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Thoughts on Thomas



My husband and I have been reading through the book of John.

It is interesting what stands out when I take time to read aloud and we talk about what we have read.

This evening we read about Thomas. And how Thomas doubted. Looking at the story as it is written,  it can be so easy to go ahead and blame him for doubting. Others had seen Jesus, why was it so hard for Thomas?

But, having just recently lost my dad, in the last three weeks, it gives this story new meaming.

Last week, my youngest, who is six years old, was praying and she asked God to please bring her grandpa back alive.

We looked at her when she was done and tried to explain that we would not be seeing grandpa again. The reason we had for doing so, was obvious. We had seen my dad dead and also have his ashes. 

If we were to hear from someone that they had seen my dad. We would probably doubt it too.

All this to say, that as I think of Thomas, in this story, I can feel more understanding than I had before.  The encouragement I take from this story is that we will all face situations where we find ourselves doubting.


So no, I am not writing this because my dad made a return, but that this experience has given me a far greater appreciation, where I otherwise may have so easily judged.

I would love to hear your thoughts and life lessons you have learned from Scripture too.


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There is more than one reason why the events about Thomas took place.

Thomas had a deep understanding about "spiritual matters " and when he heard about the risen Jesus from the other disciples and that included the part that Jesus Christ was in the body that he left behind at the time of his death on the Cross. 

Thomas also heard stories about Jesus Christ that he existed not in a similar way as with Lasarus whom Jesus had raised from the dead and went on living in the same way as he was before he died and he would be going on living till he dies again. 

Thomas wanted to know why Jesus Christ was not acting in a similar way as he was before he died and in a similar way as Lasarus after his raised from the dead. 

So he was wondering as to why the disciples talked about Jesus behaving in a way that ghosts are behaving. 

And Thomas wanted to know if it was the Spirit of Jesus or the risen Jesus the disciples had seen and talked with. 

Jesus Christ knew how to convince Thomas and not only him but everyone who in the future who have the same questions and others about the same matter.

Jesus knew if he invite Thomas to not only see his wounds but also to feel them and if he allowed him to touch his body that Thomas will have his questions answers. 

And Jesus Christ took the opportunity to give a clue to his disciples about the soon coming of his taken away from the earth, his ascension into his Throne in Heaven and that's where he will ruled his Kingdom from. 

Jesus Christ was telling them that he would not be around them to fulfilled the wishes of others who have similar questions as Thomas, because he knew he will be taken from the earth. 

We have the example of Thomas and other who identify Jesus Christ from his wounds and that he is in his body as not only the disciples were asked to touch his wounds. But he also are and drink with them something that ghosts cannot do.

Jesus Christ even cooked food for them to eat. 

So what happened to Thomas help us understand that it was meant to be from God, to be used to teach us many things and to put to rest many questions. 


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15 hours ago, Your closest friendnt said:

There is more than one reason why the events about Thomas took place.

Thomas had a deep understanding about "spiritual matters " and when he heard about the risen Jesus from the other disciples and that included the part that Jesus Christ was in the body that he left behind at the time of his death on the Cross. 

Thomas also heard stories about Jesus Christ that he existed not in a similar way as with Lasarus whom Jesus had raised from the dead and went on living in the same way as he was before he died and he would be going on living till he dies again. 

Thomas wanted to know why Jesus Christ was not acting in a similar way as he was before he died and in a similar way as Lasarus after his raised from the dead. 

So he was wondering as to why the disciples talked about Jesus behaving in a way that ghosts are behaving. 

And Thomas wanted to know if it was the Spirit of Jesus or the risen Jesus the disciples had seen and talked with. 

Jesus Christ knew how to convince Thomas and not only him but everyone who in the future who have the same questions and others about the same matter.

Jesus knew if he invite Thomas to not only see his wounds but also to feel them and if he allowed him to touch his body that Thomas will have his questions answers. 

