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Steps to the Mark. Summary & Diagram. (2)

Marilyn C



In this transition time every part of Society - governments, businesses, public and private organisations, health, schools, charities, etc as well as each person, will be directed towards working together to `change the world.`


The `enemy` is clearly set out as `fossil fuels, animal production, inequality between people, and wrong governance,` among other things. The ultimate goal is revealed as a more `sustainable, back to nature,` world.


Many of the older generation can see through this sham, however it is the Millennials, those born this century who have been indoctrinated into this philosophy. They have the zeal, and the desire to be involved in a great cause to make their life worthwhile. They will use all their tech savvy skills to promote this agenda across all aspects of society and the world.


The Global infrastructure to support these changes is being put in place - signing of commitments to work towards `resetting,` the economy, rewriting business goals, implementing new laws to require mandatory compliant behaviour by the public    


The final `motivation` will be where people spend their money. The `moral` attitude, to be seen to be helping the `planet` will ensure that peer pressure directs the public towards the `Sustainable Development Goals.` This then seems like the public are in `control, and that this is what they desire.   


The clarion cry is `Working together, we can change the world.` So what will that change look like?




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i guess with technology it was bound to happen. its taken a while for technology to line up, i imagine, otherwise we would have been at this juncture a long time ago.

just takes a war ,to further develop technology that starts out in the fields of war and, then comes into the mainstream. you have to wonder about the timing as some of this technology might have been around for a while and only now ....slowly we are conditioned to receive it into our modern lives a lot of it is helpful but .......

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Yes you`re so right - war and now being conditioned. 

Tools (& technology) are helpful, but only in the right hands.

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