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About this blog

I am not sure about you, but when I write, it seems to help me gather my thoughts and reflections. I figured this could be a good way to spend that time to stop and consider what it is that I have been reading.  I love that no matter where we are in life, we can always be learning something.  

Entries in this blog

Preparation for Next Week

Thought I'd share something fun I have been working on,  for next week. I was waiting for Candy Corn to go on sale before I did this.  One of the students helped me work on coloring in this turkey we stuck to a fish bowl. Will use it next week. Would love to see any project (big or small), that you are working on. 


Annette in Reflections

Our Choice

Just wanted to take a moment to share something I came across. I love visual reminders. I have been trying to take an idea or verse a day a ponder on it throughout the day. It's been a fun way to start my new year    It is super easy to be nice to people who treat us well. Not quite the same when it comes to people who are harder to get along with.  I saved this picture recently as a reminder that I can't always choose my circumstances but I can choose my response. Hopefully


Annette in Thoughts and Reflection

What Can We Bring

In more recent years, when invited to a friends house for a meal, we often ask what we can bring to add. Just like that, in life, we choose so much of what we bring. Be it in the literal sense or even our attitude.  Working in a school means that ttomorrow between all the kids who are complaining to be back, there may be many kids who are looking forward to being back in class, in a safe environment and in a place where there is routine. As much as it is hard getting back into rou

Ramblings On Tue Last Day of the Year

My girls and I were reading this yesterday. And while it wasn't the main topic of our reading, it is the part that has stayed with me. What I am wondering is how do they come up with this and how do we track a line of those five people who lead us to the 6th person? Does someone five or so people from me know the King of England's private number? (I would liked to have said Queen, but since she is not around...).  If I am fifth in line to someone else's connections, I know I don't


Annette in Thoughts and Reflection

Life's Storms

You remember growing up and being asked what you would do with three wishes? I think we often wish we didn't have to go through tough times. But it's not the way life goes. I found this and it encouraged me to continue each day, trusting Him, no matter what I go through. Thought I'd share it here to encourage you too.    


Annette in Thoughts and Reflection

Lessons from A Coat Hanger

This morning I was listening to a video, where the speaker shared his thoughts on conveniences found in a hotel room. The speaker shared about the differences, as he had done a fair amount of traveling. He had also stayed in a variety of hotels.  He ended up focusing on the hangers in the hotel room. He shared how bring able to hang some thing up, helps a person feel at home, even if away from home. Love it when something so simple can mean so much to someone. Just wondering


Annette in General

Keep on Keeping on

Most evenings around the dinner table, we will discuss our day.   Sometimes the conversation starts out slow, but as we start sharing, and we hear from each other, we find that we have more to say. More often than not the conversation goes back to an interaction with someone.  When I saw this picture, I couldn't help but think of so many who have a positive impact on our day and may never realise it. And just like others may not know the impact they have had, we never know wh


Annette in Daily Hope

He Gives Us Rest

Hope you have a great day. This morning I was reminded of the story of Hannah. Hannah probably didn’t leave the temple that day feeling happy about her circumstances, but she did leave with the knowledge of God’s goodness—and that was enough for her to keep going.  Her story gives me reassurance that He knows what we are all going through and He wants us to share it with Him.


Annette in Daily Hope

Keep Hope Alive

Happy Friday. This morning I was reading the story of Joseph and reminded that life doesn't always go the way we want.  However it also gave me hope that in the tough times we do not need to be alone either.  When faced with hard times that I can't see a way forward, I look back and see how God has provided before and I know I can trust Him again. 


Annette in Daily Hope

Reminder to Check. My Attitude

This short prayer was a part of my reading this morning. it was written as part of a true life experience between a student and teacher, though honestly it is a life prayer I think that can be applied to life in general. I don't know about you, but sometimes I need these reminders to help me stay focused and continue to treat others, no matter who they are, with respect. Hope you have a great Saturday.


Annette in Daily Hope

I Stay Amazed

It often amazes me that the same God who created the universe, not only knows each one of us, He knows so much about each one of us. Far beyond anything we can ever believe. He knows us way better than any best friend ever could    While I know this in theory, one place where I really take time to think about this is when at a place like an airport when I see so many people, all of who I know nothing about. Just thought I would share this. I was reminded of this as I did my readin


Annette in Daily Hope


Hope you've had a good week. This week I had a fair chance to test my patience. This morning in my daily reading, I was reminded of not only having patience but learning to appreciate the journey while living trough that patience. Thought I would share this.  Hope it encourages others to find the good, even if it is during a wait. 


Annette in Daily Hope

Bonfire vs Wild Fire

I was listening to a speaker a couple days ago who shared about fire. When used in a controlled manner, it can be a great source of blessing. But when it is left to get out of control it can cause great disasters. The speaker compared the joy of a relaxed evening around a bonfire vs the chaos that ensues when trying to control the wild fire. This brought me back to the idea of words. And how our words can so easily encourage someone OR tear them down.  I would love to hear your ex


Annette in Bonfire vs Wildfire

Be Quick to Listen

From reading in James, I am reminded of how powerful our tongue can be.  We can use our words to encourage others,  or bring them down.  In the world today,  we dont have to be anywhere,  especially online,  before we begin to cone across people's opinions and responses to those opinions.  We are reminded to be quick to listen and slow to speak.  How often are we trying to figure out how to respond,  even before a person has finished taking.  We haven't listened to others,  yet we want


Annette in Listening

Thoughts on Thomas

My husband and I have been reading through the book of John. It is interesting what stands out when I take time to read aloud and we talk about what we have read. This evening we read about Thomas. And how Thomas doubted. Looking at the story as it is written,  it can be so easy to go ahead and blame him for doubting. Others had seen Jesus, why was it so hard for Thomas? But, having just recently lost my dad, in the last three weeks, it gives this story new meaming. Last week


Annette in Doubt

His Mercies are New Every Morning

The verses from Lamentations 3 vs 22 & 23 have been something I have held on to for a number of months now. As I have come to realize more and more, there things that we are all dealing with in our lives, some spoken and many unspoken. For me, the last three years brought a sudden change in my life, as I became a caretaker for my elderly parents, and in particular my dad. During this time, we saw him in and out of hospital as well as nursing homes and then finally saw him move on to hos


Annette in Daily Hope

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