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Steps to the Mark. Step 7. The Global Currency.

Marilyn C



Step 7. The Global Currency.

As the American dollar value collapses during the Transition time, and all the world`s currencies with it, there will arise from the `ashes` the new world currency. 




To encourage more use of the Special Drawing Rights, (SDR`s) the International Monetary Fund, (IMF) will offer a once only exchange of U.S. dollars held in a nation`s reserve, for the SDR`s. This will in effect make the nation`s currency a digital version of the SDR.


The Central Banks of the world will thus have their digital currency backed by the International Monetary Fund`s (IMF) Special Drawing Rights. (SDR`s)


This in effect makes the IMF the `Lender of last resort` for the world. The IMF`s Special Drawing Rights, (SDR`s) will be held by every country`s Central Bank giving the IMF the power to create the money of the world - a world currency.





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 wasnt this scheduled to happen  this month? this event regarding the digital currency. The only thing is that America has to fall first and so they already in plain sight ...unless of course they are prophets!!

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America wont `fall` as in collapse, but the power will gradually move to the IMF. 

The great Reset is only the public announcement of their plans to reset the world. It will take governments, business, public & private companies etc to all come on board and apply themselves to the agenda. That is why it will be a `transition` time for it takes time for people to plan and direct their company, finances, study etc towards the great reset projects.


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ha!... have you heard.... i have heard this a few months back, that Trump will have a second term its been prophesied. well lets see shall we. all things are possible with God All things!!

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Yes people are prophesying this and that. Not going to happen. We are on the free fall to the bottom, which is the collapse of our economic system and bringing in the new, all connected to the IMF. 

The Father is bringing all the nations to His Son for judgment. (Ps. 110: 1) We pray for leaders to be a righteous voice, and for them to come to salvation, but the world`s system in under the sway of the evil one, (1 John 5: 19) and as it is exposed God will judge it.

Christians get caught up in the nations affairs, and want some one to make their life `Peace & Safety.` Not going to happen.

The Body of Christ is being brought to maturity, (Eph. 4: 13 - 16) and that is our focus. Yes we are to know what is happening, but not get caught up in the nation`s political systems.

The spirit of prophecy is JESUS. (Rev. 19: 10) I grew up with Apostles and Prophets, and their messages were often an hour long, and concerning Christ Jesus. The Apostle would expound upon the word given. I have my grandmother`s copies of the conventions with wonderful messages from the prophets, and about the Lord, not fortune telling this and that, tickling people`s ears and taking people`s focus off the Lord. 

I believe, most prophetic words on the internet are false.

Hope that is helpful. 

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