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Everything posted by Snowdoove

  1. Hi! It is so amazing to me how one topic, can have so many sub-titles. When I wrote this topic, I was just wondering about who the anti-christ might be. Write names down today and when the anti-christ does surface, you have something to look back on. If you have your head in the Bible 24/7, when do you have the time to do as Jesus requested of us: Feed the poor, give water, give clothing, help the widows in your neighbourhood, visit hospitals and prisons. :hug: There are limits to everything. :t: Snowdoove
  2. I am what people call a Professional Crafter. The projects that I am working on these days is woodburning, walking sticks and burning a pattern into slices of trees. I do alot of Indian patterns and some country. I just finished one tree slice. A friend came over, saw it and bought it. Nice! This is what I am up to with my hobby. (Daytime) The evening of the week, I research on the internet. I study this forum and others. Snowdoove
  3. Thanks everyone for responding. For the few of you, who didn't really put your city name down, would you try again. I get alittle confused when trying to figure 150 miles East of whatever. Also I see a few of you have been enjoying a chit chat back and forth. Snowdoove
  4. re: Oil Crisis Our Government Knows this is going to happen. It has started already with crude oil $46.75 a barrel. The Saudis have acknowledged the coming oil crisis. Publicly they say that their kingdom can meet the World's oil needs for decades to come. Privatley they sing a different tune. They have a saying; My father rode a camel. I drive a car. My son flies a jet airplane, His son will ride a camel. Interessted in reading more go to: www.lifeaftertheoilcrash,net/Introduction.html. You can do your own search by going to Google, and type in Oil Peak. You are not going to like what you will read! :x: Snowdoove
  5. Greetings! I would like to know where everyone lives. As example, I live in Rockford, Michigan. Rockford, is the home to Hush Puppy Shoes, Wolverine Shoe Co. Rockford has a small business area. It also has a dam, on the Rogue River. Rockford has 6 churches. 6 Pizza Places, 6 Fine Dining, 3 bars and 2 Gas stations. I would like to put a map together of everyone's residence and then put it on the forum. You don't have to say anthing about your town, if you don't care too. Looking forward to your response! Snowdoove
  6. Greetings! I believe that Malachi was talking to the Jews in regards to tithing. As a Christian I believe in giving. I am a widow and I am on a fix income. I know it says to help widows in the Bible. However, no one is knocking on my door. So I help people who are lest fortune then me. Actually, I have neighbours who come to me to borrow money. The strange thing here, is they make twice the amount I do per month. Some Pastors teach tithing and other Pastors teach giving. You do what you have to do and leave the rest to Jesus. I am amazed, at how I make it thru the month. Snowdoove
  7. Hi! I noticed that Idaho had it's first earthquake last week. I try to keep up with the earthquakes and other signs of the times. Snowdoove
  8. Are we going to loose our water sources? Snowdoove
  9. Are there any Doctors, Lawyers or Native American Chiefs on this board? If you don't fit into the statment above -then what is your occupation? I was a Certified Nurses Aide. Now Retired..... Snowdoove
  10. What does King Abdullah II have to do with end time prophecy? In some articles I have read, the authors shared that we should keep track of this King. Snowdoove
  11. Greetings! I read a Commentary by Kathryn Sinzger of the Common Denominator, Washington's Independent newspaper. If you haven't been to OUR Nation's Capital, don't bother making the trip these days. If you must go there don't take your camera. Kathryn decides to go out and get Pictures she needed for her writings. She jumps in her car, only to find the traffic backed up and crawling on Fourth Street NE. (Fourth Street NE is closer to the Capital) She decides to find a parking spot in the residental area on Maryland Dr. She gets out of her car and walks toward the Capital. She didn't have a route planned so she walked toward 2nd Street. Where she encountered the first new roadblocks. She watched the police has they glanced at one car after the other. So much for heightened security, she says. She decides to head toward the House side of the Hill. As she walks behind the US Supreme Court building, she notices that private homes are caught behind the barricades. (She wonders how will an ambulance or fire truck get thru this mess) She continues to walk on toward the US Capital on East Capital Street. She tells about how she notices the street signs- "Independence First," it seems to say. She takes her camera out and begins to take pictures. She thinks how ironic it is tht streets called "Independence" and "Constitution" are now the site of police checkpoints that impede the free movement of vehicles. She takes more pictures catching "Do Not Enter" and "Stop". Nearby, two marked US Capital Police cars had hopped the curb and were parked across the grass by the US Botanic Garden. She takes their pictures. She decides it is time to get back to her office. She walked along the West Front of the Capital and realized there weren't many tourists. While she is waiting for a light, she hears two police officers asking drivers of two vans---one of them a church van---where they were going. She wondered why the answer to