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The Three Earthquakes of Revelation



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The Three Earthquakes of Revelation

Some people believe and teach that the the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls of Revelation all take place concurrently. Others teach that only the Trumpets and Bowls are concurrent, and are part of the Seventh Seal. There are many reasons why neither of these things is possible, when all of the other scriptures, particularly the Old Testament prophecies, are taken into account. I will mention just one item here: the three earthquakes of Revelation.

As I show in the blog post The Exodus and the End Times, all the significant events of the Exodus were types and shadows of the Day of the LORD. Therefore, it is noteworthy that three different large earthquakes also took place during the Exodus era. Here are the Exodus-era types, and their Day of the LORD fulfillments:

1) The Exodus, at Mount Sinai: Thick darkness, earthquake, God’s trumpet/shofar sounding. The LORD descended upon Mount Sinai in clouds of smoke; most people cowered away from his Presence. But those who were ready went up into his Presence. Ex. 19:16f.; 20:18

1) 6th Seal: Thick darkness, earthquake, God’s trumpet/shofar sounding. Jesus descends in the clouds; most people are greatly afraid and hide themselves. But those who are ready go up into his Presence. Rev. 6:12-17; 1 Thes. 4:16; Matt. 24:29-30

2) During the Exodus sojourn in the wilderness: Moses and Aaron, after having prophesied and performed similar miracles as the Two Witnesses of Relation 11, were confronted and accused by Korah and others. The LORD then validated their ministry, killing thousands of their adversaries by earthquake, fire and plague. Num. 16; Ex. 7-10

2) 6th Trumpet, Priestly Section: The Two Witnesses prophesy, burn their enemies with fire, turn waters to blood, and smite the earth with plagues. They are accused and attacked by the Beast and others. God publicly validates their ministry by raising them from the dead; an earthquake then kills thousands. Rev. 11:3-13

3) After the Exodus, in Canaan: Joshua – Yeshua – and the Israelites defeated the many armies gathered together against them on ‘the day the sun stood still.’ “[T]he earth trembled and shook” amidst a great storm (Jasher 89:15), and great hailstones fell from heaven. The Canaanite armies were routed and slaughtered, and their kings were captured alive and “cast into” a cave. Josh. 10

3) 7th Bowl: “[T]hunderings and lightnings…a mighty and great earthquakegreat hail from heaven.” Jesus – Yeshua – and the armies of heaven descend to destroy the armies gathered together against them. The Beast and the False Prophet are captured alive, and “cast into” the lake of fire. Rev. 16:17-21; 19:11-21

All the events of the Exodus which foreshadow events of the End Times were sequential in time. There are no scriptures that prove the events of the End Times will not likewise be sequential. On the contrary, the three examples above show that each of these End Time earthquakes will take place under completely different circumstances.

Addenda: For “those who dwell upon the earth” (Rev. 3:10; 6:10; 11:10; 13:8, 12, 14 (2); 14:6; 17:8), the Seals-Trumpets-Bowls, and likewise the three earthquakes, will occur separately and sequentially over time. But for the ones in the heavenly realms of Everywhen, the Seals-Trumpets-Bowls (and all other events of history) are eternally everywhen. This is the realm in which God dwells, and into which prophets visit during their visions of the future. Because all events – past-present-future – already exist there. (And don’t ask me to explain that!)

In this one sense only are those correct who speak of the Trumpets and Bowls being simultaneous. But for “those who dwell upon the earth” in time, the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls will occur separately and sequentially over a period of many years.


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