And Jesus Christ took the opportunity to give a clue to his disciples about the soon coming of his taken away from the earth, his ascension into his Throne in Heaven and that's where he will ruled his Kingdom from. 

Jesus Christ was telling them that he would not be around them to fulfilled the wishes of others who have similar questions as Thomas, because he knew he will be taken from the earth. 

We have the example of Thomas and other who identify Jesus Christ from his wounds and that he is in his body as not only the disciples were asked to touch his wounds. But he also are and drink with them something that ghosts cannot do.

Jesus Christ even cooked food for them to eat. 

So what happened to Thomas help us understand that it was meant to be from God, to be used to teach us many things and to put to rest many questions. 


Thank yo8bso michbfor taking the time to share. It ie always good to hear the input of others.

I dont know about you, but I find when I write, like I have done here, I am forced to slow down and think about something.

Trust you have a great week.

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Hummm . . . for a 6 year old . . . I might say that grandpa is having such a wonderful time in heaven that he does not want to come back. No more sickness, and very happy. Could explain that it is more of an permenant vacation. Later on, when older, you can share the 3 parts of people - spirit, soul, and body, and how grandpas spirit and soul has gone to be with Jesus, and his body is in the ashes you have.

As far as Thomas is concerned, church history tells us that he went on to evangelize much of Asia (if i am remembering correctly). He doubted, yes, but he did not stay in the faithless condition, he chose to believe what he saw. Remember that when Jesus ascended more than 500 saw him ascend into heaven, but the scriptures also say: But some doubted.  Even though they saw with their own eyes they still doubted what they were seeing.

Annette I always appreciate your posts . .  .

Grace and Peace . . . 

ray . . . 

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15 hours ago, Ray12614 said:

Hummm . . . for a 6 year old . . . I might say that grandpa is having such a wonderful time in heaven that he does not want to come back. No more sickness, and very happy. Could explain that it is more of an permenant vacation. Later on, when older, you can share the 3 parts of people - spirit, soul, and body, and how grandpas spirit and soul has gone to be with Jesus, and his body is in the ashes you have.

As far as Thomas is concerned, church history tells us that he went on to evangelize much of Asia (if i am remembering correctly). He doubted, yes, but he did not stay in the faithless condition, he chose to believe what he saw. Remember that when Jesus ascended more than 500 saw him ascend into heaven, but the scriptures also say: But some doubted.  Even though they saw with their own eyes they still doubted what they were seeing.

Annette I always appreciate your posts . .  .

Grace and Peace . . . 

ray . . . 

Thank you Ray for taking the time to share and add insight. I always appreciate learning from others, and hearing what people think.

I appreciate your kindness and support too. 

I tend to learn so much from life experiences and so thought it may be nice to share some of these experiences here. 

Hope you have a great week.

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What i get from Thomas is that he was given proof although he doubted. Jesus said he was blessed but that those who dont have proof yet still believe are blessed too. That helped me. Not sure if i understand the scripture properly but those are my thoughts.

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I can relate to doubts and seeking of surety.  I was often worried about it, having been taught from childhood that doubting was a sin. Then I ran across the story of Gideon in Judges 6. Gideon asked for a sign from the Lord so that he would know it was Him. 


36 Gideon said to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised— 37 look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said.” 38 And that is what happened. Gideon rose early the next day; he squeezed the fleece and wrung out the dew—a bowlful of water.

39 Then Gideon said to God, “Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece, but this time make the fleece dry and let the ground be covered with dew.” 40 That night God did so. Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew.

 I especially like the beginning of vs39, "Do not be angry with me...allow me one more test with the fleece..."

Man, that is one statement I can recall making many times, since childhood , when conversing with God. " Don't be angry with me, but...".

  Can you imagine the great relief I felt when, as a young adult, I ran across Gideon 6? I'm OK with  asking for assurance and even reassurance because He is ok with it.

  I'm 64yrs old now. I gotta tell you, what a most delightful experience I had when I read your article. I was flooded with the memories of those times. Childhood memories of long walks while in discussions with my friend, God.  

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