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The Lord`s Feasts - 2025- 2032.

Marilyn C


                            2025 - 2032


If the year 2025 is when the tribulation could start then we can look up a Jewish calendar with the solar (our) calendar dates.

Prior to the tribulation is the Russian Federation at the Golan Heights outside Israel. The believers in Christ are then raptured. God deals with the Russian army and the others joining it. Then the world clamours for `Peace and Safety.`

The Peace Treaty. 12th March 2025. (12th Adar 1.) A man from Islam steps in and makes a peace treaty with Israel. The tribulation has begun.


Israel`s Sacrifices. 18th October 2025. (26th Tishrei) For seven months the people of Israel search out the bones of the great army and bury them in a valley. Then when there are no more found for 10 days they begin their sacrifices to God after 2000 years.


The Anti-Christ. 4th July 2028 (10th Tammuz) The man who made the Peace Treaty will be made the Global leader. He deceives the world and they acclaim him as God. He rules for 42 months, 1,260 days. He puts an end to Israel`s sacrifices.


The Abomination. 3rd July 2028  (11th Av) A month later this man known as the anti-Christ gets an image of himself erected in Israel`s holy sanctuary, in God`s place. This is an abomination to the people of Israel. The people flee to the hills, mourning the desecration of their Temple.


Jesus` Return. 14th December 2031 (29th Kislev) Jesus returns with His mighty angel army, in power and great glory. He deals with the world`s armies surrounding Jerusalem and delivers the people of Israel. When Jesus reveals Himself to the people they go into mourning.


The Temple Rededication. 28th January 2032 (15 Shevat) After a month of morning the Priests cleanse and rededicate the temple and sanctuary.


National Celebrations. 27th March 2032 (15th Adar) The people celebrate their national deliverance in Jerusalem.





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Unless I am mistaken things are definitely hotting up somewhat. So many nations have more nuclear weapons than ever before control has been lost to containing this nuclear stockpiling. so life will never go back to what it was. Unless every country has an iron dome but I don’t imagine they can stop nuclear weapons.


I have noticed that you have the specific dates! I have no idea…as I haven’t researched …still so much to learn. The February date is interesting 22-02-22

now the February date is so close and the Federation  war that is imminent. How long does it go on for? i forgot as i seem to recall that the Ezek 38 war takes just one day but i might be confused. The Ezek 38 war is the 2nd war after the Federation war if i have got that correct.

many nations are starting to default on their debts. 18 October might be an interesting date in regards to Americas debt default. and i imagine other nations around the globe

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Yes you are so right about things hotting up. However we know that God is in control and while the nations are being brought to judgment, (Ps. 110: 1) God will not let them blow up His world .

Now I did write IF the trib, is next year. You see in God`s word the dates are on the Jewish calendar and that changes each year when put on our solar calendar. The two are different. However I looked up a Jewish site and they have the two calendar dates on the same page, which makes it easier. 

And yes I thought the 22-02-22 was interesting.

About the Ezekiel war.

We will see the Russian Federation, plus Iran, Ethiopia and Libya gathering near the Golan Heights, north of Israel. it is then we know we are about to go. For when the army enters the land of Israel it is the beginning of the Day of the Lord, which we are not a part of. Then the war will probably go on for a few days as they have to go up on the mountains and then God rains down on them, hail, and rain and brimstone. They end up killing each other. (Ez. 38: 21 & 22)

The Ez. 38 & 39 war is the beginning war while Armageddon is the end war of the trib.

Thanks for the info about the default on debts. All leading to the IMF being the Lender of last resort for the world and not the US dollar.

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