that question mattered. She reaches First Street NorthEast. She pulls out her camera and begins to take more pictures. She saw another checkpoint. Before she new it an officer approached her. Telling her she couldn't stand in the half blocked street and take pictures. She moves on after giving the officer her two cents on the matter of taking pictures from where she stood. She crosses D street, pulls out her camera, takes more pictures, walks to the curb to wait for the walking light. The light turns and she precedes to walk across the street. Half way across she hears someone calling her "Miss!" A US Police Officer was addressing her. She offered a handshake to the officer, told him who she was and to whom she worked for. He asked for her ID. She gave him her ID and press card. She was told to wait. The Officer walked away from her carrying her ID cards in his hand. The officer returns to her and tells her she must wait for the "task Force ' person to arrive. She asks the officer , If he treats the tourist and residents who take pictures this way!" The Officer says, "Yes!" Kathryn asks the officer, Are you under orders to do this? He replys "Yes!" Kathryn continues to protest her detention and suggests he call his chief to check her out. A few moments go by and then the officer says She is free to go. She has to ask again for her "ID". She returns to her office to find out that a fellow Journalist was also detentied. However, the police took his camera away from him. Kathryn is angry and becomes angrier as she listens to her reporter. Any possible consideration of a "reasonable" explanation four their treatment at the hands of the Capital police evaporated, along with her tears four their loss of freedom. :t: What happened to them---and similar treatment that may happen to others, both US. citizens and foreign tourist---is wrong. You may want to contact Kathryn if you are making plans to visit Washington D.C. You may contact Kathryn Sinzinger at: editor@thecommondenominator.com. :x: Snowdoove
  12. Dad Ernie~ Your comments are interesting. Where can I find out more about this? I hope you are enjoying your summer! Snowdoove
  13. I read an article, where the people who are pushing the NWO, want others to believe the process of Evolution. So the NWO can refer to us, We The People, as animals. This allows some kind of detachment, from being a human being. Must have to do with mind control. Snowdoove
  14. I agree. If you miss one or two days, you have some work cut out for you. Even using My Assistant doesn't find all of my posts. Sometimes I just play hit and miss. Snowdoove
  15. Hi! More Good News! The Doctor who is Chief of staff of the Grand Rapids VA emailed the Chief of Staff Doctor at Ann Arbor VA. A man by the name of Steve phoned and left his message on my voice mail. I returned his call today however this is Saturday and advised him to call me Monday in the am. Don't hold your breath on this ---however I may just get my surgery in August, GOD willing! I'll let everyone know after I find out. Snowdoove
  16. Some Good News~ I went down to the Grand Rapids VA and spoke with the patient Rep Denise. She told me that if she didn't hear something by tomorrow, she would go and tell to the Chief of Staff for that VA. I told I wanted her to go and see him today. That I have waited 8 months already. So I went looking for the Chief of Staff. He wasn't in today so I talked with the next person in line. I explained my plight with her. I told her the operation is for my service connected knee. She called Denise and suggested that she see the Chief of Staff early tomorrow morning. The Chief is a Doctor. He will call the Chief of Staff in Ann Arbor. If nothing comes of this then I can go to another plan where the VA will pay the bill for me to have it done in Grand Rapids with my seculiar Doc. So I made of head way. So One-Way, GOD heard your prayer. Thanks! Snowdoove :t:
  17. Hi! As you well know I have been trying to have a Total Knee Replacement on my right knee. As of today I am not even on the surgery list. The Doctor's assistant Jim says he will get back with us, that was yesterday. If you can't take the word of a Doc to be true, then I wonder what kind of a surgeon he is. I am pretty much blown away by this. Now about the pain. I don't usually come on here and talk about the pain I am having. However, it is there 100% per day. I am sorry but I can't even continue with this. :oww: I hope everyone is doing great! Snowdoove
  18. re: Does anyone know anything about the Palestinan Canon? Snowdoove
  19. Is? or was? The tribe of Dan was one of the 10 northern tribes that were taken to Assyria. Your guess as to where they are now is as good as anybodies. Thre is a theory (Anglo-Israel) that speculates they are the current inhabitants of Denmark. The tribe's portion of the land was on the shore at Joppa, just north of Judah, south and west of Ephraim. They took another portion from the Sidonians at the northern boundry of Palestine and named it Dan. Old Timer~ Within my research, I have read about the Tribe of Dan living in Denmark too. Sort of a small world, as the saying goes. Snowdoove
  20. Cats~ It must matter to some since there are many articles on this subject. Snowdoove
  21. Greetings~ The tribe of Dan is located where? Snowdoove
  22. Hi! Thank you for your answer. It is very interesting. Snowdoove
  23. Do you think the Antichrist will be Black or White? :x:
  24. re: Wha Do You Know about the Falasha Jews of Ethiopia?
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