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The Lord`s Feasts - 2025- 2032.

2025 - 2032   If the year 2025 is when the tribulation could start then we can look up a Jewish calendar with the solar (our) calendar dates. Prior to the tribulation is the Russian Federation at the Golan Heights outside Israel. The believers in Christ are then raptured. God deals with the Russian army and the others joining it. Then the world clamours for `Peace and Safety.` The Peace Treaty. 12th March 2025. (12th Adar 1.) A man from Islam steps in and makes a peace treat

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - Summary of Main Events.

SUMMARY OF MAIN EVENTS The Peace Treaty - Adar (1 & 2)                                                                                                                      The month of Adar is the time of rejoicing of deliverance from enemies. It is the last month of the Jewish year and the happiest in the calendar. This rejoicing will be after God deals with the Russian Federation on Israel`s mountains. The Peace treaty will be made soon after the celebrations. Every 2 - 3 years t

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - Dates of Festivals.

Dates of Festivals.   The Key point here is to count out the days and see where they are on the Jewish calendar. These relate to the Jewish Festivals and the days from the rule of the anti-Christ.   Anti-Christ `s Image -  9th Av (Temple Desecration) The anti-Christ gets an image of himself set up in the Jewish Temple. This is the abomination of desolation, placing himself in place of God. (Rev. 13: 14 & 15) This occurs exactly on the 9th of Av, which is the Jewish g

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - Months.

Months.  The Key point here is that God has given specific numbers of days for certain events. These are found in Daniel 12: 4 - 13. When we know the reason for the 1,335th day, then the date becomes clear from scripture. Working back, we can place all the other days within their Jewish months. This gives us a clear picture of what God is doing at certain times, just as He prophesied.   I_____________________I (1,260 days - anti-Christ`s rule till Jesus` Return)  

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - Tribulation.

Tribulation. The Key point here is that the Tribulation is shorter than the seven years of chastisement for Israel. So how do we measure that?  Anti-Christ - rules for 1,260 days.   The Peace negotiator who made the Peace Treaty with Israel at the beginning of the 7 years, sets out to deceive the world. He appears to be mortally wounded and die. However, he seems to miraculously come `alive` again.  All the world worships him and Satan. He was given authority to rule for 42 months

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - Times & Dates - Israel`s 7 Years.

Israel`s 7 years. The Key point here is that God has given Israel 7 more years to complete its chastisement. This chastisement is to finish their 70 x 7 years (490), because of their rebellion against God, in not obeying Him. `Seventy weeks (unit of 7) are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, (national rebellion)..& to anoint the Most Holy, (sanctuary)` (Dan. 9: 24) 483 years have been up to the time of Christ, and then Israel`s purpo

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - 7 years and Beyond - Fulfillment.

7 Years & Beyond: Fulfillment. The first two commemorative times are fulfilled during the 7 years, while the last one is fulfilled after the 7 years.  They are key times that affect Israel`s temple and national deliverance.   Tisha B`Av - Mourning. Israel will again mourn her sin and the desecration of their Holy Temple. The Global Leader, the anti-Christ, will get an image of himself set up in the Holy Place on this exact day of national mourning. This is the fulfilling

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - 7 Years and Beyond: History.

7 years & Beyond: History These commemorative times are from events in Jewish history. They are mentioned in scripture; however they are not as well known as the main Festivals, appointed times.   Tisha B`Av - Mourning.  17th of Tammuz - 9th of Av) This is a Three Week annual mourning period that falls out in the summer, from 17th day of Tammuz to the 9th Av. This is when Israel mourns the destruction of the Holy Temple and the launch into a still ongoing exile. Isra

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - TimeLine and Overview.

I have added more detail than the Feasts, however a study from God`s word does reveal - - when the Holy Spirit was sent to establish the Body of Christ. (John 16: 13) - when Christ comes to take His body to His throne in glory. (Rev. 3: 21) - This time frame is called the Day of Christ, plus the specific day when Christ appears for His Body. (1 Thess. 4: 14 - 17) - when the Lord brings judgments upon the rebellious throughout the tribulation. (Joel 2 & 3, Rev. 8 & 9 ff) -

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - Fulfillment.

Fulfillment. These feasts, convocations are God`s Prophetic Calendar from Calvary to the Kingdom, rule of the Lord through Israel. They are solemn appointed or set time. Some are appointed days and some appointed weeks. Collectively, the feasts of the Lord form the divine appointed calendar with Jerusalem as the meeting place. (Isa. 33: 20) Passover  This feast foreshadowed the Jewish Messiah as the Passover Lamb. The Hebrew prophet Isaiah spoke of the Messiah in terms of the Pass

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - God`s Purpose - History.

History. `The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are my feasts.` (Lev. 13: 2) Convocations - an assembly, a rehearsal of the past, but looking to the future fulfillment. Passover  This commemorated Israel`s deliverance from Egypt. Each family celebrated the deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt, and symbolically re-enacted the first Passover as they ate their own special meal. The celebration continued for seven days as

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

The Lord`s Feasts - Overview.

OVERVIEW.   `All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.` (2 Tim. 3: 16 & 17) All scripture is for us to read and learn from however, it is not all about us. God has purposes for three groups - the Body of Christ, for Israel and for the Nations. The Lord`s Feasts are mainly to do with God`s purpose for Israel.

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Israel.

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