination for President if he wasn't black, and he wouldn't have gotten nearly 100 percent of the black vote if he was not black. I even heard one commentator last night say that among white voters, McCain was the winner. It was African-American voters that put Obama over the top. I was working one of the precincts last night, and it was a black woman handing out Obama pamplets. If anything, this will only lead to bad feelings among white voters, as we see the country being destroyed by black voters.

95% of blacks and 45% of whites voted for Obama.

Thanks for the info. I had been looking for that information. I remember it was stated that in North Carolina, for Obama to win, he needed 35 or 36 percent of the white vote. The last count I saw had Obama up about 5000 votes, meaning he lost the vast majority of the white vote in this state. If you look at other states where it was fairly close, and there was a heavy black turnout for Obama, you can easily see how that without those votes, McCain would have won the election.

Guys, this whole time it has only been the Liberals who had kept bringing up the race card. Let's not sink to the same level. Obama won because our party has not only let down the conservative, America loving people, but the entire country as well. Unfortunately, McCain reaped the fall out.

The sole reason I posted the statistics was to show that racism was not a factor for whites in this election. 45% is a large number of whites. 95% of blacks is a large number and very telling. I'm not the one who played the race card and I am sorry for any misunderstanding you may have about my motives.

Race did affect this election. It did so at the state level. This was a winner take all election at the state level, and in a state like mine, when 95 plus percent of the black voters all went for Obama and only 35 percent of the white voters went for Obama, it is easy to see what happened. If you took black voters out of the equation, McCain would have won in a landslide in North Carolina, and would have probably won the election. He did win the popular vote among white voters.

Now, one can call this using the race card, but so what? It is based on statistical facts. I can also say that if feminists didn't vote or environmental activists didn't vote, etc., McCain would have won. Would that be considered racism? I am just pointing out a fact. We came into this election handicapped from the start. We had to ovecome a voting block that was going to vote almost 100 percent for Obama going in. This is a serious problem that isn't going away anytime soon. My point is, Obama didn't have overwhelming support among the entire population as some are saying. He lost the white vote by a large margin. Liberals in general lose the white vote every year by a wide margin in most elections, and it is minority voters that are screwing up our country. Most people don't want to say that for fear of how it will make them look, but putting one's head in the sand isn't the answer if we want to turn things around.

Brandons Popo, I understand what your intent was, but your stats really didn't help your case. If 45 percent of the white vote went for Obama, that means 55 percent were against him.

Butero, I wasn't meaning that you were playing the race card. I was referring to chapmac and his ilk. My point of the 45% of whites voting for Obama proves that there is not a pattern of racism in the white community. Also, the point about the 95% of blacks voting for him is a clear indication of racism within the black community. You and I are on the same page. I'm sorry for any misunderstanding.

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got this today from a concerned Palestinian (former) terrorist

Subject: America's challenges and next move forward



> Friends


> Yesterday the American people spoke and the vote was based on emotion and not

> on the common sense values most Americans associate with.


> The next couple of years we face huge challenges in the world and here at home

> with the economy. We are not worried about the economy in itself because the

> American people have the ingenuity and entreprenuership to overcome, however

> the challenges dealing with the threat of Islamic terror as well as the evil

> of tyranical rulers like the Mullahs of Iran, Chavez, Putin and others are

> major issues. The lack of strength in dealing with these challenges will cause

> death, destruction and economic disaster beyond comprehension -By peace they

> will deceive many.


> President elect Barack Hussein Obama will choose weakness over strength,

> killing of the born (infanticide) over life, removal of free speech over basic

> constitutional first amendent rights, the selling out and endangerment of

> israel over supporting our number one ally, the demonization of Israel in our

> Universities and in the main stream media over the support of Israel and its

> rights, pure vitriolic anti semitism will return over the rights and saftey of

> Jews in America. This is the "change we can believe in" and it is coming

> quicker than any of you can imagine.


> Many will say we are exagerating or fearmongering, however we see the same

> problems of the 1930s with economic depression, with the rise of Nazism along

> with appeasement and peace treaties. It is happening again and most of our

> Jewish bretheren in America voted for the man who will probably cause the

> worst plight for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. We pray we are wrong

> but the writing seems to be on the wall.


> Walid and the Walid Shoebat Foundation will fight against the coming storm. We

> need your help morally and physically, so we can protect America and Israel, speaking for

> freedom and the rights and values that all Americans, even the misguided ones

> who voted with their hearts and not their minds this time.


> The darkness will eventually pass and the real America will return hopefully

> soon, have faith and fight for your values in each and every city and

> community where you are.

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I agree with this statement, except for the last sentence about the darkness passing. I believe that we are the generation who will see the end times prophecies fulfilled and the one world order. Ushered in by the unknown entity coming soon to a White House near you. Come quickly, Lord.

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I know that brother. I was just trying to explain why those stats show a racial divide. The racial divide isn't because white people won't support a black man. I was a big supporter of Clarence Thomas, and I mentioned that to the black Obama supporter who stated how much she disliked Thomas. We are not divided by race because whites hate people who look differen't. It is a cultural thing. White people don't look at things like black people as a whole, and vice versa. We have differen't interests. The woman I was talking to said as much to me.

I have to point out that one reason blacks and whites see the world differently is because our worlds ARE different. Until recent times black Americans were held down, that's an undeniable fact, and whites ruled. We white people never had the experiences that black people had; this is why our perceptions are different. Things have changed a lot, even in the last twenty years, and for the better. Having a successful, fully engaged black population can only help the country because, obviously, the more educated and successful black Americans become the more they contribute. I can't find a problem with them having a say in a country they helped to build nor do I think that nonwhite voters are going to somehow ruin the country. They have voted for a long time now, mostly for Democrats, and the country has survived. :thumbsup:

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So, the Irish, Italians and Asians didn't go through the same things that the blacks did? This stuff is so much a bunch of garbage. It has been long enough, the excuse no longer works. It has been the same amount of time for the blacks to move on and up as it was for the Irish, the Italians and Asians to move on and up. Stop making excuses and get educated, get jobs and stick with them, stop having the birth rate in metropolotin cities 50% out of wedlock, 70% one parent households where the mom works 2 or 3 jobs and the husband or babydady is nowhere to be found. That what it takes to pull yourself out of the poverty that you continue to, willingly it seems, woller in. Jump on me all you want for me saying this, but you know it's true or else your an idiot. (Not you specifically, MG)

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So, the Irish, Italians and Asians didn't go through the same things that the blacks did? This stuff is so much a bunch of garbage. It has been long enough, the excuse no longer works. It has been the same amount of time for the blacks to move on and up as it was for the Irish, the Italians and Asians to move on and up. Stop making excuses and get educated, get jobs and stick with them, stop having the birth rate in metropolotin cities 50% out of wedlock, 70% one parent households where the mom works 2 or 3 jobs and the husband or babydady is nowhere to be found. That what it takes to pull yourself out of the poverty that you continue to, willingly it seems, woller in. Jump on me all you want for me saying this, but you know it's true or else your an idiot. (Not you specifically, MG)

Some of what you say is true....but it's not confined to black people. The most prolific creator of babies that were supported by the state (that I actually know) is white; eight kids, never supported any of them. I really hate stereotyping. My Irish ancestors came here with nothing to escape persecution by the British crown but...they didn't come here as slaves. Yes, it's taken black people 140 years to overcome that but they're getting there. I see some who use it as an excuse, true, and some who use it as a ladder. It depends on the individual, BP, and I don't think black people really want to 'woller' (what does that mean?) in poverty. Poverty is NOT fun. :thumbsup:

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So, the Irish, Italians and Asians didn't go through the same things that the blacks did? This stuff is so much a bunch of garbage. It has been long enough, the excuse no longer works. It has been the same amount of time for the blacks to move on and up as it was for the Irish, the Italians and Asians to move on and up. Stop making excuses and get educated, get jobs and stick with them, stop having the birth rate in metropolotin cities 50% out of wedlock, 70% one parent households where the mom works 2 or 3 jobs and the husband or babydady is nowhere to be found. That what it takes to pull yourself out of the poverty that you continue to, willingly it seems, woller in. Jump on me all you want for me saying this, but you know it's true or else your an idiot. (Not you specifically, MG)

Some of what you say is true....but it's not confined to black people. The most prolific creator of babies that were supported by the state (that I actually know) is white; eight kids, never supported any of them. I really hate stereotyping. My Irish ancestors came here with nothing to escape persecution by the British crown but...they didn't come here as slaves. Yes, it's taken black people 140 years to overcome that but they're getting there. I see some who use it as an excuse, true, and some who use it as a ladder. It depends on the individual, BP, and I don't think black people really want to 'woller' (what does that mean?) in poverty. Poverty is NOT fun. :thumbsup:

MG, I'm glad you quoted BP so I can respond to both. :) (Still can't get the multi-quote thing to work.)

The only answer to BP's statement about black culture is the Gospel. The root of all our problems, of all ethnic groups, is the Fall. The human race is fallen, and the only thing that will fix that is the Gospel of Christ. Jesus can fix the heart issues that cause all the other ones. Until the heart issues are fixed things will just continue as they have been since Adam and Eve got tossed out of Eden.

I say this for one reason: time is short. We need to preach the gospel to everyone while we still have the freedom to do so. Politics is not the answer on its own. Only Christ is the answer to the root cause of the problems.

NOTE: This is not an attack on anyone in particular! It's just that it seems we may be looking too much to political answers instead of God's Answer and I felt the need to say something.


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